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Is Modi foreign policy on Pakistan a failure?


May 2, 2011
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United Kingdom
Latest setback at the UN has exposed India's weak geopolitical influence in her region.

Modi government hallmark has been aggressive and obnoxious overtures to Pakistan with constant LOC violations. A typical hot and cold tactic where he embraced Nawaz at his oath bearing, only to give him a cold shoulder and start a tirade of abuse and aggressive posturing.

A strategy aimed at breeding dominance over Pakistan. Normally applied to Bangladesh who are treated like brothers one day and vermin the next depending on their mood. Sadly Pakistani psyche works entirely different and is something India think tank has not managed to calculate. India foreign office of late are acting confused and other officials are chiming in with bizarre statements and a post Myanmar violation gloat.

With recent revelations of RAW logistical support of TTP, a network exposed by ISI and details shared amongst all stakeholders in Pakistan which has led to a convergence in political-military ranks, has Modi failed in dealing with Pakistan?
I would say its a resounding success.
There has been no major terrorist attack like Mumbai or military incursion like Kargil or a terrorist attack like Parliament.

Which means that it is better to be aggressive against Pakistan than talk of peace with them. Talking peace with Pakistan makes Pakistani Army want to try terrorism or military adventure. That's just the psyche.

Modi's government's defacto Pakistan policy is "if they fire one bullet, fire 10 in return, apart from that, don't talk with them"

Our SAARC minus Pakistan is a grand success. All of India's South Asian neighbours including Sri Lanka /Nepal have joined in one or the other multilateral grouping India made excluding Pakistan.
That idiot Nawaz Sharif ignored warnings and advise and went to the inauguration of Feku Modi butcher of Gujarat. Nawaz remain stupid and is still maneuvering behind the scenes to send Pakistani troops to Yemen behest of his Saudi benefactors.
feku mirror.jpg
what revelations? nobody can take Pakistan seriously when it continues to support and train terrorists. Just this month two Pakistani origin terrorists were convicted for plotting to bomb and kill innocent people in NY. When a country spreads islamic terror globally, can't protect its own citizens from its own people, has another country molest its sovereignty through drone attacks, should provide proof before spreading propaganda to be taken seriously.

Has Modi failed?

Lets ask your own country men, a pic speaks a 1000 words


LOL desperate photo shop fail... :rofl:
here let me give u some credible photoes of ur choice..
images (2).jpg

now do u need thousand words..ok let me give some more

Separatists raise Pakistan flag in Srinagar, insult India, but no arrests yet
When reality strikes and you realise your not as important as you think you are! :(
To judge if a policy can be considered a success or a failure you have to see what goals one wants to achieve thorough that policy.

I am no expert, but through what i observe i see that Modi or Indian foreign policy for that matter is to isolate Pakistan diplomatically, reduce the strategic geographical importance (chahbahar is an example) and maligning us through good old haven of terrorism mantra.

Are we diplomatically isolated, well if you think we could have harnessed some diplomatic goodwill from Bangladesh or Bhutan, then yes otherwise we are not. Our relationship is improving with our neighbors barring India of course. No matter what one say we have much improved relations with Afghans now when compared with Karzai times. We have a much more balanced relationship with US and the EU. Our relations with China are as good as ever. And we have not lost anything in ME and Gulf. So no success on diplomatic front for their policy.

CPEC is an evidence that our geographical importance is well appreciated. We can't say Chahbahar don't have the potential to reduce Gawadar's importance somewhat when it comes to trade in Afghanistan or central asia but the question is just how much. Although we can argue about many things, let's say the distance from the Afghan cities, the capacity of the port itself e.t.c but the main point that many don't give much attention to is that people like to do business in a familiar environment, and Afghans find Pakistan much more familiar than Iran, our second largest ethnic group is their largest, things between us are bound to improve.

And lastly their old mantra is not working. With Zarb e Azb Pakistan has shown its resolve to eliminate terrorism, the world can see that so no one is going to be bothered by this mantra.

So yes Sir, Modi foreign policy on Pakistan is a failure.
With recent revelations of RAW logistical support of TTP, a network exposed by ISI and details shared amongst all stakeholders in Pakistan which has led to a convergence in political-military ranks, has Modi failed in dealing with Pakistan?
When did this happen,last time i checked there was no proof.
Pakistani people should ask their military where is the proof and stop them being taken for a ride.

Make PA accountable 90% of Pakistani problems will be solved
To judge if a policy can be considered a success or a failure you have to see what goals one wants to achieve thorough that policy.

