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Saving the Cows, Starving the Children

Well that's much much better than killing the disbelievers,stoning people to death in the name of adultery,raping the 'kuffars', enslaving people,burning people alive,the sati,covering and oppressing the female population and all sorts of bat shit crazy and out right inhuman practices that you religious bast@ards indulge into!!Should I continue............nah,I think it would be enough Mr Fundoo.

Like I said,utter lies,lies and lies.I know you will never accept the truth because it is contradictory to your purpose,cause it doesn't suit your designs.Fucking relitards!!

And since when calling a liar a liar has become a sin??Sorry,I wasn't aware that a law has been passed against that!!On a separate note,whoever (including me) actually agrees to all those bs spread by that damn Chopra dude should get his head checked up!!

Also check this Moron. Not just Deepak, but so many Hindu Sadhus get called to talk to scientists and medical practitioners of the best institutes in USA.

None of those have been done by Hindus except for Sati. As already pointed out, atheists are leagues ahead of Hindus in killing and oppressing humans.

Which again,is a big lie.Cause none of those dictators were atheists in true sense!!So keep your propaganda to yourself please!!

Yeah, calling the whole lot of audience who sat that in that amphitheater as liars is a measure of sanity. Last I saw Dr. Chopra is being called by deans of medical schools and big hospital networks to lecture them on the future of healthcare. So much for you wanting to check Chopra's head. Also given the manical level of hatred atheists who throng Chopra's videos by their hundreds and thousands to spill bilge on him show, I wonder if it is not them who need their head checked out.

Kid,there is a word in English they invented - CONTEXT!!You first need to understand the context in which Deepak Chopra and his supporters were termed liars by Mr Dawkins!!As long as you do not realize it (or rather refuse to realize) you will always be shooting in the dark.Take note of the details my dear innocent brother,cause the devil always lurks into the details.And if you do not look into the details,the devil will haul your *** straight to the inferno!!

Also check this Moron. Not just Deepak, but so many Hindu Sadhus get called to talk to scientists and medical practitioners of the best institutes in USA.

So now a guy,who actually believes into something as bat-shit crazy as the "Theory of Consciousness" has the audacity to call me,a dual grads in Physics and Zoology,a moron!!Rally,PDF has never ceased to amuse me!!The sheer amount of jokers,that log into here are enough to turn the dullest days into most exciting ones. :D
What the people believe in is not important. What does the constitution say? Netherlands is not a secular country because 27% of its people are atheists. 67% of it people are nto atheists. Moreover, Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy with secularism not defined in its constitution. If you want an atheist country, then China is far far more atheistic than any European country and it is not one of the most humane countries around.

Have you read what I posted? The quote ?
There are more atheists than theists and the again: The vast majority dont make a fuss about their religion. They dont mix it into politics like Indians do.

Read the article I posted and follow its sources.

People butchering woman and children in India? When did that happen? Oh you mean riots? There are riots in plenty of democracies all over the world including Europe. Right now in fact, there are wars going on in Europe, i.e. Ukraine where more than butchering of women and children is taking place. In USA, they are butchering black old folks attending church!!!!

Oh come on, you wanna compare a hate crime of a psycho with the actions of thousands which form up mobs (See mob culture) and kill each other?
Or self proclaimed morale policing squads ganging up one couples for showing their love?
What has a proxy war in the Ukraine to do with this? Lame excuse.

When thousands die in religious violence since the beginning of the century, there is something seriously wrong. No matter how you twist and turn it.

Well I guess when you talk about secularism what you care clamoring for is Sonia Gandhi's rule. Because when Congress was ruling you never had any problem with Indian society.

This is literally the height of political stereotyping and narrow mindedness :headbang:
Just because I say secularism = Congress supporter lol
Open your horizon. And ask yourself how secular the Congress was.

Why does not my comparison with the past make sense. Why should I prescribe to your narrowly defined timeline which in fact makes no sense. Separating state and religion has never been tradition in China considering Chinese culture mirrors Indian culture to a large extent and their kings ruled by the mandate of the Heavens.

