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Indian Army Orders Two Regiments of Akash Surface-To-Air Missile Defense System (Army Version)


lol ... i don't know ... when India rejected Su-27 planes and build MK-30 MKI for itself , why Chinese bought inferior Su-27 ???

Well for your knowledge, These missiles are designed to intercept low level flying objects and over short distance which S300 to S500 can't do..... technology dear, and also your S300 to S500 need to be stand still for firing and not mobile like Aakash which can fire missile on the move.

Aakash system take less a min to launch but Su-300 to 500 system taken 10-15 mins to set up for launch.

..lol copying we are not that much dumb like Chinese to copy without knowing what we are copying and its adv and dis adv. Copying also need some brain.

Because at that time India cried to Russia why selling Su-27 to China and for comforting Indian, Russia sold Mk-30. Russia was willing to sell more sophisticate weapon to India than for China. But now you India is cozying with Russia's enemy and Russia has sent a clear message to India that you guys shouldn't be surprise that Russia will sell the S-400 to China...

Sure Indians indeed need alot of brain to copy an half century antique SAM but we Chinese are so dumb to copy the latest technology without know what we're doing...that make alot of sens :rofl: and by the way, you still couldn't explain why Russia abandoned SA-6 improvement but work on new radical SAM concept such as S-300....Russia must be dumb as well:rofl:
Because at that time India cried to Russia why selling Su-27 to China and for comforting Indian, Russia sold Mk-30. Russia was willing to sell more sophisticate weapon to India than for China. But now you India is cozying with Russia's enemy and Russia has sent a clear message to India that you guys shouldn't be surprise that Russia will sell the S-400 to China...

Sure Indians indeed need alot of brain to copy an half century antique SAM but we Chinese are so dumb to copy the latest technology without know what we're doing...that make alot of sens :rofl: and by the way, you still couldn't explain why Russia abandoned SA-6 improvement but work on new radical SAM concept such as S-300....Russia must be dumb as well:rofl:
lol India never cried , this your own imagination story, Like you said Chinese Engg designed the Attack copter and yes later Russian told how Chinese lies to world and its people ......:rofl::rofl::rofl: Height of limit , Chinese design the attack copper.. you have the habit of lies in every field. Start accepting truth .

Well India asked Russia to made Su-30 MKI in 90's and China get Inferior Su-27 2000's .

India also has S400 and also S500 is on offer , but Indian find its system more reliable and robust.

AAKASH This missile has a range from 3 to 25 km. It has an altitude from as low as 30 metres going upto 20 kms.

Now only come when you know the Engagement of S400/500 system. BTW did you know its is short/ medium range A2A missile. ?:pop: Come with Some technical knowledge write-ups to back up your claims which you Chinese don't know.

Like Indian Recoil guns blow ups the US made indestructible Paton Tanks with 2 + inch thick Armour.... Tank with Recoil GUN .... OMG but YES Indian blown Tank with recoil guns , Never happen in History ...... but Chinese find hard to believe because their master never made such attampt and they won't able to copy that art. lol
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lol India never cried , this your own imagination story, Like you said Chinese Engg designed the Attack copter and yes later Russian told how Chinese lies to world and its people ......:rofl::rofl::rofl: Height of limit , Chinese design the attack copper.. you have the habit of lies in every field. Start accepting truth .

Well India asked Russia to made Su-30 MKI in 90's and China get Inferior Su-27 2000's .

India also has S400 and also S500 is on offer , but Indian find its system more reliable and robust.

AAKASH This missile has a range from 3 to 25 km. It has an altitude from as low as 30 metres going upto 20 kms.

Now only come when you know the Engagement of S400/500 system. BTW did you know its is short/ medium range A2A missile. ?:pop: Come with Some technical knowledge write-ups to back up your claims which you Chinese don't know.

Like Indian Recoil guns blow ups the US made indestructible Paton Tanks with 2 + inch thick Armour.... Tank with Recoil GUN .... OMG but YES Indian blown Tank with recoil guns , Never happen in History ...... but Chinese find hard to believe because their master never made such attampt and they won't able to copy that art. lol

Show me an article that Chinese official claim that Z-10 was completely design by China, if you took some chinese fans or bushi1t media as fact than that's your problem but we did mention that we owned the copyright of it. As for your Su-30 mki, you bullshit again, we have inducing Su-27 way before you beg Russia to make something better than China had such as Su-30mki because your mig-29 was just a short leg.

And stop bragging about your half century antique SAM, you simply can't explain why Russia abandon SA-6 if this missile is so good as you claim :lol:. And for short/medium rang Air defense both Russia and China both possessed "Tor" the high mobility SAM than your 1950 outdate clone :rofl:

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Show me an article that Chinese official claim that Z-10 was completely design by China, if you took some chinese fans or bushi1t media as fact than that's your problem but we did mention that we owned the copyright of it. As for your Su-30 mki, you bullshit again, we have inducing Su-27 way before you beg Russia to make something better than China had such as Su-30mki because your mig-29 was just a short leg.

And stop bragging about your half century antique SAM, you simply can't explain why Russia abandon SA-6 if this missile is so good as you claim :lol:. And for short/medium rang Air defense both Russia and China both possessed "Tor" the high mobility SAM than your 1950 outdate clone :rofl:
I don't know that, you don't know much about your own county ? :haha::haha:

Wu Ximing (吴希明) of the 602nd Research Institute, one of the Chinese top scientists involved in the 863 Program was publicly credited with being the chief designer of the Z-10, in an attempt to preserve the secrecy of the Kamov contract. Wu had earlier participated in the designs of the armed version of transport helicopters Z-8A and WZ-9

CAIC Z-10 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Instead of raging , just tell the flight envelope of your system .... come talking with some technical things.. Mr. know how?

Range 6–22 km ;
Engagement altitude 100–7000 m,
speed 1.75
Simultaneous engagement - 1

Range 3-30 km
Speed- Mach 2.5.
Engagement altitude 30–18,000 m,
Simultaneous engagement - 64 targets track and attack 4 target with 8 missiles with 98.5% hit

Now, even blind can know the difference between the two....... go and come when you know anything technical knowledge about you S400/S500 system.

BTW you cannot able to develop SA6 because Russian didn't do it , So how can you copy / make a system more advance then SA6 :sarcastic::sarcastic:
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