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Behaviour of Indian Minister with a Muslim Actor.

It is ironic that the fanatic Hindu minister is insisting on calling India Hindustan, which is in fact a foreign i.e. Persian name for India. India itself is a European. In fact India ceased to exist after the creation of Pakistan. The real indigenous name of the country is Bharat and I don't know why they don't use it.

No wonder McDonald sales have fallen due to ban how can one not love this burger
It is ironic that the fanatic Hindu minister is insisting on calling India Hindustan, which is in fact a foreign i.e. Persian name for India. India itself is a European. In fact India ceased to exist after the creation of Pakistan. The real indigenous name of the country is Bharat and I don't know why they don't use it.

I think they do that to just irritate yall
I mean no offense but this is unsustainable.. they can ban slaughtering of cows for a few years only.. and then they will find this sacred animal being humiliated and dying on the roads, on the railway tracks in the middle of fields eaten by vultures.

I mean no offense but this is unsustainable.. they can ban slaughtering of cows for a few years only.. and then they will find this sacred animal being humiliated and dying on the roads, on the railway tracks in the middle of fields eaten by vultures.

I am curious here... what is the fate of Gao maata? Are they burnt like Hindu deceased or what? Being Maata of Hindus, they must deserve a funeral fit to their status.
Your victimhood mentality is at its peak.
You idiot, how am I a victim of this? As a matter of fact this exposes all you Indians here who claim to be secular. Any person with open eyes and working mind can see how that minister talks to him like he means nothing.
You idiot, how am I a victim of this? As a matter of fact this exposes all you Indians here who claim to be secular. Any person with open eyes and working mind can see how that minister talks to him like he means nothing.

Your starting sentence confirm my belief that you are a obsessed person. Thinking rationaly is beyond your capability.
I am curious here... what is the fate of Gao maata? Are they burnt like Hindu deceased or what? Being Maata of Hindus, they must deserve a funeral fit to their status.

It is buried. Just like all other animals.

The creatures are only left alone not to be consumed as a practise continued from the past and not kept in a worshiped state but is used on regular activities like milking and in case of bulls used for transportation and sometimes in field activities.

Anyway , I assume u already knows this and is just using the "maata" word just for your satisfaction of insulting a few hindus who are logged online in this forum and i am not at all surprised with that state of mind as been seen for such a long period of time.

Well done old friend, you are doing good.
I am curious here... what is the fate of Gao maata? Are they burnt like Hindu deceased or what? Being Maata of Hindus, they must deserve a funeral fit to their status.

There is a need to save this animal from disrespect in many ways. As a first steps,

1- Ban its slaughtering (Done)
2- Make sure it is never hungry, government of India should allocate funds for that
3- Create Gao Asharams where unattended cows could be kept, all across the country
4- For their physical wellbeing, a separate Gao-Health Department can be created who would pay periodic visit to these centres and look after ageing or sick cows.
5- Cows approaching their age need to be moved to resting places
6- Cows cannot be buried in the ground and in order to give them a respectable departure, seperate burning places can be created.
7- Sparate cow-temples or cow-semetries can be crated where their ashes are kept.
8- A National database can be crated for living and dead cows, for the benefit of people who live far way and are not able to offer their homage to these cemeteries in person.
9- Ministry of Cow Affairs is a democratic need in this regard.
10- India should also offer few words for these cows in their literature, poems and cultural songs.
11 - To make rest of the world respect this sacred animal, India should shape its diplomacy to maximise that. India can also reduce its diplomatic relationship with countries who are slaughtering cows.

These are just few suggestions which I could think of and which in my humble opinion will give comfort to the animal. This is not a trolling attempt neither it is meant to be taken negatively.. may be it sounds too much but it is with the betterment of Cow at heart.
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