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Pakistan arrests Taliban responsible for Ahmadiyya Mosque attack

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Technically speaking we Ahmadis should be in UN trying to prosecute Pakistan for genocide and targeting of particular community which is breaking Geneva conventions which Pakistan is signatory to.

We break the law you say? Tell when did Ahmadis start doing revenge attacks on Sunni mosques? Do not assume our peaceful nature with cowardice, we love Pakistan because we helped with its creation.

No sunni talks bro its a muslim and a non muslim in islam no sunni shia.
Compliant-Ahmedism should be allowed to be practiced in peace. The Ahmedis do however need to stop calling themselves Muslim if they believe that Qadiyan was a messiah/prophet. They ought to respect the religion of Islam and its teachings. Muslim by definition means a follower of the faith brought by Prophet Mohammed pbuh. If one wants to claim prophethood, there is no body stopping them from doing so, provided it doesn't come at the expense of any other religion. Call yourself a messiah, but make your own religion. Don't destroy somebody elses.

Objectively speaking, Guru Nanak was inspired by Islam and did the right thing by creating a new breed of religion i.e. Sikhism, which is a mesh of Islam, Hinduism and Punjabi culture. Abdul Baha'i went down that path as well. The Ahmedis need to do the same. One can't simply seek to discredit and rewrite 1400 years of Islamic literature. That is being selfish and asking for trouble.

The Lahori sect of the Ahmedis has it right, Qadiyan was a spiritual reformer, like many Muslim saints. He did not seek to destroy Islamic teachings but simply sought to guide people back to them.

Sunnis and Shiites will never accept the sullied brand of Islam which mainstream Qadiyanis are attempting to pitch. The Ahmedis need to be sensitive to Muslim sentiment.

Having said all this, being a Qadiyani doesn't mean one can't be a patriot. My avatar ought to say it all.
Good work hang them all. Also hang this LEJ terrorist abid Raza kotli MNA 107 from gujrat.
Their mentality is big threat for Peace and religious harmony. ..
Selective action is not enough. Hang them all in same row.
Ahmedi are very good And Peaceful Muslim. .They have no violent history unlike others. We should give them more protection. They have good contribution for progress of Pakistan. Dr abdul Salam is one of the example.
Come on guys, discussion should be about those who attacked a place of worship, not on those who got attacked...I am glad that culprits r caught, time to teach them a lesson!!
@Irfan Baloch another visit on this thread is due...as it dirifted again toward religious discussion
No body has a right to kill on the pretext of religion. Let those worship whom they please for Allah is the best judge. Kudos to police for a job well done. The arrested people must suffer the same fate as they made others suffer. An eye for an eye.
I have closed the thread
sadly its been over 10 years of tragedy with the loss of over 50,000 civilians and maybe twice hurt physically and mentally forever but some of us still have the hearts of stones

despite the massacre of APS and their graphic pictures we Pakistanis still lack basic qualities of decency and compassion which are the tenants of Islam and a good Muslim. then again some of these Muslims are those who raised their weapons against the family of the Prophet Muhammad and massacred it and hounded it till today so why should someone as harmless and weak as Ahmedis should expect anything better from them?

whenever I hear of any terrorist atrocity that is not targeting any specific persecuted community then i cant help but wonder that Hazaras or Ahmedis and many others would be silently saying to the victims families now you know how it feels like being helplessly see the loved ones perish in front you you.

may Allah guide us if we deserve it and destroy those who cant let go their hate.
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