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13 Purely Pakistani Things That Made Our Childhood Awesome

How many of you had this TV with door?

Yeah we had one.... And It is called shutter and not door... Door is Darwaaza
Well English programs that were televised

Knight Rider
Air Wolf
The A Team
much later there was Bay watch
In the morning ... This dentonic guy , Gae soap (with the cow firing a canon from the top of the Khyber Gate)..:lol:

And songs like "kokorina" .. Meh those days were awesome!

Sesame? Street. ... Seat cars,thunder cats,power rangers,guyver, etx etc!

Played dodge the ball till 12 am ..
And than came nitendo,Attari and saga!

Meh... I wish I could go back in time.
Cool down, Indians have laid claims from plastic surgery to spaceships, this is few small things are nothing that you should increase your bp.
Bhai ji ignore these indian trolls.... They have gotta eat shit on every thread even if it doesn't concern them.. So the best policy is to ignore them!
My Grandfather had it :D
Lol yeah I think I still have one if those giant TV's somewhere in the store back in my village ..:lol:

Even have those giant radios (which were the size of TV's)..:lol:

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