Because the definitions are too lose, there is no data about living standards, Europe itself was a s**thole governed by corrupt clerics, the ordinary mans live was not the main concern of the historians back then etc etc etc

I am talking about the current Chinese government.

Rest of your ranting about cholera and HDI has already been answered.

Tens of thousands die each year and you blame me that I am "ranting" ?

Would you like to see you little siblings die before they reach childhood because of simple diseases like cholera?

And no, you havent answered anything, because there is no excuse for it.

If a government has time to deal with irrational issues based on fairy tales before making sure that there is a place for waste, a place to shit, or a simple sewage system which could save the lives of tens of thousand each year (!) etc etc there is simply no excuse for this retardedness.
Which again,is a big lie.Cause none of those dictators were atheists in true sense!!So keep your propaganda to yourself please!!

Oh, so now there are true atheists and false atheists... ala true Muslims and false Muslims. Well done, bravo!!!

Kid,there is a word in English they invented - CONTEXT!!You first need to understand the context in which Deepak Chopra and his supporters were termed liars by Mr Dawkins!!As long as you do not realize it (or rather refuse to realize) you will always be shooting in the dark.Take note of the details my dear innocent brother,cause the devil always lurks into the details.And if you do not look into the details,the devil will haul your *** straight to the inferno!!

That was an event in Mexico and you are saying the audience was composed of only his followers? Supreme logic man supreme. There is a context to calling the whole audience of thousands of people as liars? Wonderful.

So now a guy,who actually believes into something as bat-shit crazy as the "Theory of Consciousness" has the audacity to call me,a dual grads in Physics and Zoology,a moron!!Rally,PDF has never ceased to amuse me!!The sheer amount of jokers,that log into here are enough to turn the dullest days into most exciting ones

Those doctors in Duke Univeristy can take your dual grad in Physics and Zoology and use it to wipe their floor.

Have you read what I posted? The quote ?
There are more atheists than theists and the again: The vast majority dont make a fuss about their religion. They dont mix it into politics like Indians do.

Read the article I posted and follow its sources.

Hello, majority people in that country are agnostics and religious. Agnostic is one who does not deny existence of God. Majority of Hindus will fall in this category themselves.

Because the definitions are too lose, there is no data about living standards, Europe itself was a s**thole governed by corrupt clerics, the ordinary mans live was not the main concern of the historians back then etc etc etc

I am talking about the current Chinese government.

Sorry, the definitions are not loose. There is enough data about the living standards considering it was a research project done by OECD countries which came out with data about India and China's prosperity for the last 2000 years. Europe was a shithole as long as it lived by the principles of the church. India and China were not.

The current Chinese govt tends towards Buddhism considering it is building Buddhas statues and temples everywhere in China.

Rest of your bolded reded blah blah blah is just that... Blah Blah Blah.
Oh, so now there are true atheists and false atheists... ala true Muslims and false Muslims. Well done, bravo!!!

So we gonna fight over semantics now,is it??If you wanna go down that way,then by all means,do so.But don't drag me in there.And for the last time kid,for the last time - I said,"none of them were atheists in true sense",by that I meat none of them were atheists!!Your theory of them being atheists has been examined to death and summarily debunked as outright lies!!For the last time,Mao and Stalin were not atheists!!Is it that hard too comprehend you effing relitard??

That was an event in Mexico and you are saying the audience was composed of only his followers? Supreme logic man supreme. There is a context to calling the whole audience of thousands of people as liars? Wonderful.

So what it had been held in Mexico??Is Mexico a place situated outside of planet earth??Is that what you mean??And Mexico or Japan doesn't matter,the propagators and the believes in "the theory of intelligent design" are retards,irrespective of their country,creed,religion,gender and age!!

Those doctors in Duke Univeristy can take your dual grad in Physics and Zoology and use it to wipe their floor.

No they can't!!You know why??Simply cause the Docs do not know figs about Physics other than the basics!!You do know that - that Physics is not part of Medical curriculum in any part of the world!!??And that's why they should not venture into the unknown waters of Physics,especially so for something as complex and as mysterious as Quantum Mechanics!!And that's the very thing Mr Chopra the Clown,ended up doing!!And all he achieved was making a big fool of himself,humiliating himself and lost every dime worth of his rep he worked so hard to achieve for!!

