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Assocham wants India to bypass Pakistan for gas pipeline with Iran

Way off the mark

Pakistan now among 95 countries to have met sanitation MDG: UN report - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

"The number of people defecating in the open in the country has been reduced from 46 million to 25 million during the last decade, the report says."

Pakistan's population is 182 million at present

That makes it 13.7%

Now coming to India

This is from 30th of Aug, 2015

Paid to poo: Combating open defecation in India - BBC News

"more than 590m people - relieve themselves in the open."

India's population is 1.25 billion

That makes it around 50%.....it isn't even close !!!

Now these are the latest figures from the U.N from this year

And we are improving much faster

Here is from one of your own newspapers

Pakistan improving sanitation way faster than India: Study - timesofindia-economictimes

"NEW YORK: Pakistan has left India far behind in terms of improving water and sanitation access for their citizens, reveals a new performance index released on Friday.

While Pakistan was ranked five in the new index developed by The Water Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Gillings School of Global Public Health in the US, India occupied an unenviable 92nd position."

My mistake. 41 Million. Thats 22% of your population.
The dirty truth: 41 million Pakistanis without toilets - Blogs - DAWN.COM

Here is another. Half of your population lives below the poverty line.
Over half of Pakistan lives under poverty line: Dar - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

All this is your media. Before you point at us go and clean your house. The number of people we remove from poverty every ten years is equal to more than 50% of your whole population. That's how fast we are going. Does that give you a sense of scale? Pakistan with its smaller population still not able to bridge this. This should tell you what a ridiculous situation Pakistan is in.

Not to mention the for rent armed forces, for rent wild life, for rent Shia killers. On the topic of your 'Think Tank' talking about foreign policy and other rubbish, the Pakistani establishment is nothing but a pittance in terms of our policies and relationships with other countries. The only thing common between you and Iran is Islam. That too, where Pakistani establishment openly supported murdering of Shias, by protecting the perpetrators of the crime.
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My mistake. 41 Million. Thats 22% of your population.
The dirty truth: 41 million Pakistanis without toilets - Blogs - DAWN.COM

Here is another. Half of your population lives below the poverty line.
Over half of Pakistan lives under poverty line: Dar - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

All this is your media. Before you point at us go and clean your house. The number of people we remove from poverty every ten years is equal to more than 50% of your whole population. That's how fast we are going. Does that give you a sense of scale? Pakistan with its smaller population still not able to bridge this. This should tell you what a ridiculous situation Pakistan is in.

Not to mention the for rent armed forces, for rent wild life, for rent Shia killers. On the topic of your 'Think Tank' talking about foreign policy and other rubbish, the Pakistani establishment is nothing but a pittance in terms of our policies and relationships with other countries. The only thing common between you and Iran is Islam. That too, where Pakistani establishment openly supported murdering of Shias, by protecting the perpetrators of the crime.

I quoted a UN report from July of this year not some blog.

As for poverty there is already a thread today about the real situation regarding that in Bharat.

You may fool some naive goras with your fancy figures and fancy slogans but we know all about your bhooki nangi nation.

The rest of your post is the standard rant of a frustrated Bharti on a Pakistani forum not even worth a reply.
I quoted a UN report from July of this year not some blog.

As for poverty there is already a thread today about the real situation regarding that in Bharat.

You may fool some naive goras with your fancy figures and fancy slogans but we know all about your bhooki nangi nation.

The rest of your post is the standard rant of a frustrated Bharti on a Pakistani forum not even worth a reply.
Oh please.

When it suits you, you quote UN. When not, its not applicable? UNCLOS not applicable. UN states do? Please.

We don't need to fool the goras. You need to. With your for rent army and for rent wild life and for rent terrorists.

The 'rant' is to show you, what you people actually are. R for Rent. A TT who needs to go to economic indicators, because you chaps are unable to prove UNCLOS wrong or are unable to stop our policies from going forward. This clearly shows where the frustration levels are.

Btw, our bhooki nangi country still does not need to rent out our army and wild life. Nor does it get pounded by bombs by another country. So that should show you where you stand. And I am sure you cannot reply to all this.
Oh please.

When it suits you, you quote UN. When not, its not applicable? UNCLOS not applicable. UN states do? Please.

We don't need to fool the goras. You need to. With your for rent army and for rent wild life and for rent terrorists.

The 'rant' is to show you, what you people actually are. R for Rent. A TT who needs to go to economic indicators, because you chaps are unable to prove UNCLOS wrong or are unable to stop our policies from going forward. This clearly shows where the frustration levels are.

Btw, our bhooki nangi country still does not need to rent out our army and wild life. Nor does it get pounded by bombs by another country. So that should show you where you stand. And I am sure you cannot reply to all this.