I am no expert, but through what i observe i see that Modi or Indian foreign policy for that matter is to isolate Pakistan diplomatically, reduce the strategic geographical importance (chahbahar is an example) and maligning us through good old haven of terrorism mantra.

Are we diplomatically isolated, well if you think we could have harnessed some diplomatic goodwill from Bangladesh or Bhutan, then yes otherwise we are not. Our relationship is improving with our neighbors barring India of course. No matter what one say we have much improved relations with Afghans now when compared with Karzai times. We have a much more balanced relationship with US and the EU. Our relations with China are as good as ever. And we have not lost anything in ME and Gulf. So no success on diplomatic front for their policy.

CPEC is an evidence that our geographical importance is well appreciated. We can't say Chahbahar don't have the potential to reduce Gawadar's importance somewhat when it comes to trade in Afghanistan or central asia but the question is just how much. Although we can argue about many things, let's say the distance from the Afghan cities, the capacity of the port itself e.t.c but the main point that many don't give much attention to is that people like to do business in a familiar environment, and Afghans find Pakistan much more familiar than Iran, our second largest ethnic group is their largest, things between us are bound to improve.

And lastly their old mantra is not working. With Zarb e Azb Pakistan has shown its resolve to eliminate terrorism, the world can see that so no one is going to be bothered by this mantra.

So yes Sir, Modi foreign policy on Pakistan is a failure.
India has removed Pakistan from SAARC - with all of SAARC countries barring Afghanistan in multilateral groupings that have deliberately kept Pakistan out.
The fact that all of them passed resolutions that Pakistan blocked at SAARC is a pretty good indicator that Pakistan is considered an impediment rather than a benefactor of the region.

Apart from that Pakistan has been unable to conduct a terrorist strike on India, that alone means Modi's Pakistan policy is successful.

Lastly, further development of Chabahar cuts Pakistani influence on Afghanistan for everyone in the world. So whether or not it is as cost-effective as Karachi is irrelevant, what is relevant is that a second route exists that did not exist before - and that is thanks to us and Iranians.

As far as Pakistani CPEC is concerned, there is a saying - don't count your chickens before they hatch. We have seen a dime a dozen Chinese 'investment' MoU's in Pakistan and they are worth nothing.
For all the Chinese investment that was being touted for so many years - Pakistan's FDI figures for this year are - $800 million USD. Even Bangladesh got more than that.
Indias downfall and destruction is Modi, which already kickedstarted the day he took the PM office. Now the need is for cleverly crafting the startegies that will entirely bring down this structure with shaky foundations called india , like tumbledown shack.

The country has literally got no Foreign policy. The kind of aggressive statements they have been constantly making ,like kantay say kantay ,andhra ki mirchi, oh Gawdd!!!! So cheapppp!!!! etc does one think after uttering such rubbish anyone, any country falling in the international sphere of influence will even want to spit at modi and india? No.

This puffed up chest is before bangladesh nepal bhutan mynamar etc only. Come before pakistan and watch these meekly mice running around berserk.
Don;t worry we have spitted on you :wave::wave:. Yes you are right India should bend down to the world most powerful atomi kuwat otherwise it will wipe out India from the world Map. Behold the atomi kuwat

Yes the whole world has seen who the mice is buddy and you will surely not forget the wars which made your 90,000 mices cry like a baby and also what we did to your country. But seriously Pakistan the most powerful atomi kuwat should now Nuke India, Usa is with Pakistan on this matter.How dare they insult Pakistan. Don't they know we are the most powerful atomi Kuwat. Now it's the time to face the mighty atomi Kuwat. whose soldiers are mices but still they belong to atomi kuwat so they are automatically most powerful. Behold the almighty.

You know i dont feel as much pride about the 90000 surrendered pakistanis since i read about 250 pakistani soldiers surrendering to taliban a few years ago. It seems like a cultural thing for them. Why should we take credit for their 2000 year old cultural values???
Mices???!!!!??? Wat is mices???

And wht is this atomi kuwait on earth????
CPEC...... got a d***
NSG..... got a d***
UNSC..... got a d***
Afghanistan..... got a d***
Bashing Pakistan at UN..... got a d***

An insight into Modi's brain: When all good things fail........... get all the regional heavyweights (Bhutan, Nepal and East India - Booongladesh) and do the rain dance in lungi's, or fly to Iran and offer them to build a port to NOWHERE.......

That's how brilliant Modi is.

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