And even if they could wipe their floors with my dual grad,which they can not by the way,still your point is totally off topic here!!That's the very reason I told you to take note of the details!!Too bad that you are incapable of following simple instructions.So now I have to spell them out for ya,in as simple terms as possible,leaving out the technical stuffs.

Ok,now since the Chopra dude is a doctor,and a damn good one at that,it's only logical he would be invited by medical universities on medical issues!!But Dawkins never questioned his ability or his credentials or qualifications as a doctor!!NO!!

So why did he call him a liar,you will ask.He called him a liar because of his so called "theory of consciousness" which has got nothing to do with medical science to begin with!!Rather it has got everything to do with quantum mechanics,which he knows nothing about,his theory has been thoroughly examined and summarily debunked by the world science community but he still goes around,spreading them to the gullible public like yourself and you too fall prey to those scams without bothering to question them!!But wait!!For that,you first need to read and then understand the subject,which,judging by the post of yours so far,is something that would be outright impossible for your tiny winy brain...............well,more or less.But I have studied those subjects (or rather had to) for three fucking years and I definitely know much more about them than your ring master Chopra The Clown!!

Enough lesson for one night kid.Raat bahut ho gaya hai,der tak jaagna bacho ki sehat ke lie a66i baat nehi hai.Ab light bujhao aur apne mata ji ki dudh pi kar ke chup chap so jao......................I mean go mata ki dudh. :D :D

Have you read what I posted? The quote ?
There are more atheists than theists and the again: The vast majority dont make a fuss about their religion. They dont mix it into politics like Indians do.

Read the article I posted and follow its sources.

Oh come on, you wanna compare a hate crime of a psycho with the actions of thousands which form up mobs (See mob culture) and kill each other?
Or self proclaimed morale policing squads ganging up one couples for showing their love?
What has a proxy war in the Ukraine to do with this? Lame excuse.

When thousands die in religious violence since the beginning of the century, there is something seriously wrong. No matter how you twist and turn it.

This is literally the height of political stereotyping and narrow mindedness :headbang:
Just because I say secularism = Congress supporter lol
Open your horizon. And ask yourself how secular the Congress was.

Because the definitions are too lose, there is no data about living standards, Europe itself was a s**thole governed by corrupt clerics, the ordinary mans live was not the main concern of the historians back then etc etc etc

I am talking about the current Chinese government.

Tens of thousands die each year and you blame me that I am "ranting" ?

Would you like to see you little siblings die before they reach childhood because of simple diseases like cholera?

And no, you havent answered anything, because there is no excuse for it.

If a government has time to deal with irrational issues based on fairy tales before making sure that there is a place for waste, a place to shit, or a simple sewage system which could save the lives of tens of thousand each year (!) etc etc there is simply no excuse for this retardedness.

Bhainso agey bin baja rahe hai humlog!! :(
Oh, so now there are true atheists and false atheists... ala true Muslims and false Muslims. Well done, bravo!!!

That was an event in Mexico and you are saying the audience was composed of only his followers? Supreme logic man supreme. There is a context to calling the whole audience of thousands of people as liars? Wonderful.

Those doctors in Duke Univeristy can take your dual grad in Physics and Zoology and use it to wipe their floor.

Hello, majority people in that country are agnostics and religious. Agnostic is one who does not deny existence of God. Majority of Hindus will fall in this category themselves.

Sorry, the definitions are not loose. There is enough data about the living standards considering it was a research project done by OECD countries which came out with data about India and China's prosperity for the last 2000 years. Europe was a shithole as long as it lived by the principles of the church. India and China were not.

The current Chinese govt tends towards Buddhism considering it is building Buddhas statues and temples everywhere in China.

Rest of your bolded reded blah blah blah is just that... Blah Blah Blah.

Interesting how you constantly avoid the point about how people there also avoid bringing religion in public affairs like South Asians do (apart from the large number of atheists) and how you term the deaths of tens of thousands of your country men and women and mostly small children as ...."blah blah blah".

Says a lot about your ridiculous level of denial and misplaced priorities...