What do you do when 590 million people in your country are pooping in the streets???
You stay indoors and rant on a Pakistani forum :lol:
What do you do when 590 million people in your country are pooping in the streets???
You stay indoors and rant on a Pakistani forum
What to do when foreigners come and kill your wild life, allies come and bomb you and then you get paid for it all? come and remove frustration on forum :D
Weak comeback :coffee:

Atleast be original 8-)
No other response? Why be original when the truth hurts enough? Water car, wildlife, Sunni Shia riots, blood money to release killers, rent a militia......on and on and on...
No other response? Why be original when the truth hurts enough? Water car, wildlife, Sunni Shia riots, blood money to release killers, rent a militia......on and on and on...

There have been no Sunni-Shia riots on a scale which is comparable to the anti-Muslim riots in Bharat.
Lets get this straight !
You elected a guy to the highest office in your country who was responsible for the anti-Islam riots in Gujarat in which more than a thousand Muslims were burnt/hacked.

Last month we killed the head of LeJ along with his sons and comrades responsible for hurting our Shia brothers and sisters.

If Pakistan starts electing the likes of LeJ which is the Pakistani equivalent to BJP than you can talk until than better to zip it.

As for bringing up these petty issues like wild life....water car !

Should i start with India???

Ummmm ra..

Leave it !

I am not going to quote you again tonight.
There have been no Sunni-Shia riots on a scale which is comparable to the anti-Muslim riots in Bharat.
Lets get this straight !

Hm...actually, the number is in thousands, as per the HRW. Feel free to read their reports.

You elected a guy to the highest office in your country who was responsible for the anti-Islam riots in Gujarat in which more than a thousand Muslims were burnt/hacked.
Nope. Again farting. The government in power was the congress. They found no evidence. You can keep talking in the air. I would go with the SC judgement when a rabid anti-Modi central government was in power.

Last month we killed the head of LeJ along with his sons and comrades responsible for hurting our Shia brothers and sisters.
He was protected by your state apparatus. Want me to post photos of the same? You protect a person who kills thousands of your citizens and then kill him to show the world your 'terror' drive. Nobody gets fooled. Except, Pakistanis like you.

If Pakistan starts electing the likes of LeJ which is the Pakistani equivalent to BJP than you can talk until than better to zip it.
Actually, LeJ was a funded instrument of your state establishment. And gues what they specialised in? Killing Shias! Your supposed brothers! It is no comparison indeed to the BJP. If you do not know what you are farting about, better to keep quiet.

As for bringing up these petty issues like wild life....water car !
Petty issues? It was your TTA who came and farted on this thread. So expect responses. For you, wild life hunting by Gulf royals seems small. No wonder, everybody takes your country's soverignty for granted.

Should i start with India???

Oh please proceed. Unfortunately, you cannot. So, shove your shame where the sun does not shine and go to sleep.
Ummmm ra..

Leave it !

I am not going to quote you again tonight.

So sad, but am sure you cannot. Better go and discuss with Pakistanis who will listen to you
I agree with you 100%. It is time to bury the hatchet and move full speed to complete these pipeline projects. Pakistan should come on board to honour its commitments to providing security and peace in the region. Without peace these projects will remain a pipe dream.

It wasn't us who backed out of the IPI in the first place ! It was india that backed out under US pressure or maybe your domestic politics!

There is a difference between a political boundary and a geographic feature
dumbass read the UNCLOS articles 58 about the continental shelf and "consent" required from the coastal state... Continental shelf isn't a "political" boundary ..
Please. Taking your logic forward, Shia deaths in Pakistan are just an occurence right? Keep your convoluted logic of Indian foreign policy and Indo US relations to your desk. To give you an example, there is a corridor being built from Russia to Iran, with India. Are you aware of this? Talking about poverty 46% and above of your citizens too don't have access to toilets. Why don't you go clean up their houses before coming and talking non sense on forums.

I can "rape" you with that stats alone... Cibsidering you are the poorest state kb the world map and the back shittiest wet sanitation and clean water etc... So stop whining.
Also, the country which loans its armed forces for rent is Pakistan.
Is that why you monkeys were jumping in that UAE thread?
The country which loans its wild life as game to rich sheikhs is Pakistan
Your new found arab husbands have been banned from hunting... (They were issues licsense in the past).
. The country which kills Shias left right and centre while backing their perpetrators was Pakistan.
We are the second largest shia country which has had several shia military chiefs Aswell as head of state .. A country at war... What's your accuse ? You monkeys are gang raping,hacking and killing eachother not just in the basis of religion but also caste and creed ! . So STFU.

The country which loans its territory to foreign forces is Pakistan.
is that why india loaned her territory to US to spy on China? Is that why Singaporeans have a base in india?

