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What Does China Have To DO To Become THE World Power?

too many factors, a series of books can be written on this subject. For now, can we agree that what happened happened, and China at the moment can be much worse.

Well ofcourse, that's not hard to agree with. But it's a double edged sword, this statement.

Talking 1945, end of WW2. Mao had 5000 men if that by 1927, and few guns with no cities.

What happened directly after WWII is like shrouded in a cloud of war. Soviets helped a lot, with captured Japanese equipment, at stalling KMT troops to reach Manchuria, example is US airlift of KMT troops over USSR held territory in the north which was already swarming with CCP in the countryside. etc etc.....

And at the end of WWII communists had more men. As for 1927.....where you refer to 5000 men, well, that was a start of CCP insurgency. It had to start somehow.

KMT was a loose entity that was comprised by many different warlords, they were not similar to today's CPC at all.

Well, idk, KMT's first election on Taiwan was in the 70's iirc. Quite similar to CCP authoritarianism i'd say.
Just repeat what America did in the decades following WWII -

1) install a teraWatt of electricity-generating capacity
China finished it

2) construct a manufacturing base that can support the world’s largest economy
China has three manufacturing bases for whole world trade:
1. Pearl River Delta in GuangDong province of South China
2. Yangtze River delta around ShangHai city of Middle China
3. Bohai sea delta around BeiJing-Tian city of North China

3) develop a robust space program
Soon be finished:
1. 20x BeiDou position&navigation satellites
2."TianGong" space station to finish in 2020.
3. “Long March" series of carrier rockets

4) develop an exceptional intelligence network and community
China smartphones into 4G network, HuaWei will be next Cisco.

5) gain overwhelming economic and political influence over your neighbors, by hook or by crook
Always ! Hundred years ago China culture & economic influence Asian nations ... even today China is their 1st biggest foreign trade partner including Japan, S.korea, Vietnam etc

6) build schools, bridges, hospitals, roads and other infrastructure to cover at least 80% of your population,
Building more ... to improve population quality. Just 2014 China has 7.27 million students graduation from University.

7) assemble a high-tech conventional military that exceeds all others in size and capability, and
That need much more money & high-tech development ... long time to go.

8) build a nuclear arsenal that has adequate first-strike capability against your primary opponents to deter not only an attack, but even just interference in your regional affairs.
China has N00x nukes enough for WWIII, (1st 1964) 50 years experience research nukes including atomic、hydrogen、neutron bombs & miniaturization、enriched uranium.
So China is super power ?

4/30/2015 @ 7:25上午 4,776 views

Just repeat what America did in the decades following WWII -

1) install a teraWatt of electricity-generating capacity

2) construct a manufacturing base that can support the world’s largest economy

3) develop a robust space program

4) develop an exceptional intelligence network and community

5) gain overwhelming economic and political influence over your neighbors, by hook or by crook

6) build schools, bridges, hospitals, roads and other infrastructure to cover at least 80% of your population,

7) assemble a high-tech conventional military that exceeds all others in size and capability, and

8) build a nuclear arsenal that has adequate first-strike capability against your primary opponents to deter not only an attack, but even just interference in your regional affairs.

Most importantly, your people have to overwhelmingly believe you’re going to reach these goals.

What Does China Have To DO To Become THE World Power? - Forbes

We points been neglected .

9) Create Chinese version of jerry springer show

10) Make 100+ movies on how Alien abducting Chinese nationals and want to invade China

11) Always have smashed potatoes

12) Dance for YMCA in chinese and go crazy over it . Nanana Nana Nana nanana Nana Nana na Clap clap clap . .

13) Create Black Chinese race and enslave them for fee years and give them rights like Django Unchained Movie .

14) Unite all are soviet countries and fight and split the soviet again .

All the best . :D Don't forget to Photoshop Uncle SAM picture with Chinese .
I haven't gone through all the pages but the answer to your simple question,

What china needs to do to become a superpower?

> Bomb small countries to hell
> Launch 10 English based channels globally and do massive propaganda
> Shift UN to your country
> Kill innocent humans
> Impose sanctions on govts you do not like
> have a bit of like minded countries as your pack of wolves and let them do the bombing every once in a while to test their weapons as well
> launch hollywood level movies to depict a soft image
> campaign massively about human right abuses in other countries....
I haven't gone through all the pages but the answer to your simple question,

What china needs to do to become a superpower?

> Bomb small countries to hell
> Launch 10 English based channels globally and do massive propaganda
> Shift UN to your country
> Kill innocent humans
> Impose sanctions on govts you do not like
> have a bit of like minded countries as your pack of wolves and let them do the bombing every once in a while to test their weapons as well
> launch hollywood level movies to depict a soft image
> campaign massively about human right abuses in other countries....

What you talk about is USA.

China will never be a country like USA.
Have the largest economy where GDP of 1.5 billion people earn an average 20-30k USD equivalent.

Among other things
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