And kindly provide us with the research on living standards of former times.
Banning beef on religious grounds is obviously not secular. Secualr country purports to be officially neutral in matters of religion,By the very definition of secularism, the state cannot ban cow slaughter citing the reason to be "Banned in Hinduism". The state has no right to ban cow slaughter simply because it is banned in Hinduism just like it has no right to ban idol worship simply because its forbidden in Christianity/Islam.
Someone should sue the guy who banned eggs in school. There is probably no other way around.
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Those NV families should work hard to make enough money to give eggs to their children.

Alternatively they should vote for a govt. that promises eggs to their children. Look to check if the communist or the congress is promising that.

People have decided and BJP has been voted to power. They had an option, they chose BJP.

An elected government's job is to govern, building infrastructure, maintaining internal & external security and law & order, providing basic infrastructure like health and education, deciding citizens' food habit is not part of governance, nor a government is voted to power to decide that.

I am torn on whether to ban cow slaughter or not. In one hand, I believe in freedom to eat whatever to you want, but on the other hand it is so wrong to kill a cows in Hinduism. I think a good law would be to ban cow slaughter in India, and if non-Hindus wanna eat beef, we can import it for them from foreign countries perhaps ...

Now here is the twister, cow slaughter was ALREADY BANNED for decades in those states in question, what they did new is to ban slaughter of bulls & bullocks, which has nothing to do with Hinduism.

What? Do not come up with bogus studies claiming children need animal protein. Plant proteins do a much better job. Children need protein and that is provided by soy, milk, vegetables which is already provided by the state govt. Every society in the world seeks to emulate its richest people. The logic goes that the rich have the best of everything and what they eat is the best. In India, the richest are the vegetarian sects and so I do not buy the argument that they are depriving the children of anything which the rich in India use themselves. He is the CM and the elected representative of the state and he has been given the authority by the people of the state to decide for them.

You can always contest elections by promising to kill all the cows and provide their blood and flesh to remove malnutrition in India. No one has stopped you.

Animal protein and other properties are needed for human body, there are certain things that only comes from non-vegetarian foods, for example, Omega-3. Nature has made us omnivorous for a reason. Well-to-do people can still manage with only veg food, but poor people will only suffer.

Two important discoveries by mankind helped us develop in the evolution process, hunting weapons (more meat) and use of fire for cooking (increased absorption of nutrition), both provided us with higher amount of protein and other important properties in lesser quantity of food, resulting in smaller stomach, lesser energy spent on digestive work, and higher available resources for brain development leading to bigger and bigger brain in the evolution process.

I guess continue doing the same thing that we have been doing in these lands for thousands of years? Common sense not so common these days i guess...

What we have been doing? :) India has the largest number of cattle in the world, half of the cattle (female) have made us the largest milk producing nation in the world.

What about the other half, the males?

1. They have made us the largest beef exporter in the world, apart from that, they are:
2. Feeding 15%-20% of our population, which is also a huge number.
3. Feeding an equal number of Bangladeshis, and they are voracious meat eaters.
4. And also feeding the Bangladeshi beef exporting business, which is also huge and a major foreign currency earner for them.

Now tell me, if Hindus don't sell their bulls & bullocks, then how the above things are possible? Those who raise cattle know what to do with their cattle, those who cry Hindutva are mostly the pouch milk consumers. :)
An elected government's job is to govern, building infrastructure, maintaining internal & external security and law & order, providing basic infrastructure like health and education, deciding citizens' food habit is not part of governance, nor a government is voted to power to decide that.

Nonsense. If that was the case then eating Humans or rather eating dead humans would not have been ILLEGAL.

Eating dogs and cats and endangered species in the world s a CRIME in Many Many countries n the world.

This clearly proves that Govt. has and had and have a role in deciding the food habits of the people.

Second, since Mid day meal is part of basic infrastructure of "Education" it is also a part of governance.

You are wrong on both counts. This is what happens when you let your prejudice cloud your intellect.
Now here is the twister, cow slaughter was ALREADY BANNED for decades in those states in question, what they did new is to ban slaughter of bulls & bullocks, which has nothing to do with Hinduism.

Says who ?