Your inability to have an independent foreign policy is causing you to rant against India. We have a far superior policy to protect our interest compared to the nincompoops who run what is a disgrace of a foreign service to any nation.

Lmao.. We just backed off from Yemen conflict,Bought weapons from Russia,Held military ex with KSA,started work on IPP,improved ties with US... Offered Iran to join CPEC and more... How's your bitching and moaning about isolating PAKISTAN working?
dumbass read the UNCLOS articles 58 about the continental shelf and "consent" required from the coastal state... Continental shelf isn't a "political" boundary ..



Rights and duties of other States in the exclusive economic zone

1. In the exclusive economic zone, all States, whether coastal or land-locked, enjoy, subject to the relevant provisions of this Convention, the freedoms referred to in article 87 of navigation and overflight and of the laying of submarine cables and pipelines, and other internationally lawful uses of the sea related to these freedoms, such as those associated with the operation of ships, aircraft and submarine cables and pipelines, and compatible with the other provisions of this Convention.

2. Articles 88 to 115 and other pertinent rules of international law apply to the exclusive economic zone in so far as they are not incompatible with this Part.

3. In exercising their rights and performing their duties under this Convention in the exclusive economic zone, States shall have due regard to the rights and duties of the coastal State and shall comply with the laws and regulations adopted by the coastal State in accordance with the provisions of this Convention and other rules of international law in so far as they are not incompatible with this Part.


It doesnt look like Pakistan can suddenly make a law that no pipelines are allowed in our EEZ, or make regulations for those pipelines....as there is no provision for this under the UNCLOS.

At most Pakistan can take the case to arbitration at international court, where like Baglihar dam, it will come out in favour of India as usual (with maybe one or two restrictions on pipeline diameter etc...for environmental consideration if Pakistan decides to pursue that line of it).

Of course thats the way it looks to me as I read it.

Maybe a legal expert can shed some light into this some more?
Its Necessary to meet the increasing demand of oil and gas in India
30 Aug, 2015

India must fully exploit the economic opportunities from lifting of western sanctions on Iran and bypass Pakistan for import of natural gas from Iran, according to Assocham.

NEW DELHI: India must fully exploit the economic opportunities from lifting of western sanctions on Iran and bypass Pakistan for import of natural gas from Iran, according to Assocham.

The industry body also suggested that it enhance its merchandise trade with the key West Asian strategic nation through signing of a preferential trade agreement (PTA).

"Lifting of western sanctions on Iran throws up a great opportunity for India to transport natural gas from Iran to Porbandar port in Gujarat, bypassing Pakistan -- the main sticking point for other multilateral projects of Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) and Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI)," it said.

Lifting of the sanctions holds the promise of starting an undersea pipeline project that could bring Iranian gas to India via the Arabian Sea, bypassing Pakistan.

"With the IPI pipeline still stuck and the TAPI pipeline yet to take off, the South Asia Gas Enterprises Pvt(SAGE) has proposed an under sea pipeline bypassing Pakistan's exclusive economic zone (EEZ) to transport up to 1.1 billion standard cubic feet per day of gas from Chabahar in Iran and Ra's al Jifan in Oman to Porbandar in Gujarat with a spur line to Mumbai later.

"The 1,200-1,300 km pipeline is set to cost around US$ 4.5 billion," the chamber pointed out.

India is increasingly looking for opportunities overseas for natural gas. India, according to Assocham, needs to resurrect Iranian oil and gas projects stalled due to the international sanctions.

The consortium of Indian public sector companies - ONGC Videsh, Oil India and India Oil Corporation - had discovered gas in the Farzad-B block in Iran in 2008 and subsequently, prepared a field development plan to recover about 12.8 trillion cubic feet of gas.

The plan had to be abandoned following sanctions on Iran. India has already spent US$ 90 million on exploration, Assocham said.

"Given the kind of serious political problems, the proposed pipeline projects involving Pakistan, it is feared, may remain a pipe dream. All other viable alternatives to enhance India's energy security must be explored," Assocham Secretary General D S Rawat said.

The SAGE pipeline, also called Middle East to India Deepwater Pipeline (MEIDP) project, would start from Chabahar on the southern coast of Iran and Ra's Al Jifan on the Oman coast. The pipeline, which would run deep in the Arabian Sea, would bring gas to Porbandar in South Gujarat.

The association pushed for a PTA with Iran, citing the example of one with Pakistan that has boosted its exports to Iran and increased bilateral trade as well.

The Pak-Iran trade saw considerable progress during the first three years of the PTA i.e. from 2006-07 to 2008-09 in which bilateral trade rose to an unprecedented level of US$ 1,321.32 million from US$ 573.76 million.

Assocham wants India to bypass Pakistan for gas pipeline with Iran - The Economic Times


Who is this guy Asss-o-cham ?
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