Animal protein and other properties are needed for human body, there are certain things that only comes from non-vegetarian foods, for example, Omega-3. Nature has made us omnivorous for a reason. Well-to-do people can still manage with only veg food, but poor people will only suffer.

Two important discoveries by mankind helped us develop in the evolution process, hunting weapons (more meat) and use of fire for cooking (increased absorption of nutrition), both provided us with higher amount of protein and other important properties in lesser quantity of food, resulting in smaller stomach, lesser energy spent on digestive work, and higher available resources for brain development leading to bigger and bigger brain in the evolution process.

Wrong Again and more Rubbish. Omega-3 is easily provided from walnuts etc. In fact, Flax seed has more Omega-3 than anything else. Besides Omega-3 does not come from red meat. It comes from FIsh.

What we have been doing? :) India has the largest number of cattle in the world, half of the cattle (female) have made us the largest milk producing nation in the world.

What about the other half, the males?

1. They have made us the largest beef exporter in the world, apart from that, they are:
2. Feeding 15%-20% of our population, which is also a huge number.
3. Feeding an equal number of Bangladeshis, and they are voracious meat eaters.
4. And also feeding the Bangladeshi beef exporting business, which is also huge and a major foreign currency earner for them.

Now tell me, if Hindus don't sell their bulls & bullocks, then how the above things are possible? Those who raise cattle know what to do with their cattle, those who cry Hindutva are mostly the pouch milk consumers. :)

Wrong Again. If you had any sense, you would have known that Males bovine DO NOT constitute HALF of the Bovine species. The Females Far outnumber the Males. This is common for many animal species. Why do you think a Pride of Lions have only ONE Male and rest are Females ? :disagree:
Nonsense. If that was the case then eating Humans or rather eating dead humans would not have been ILLEGAL.

Eating dogs and cats and endangered species in the world s a CRIME in Many Many countries n the world.

This clearly proves that Govt. has and had and have a role in deciding the food habits of the people.

Second, since Mid day meal is part of basic infrastructure of "Education" it is also a part of governance.

You are wrong on both counts. This is what happens when you let your prejudice cloud your intellect.

First, not eating dead human beings and endangered species have its own reasons, but those reasons do not apply to eating beef or egg or other non-veg food like fish, crab, prawn, chicken, mutton, lamb, pork, etc. these are widely accepted foods. Those who don't want to eat...it is their choice. But those who want to...it is their choice too.

Besides, our NE people (and many other Mongoloid countries) eat dog, cat, monkey, etc. We as a country has grown and became stronger and more united by respecting the choices and cultures of different regions and different people.

Second, government's job is to ensure that our people, our children are not malnurished, not to ban food. With so many malnurished children around, it is rather cruel to deprive the children of a nutrition rich food like egg. Again, those who don't want tl eat egg, it's their choice, why should everybody be deprived of it?

Replying to your second post later.
So EGGS are NON-Vegetarians? hence hardliner Hindus in India opposed provision of eggs to school children.

Dint know eggs produce cows.

Poor logic. You are unnecessarily exposing your poor compression skills.
Says who ?

What says who? Cow slaughter is banned in states like Mahatashtra or Haryana for decades, the recent ban on slaughter of bulls and bullocks is just stretching the argument.

Wrong Again and more Rubbish. Omega-3 is easily provided from walnuts etc. In fact, Flax seed has more Omega-3 than anything else. Besides Omega-3 does not come from red meat. It comes from FIsh.

First, meat also contain Omega 3, though not as much as fish.

Second, vegetarian foods provide Omega 3-ALA, and you can get Omega 3 - EPA & DHA from non-veg sources only, and EPA & DHA has distinct benefits that cannot be fulfilled by ALA, some veg sources have very high Omega 3, but not EPA & DHA.

Nature has designed us to be omnivorous for a reason.

Wrong Again. If you had any sense, you would have known that Males bovine DO NOT constitute HALF of the Bovine species. The Females Far outnumber the Males. This is common for many animal species. Why do you think a Pride of Lions have only ONE Male and rest are Females ? :disagree:

Apart from being untrue, that doesn't nullify the 4 points mentioned in my previous post.
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