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India to send more troops to Afghanistan

Yup Gen X mullah bradar and 3 others arrested a few days ago and nephew of Mullah omar and most of top al qaeda leader ship was arrested by indians and 30000 lives and around 50 billion $$$ worth of infrastucture isnt enough.
We should nuke ourself and leave our country for motherfukers who are sitting thousands of miles away,RIGHT?
Yup Gen X mullah bradar and 3 others arrested a few days ago and nephew of Mullah omar and most of top al qaeda leader ship was arrested by indians and 30000 lives and around 50 billion $$$ worth of infrastucture isnt enough.
We should nuke ourself and leave our country for motherfukers who are sitting thousands of miles away,RIGHT?

you are doing but still there is link between ISI and taliban and you know that

we want to help Pakistan that's why we are providing all help to Pakistan
you are doing but still there is link between ISI and taliban and you know that

we want to help Pakistan that's why we are providing all help to Pakistan

Same indian atitude.I bet ur a indian american.:tdown:
ISI +pakforce

you have to act against terror link

First of all, this video does not in any way reinforce your allegation. It interviews two terrorists - alleged Pakistanis - who went to Afghanistan to fight against the foreign troops there. Where does it reference an ISI connection?

So not only is your argument nonsense, it is nonsense of the weakest kind.

If you are interested in watching videos, watch this one of a captured Taliban operative talking about how his leadership visits Afghanistan, meets with Indian agents and receives assistance and targeting instructions.

So India must stop supporting international terror and sort out border disputes with all its neighbours with humility. Then perhaps it can know peace. If it continues to interfere and cause mass civilian casualties in other countries by arming terrorists, then it cannot expect to escape the massive blowback of its own vicious actions.
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First of all, this video does not in any way reinforce your allegation. It interviews two terrorists - alleged Pakistanis - who went to Afghanistan to fight against the foreign troops there. Where does it reference an ISI connection?

So not only is your argument nonsense, it is nonsense of the weakest kind.

If you are interested in watching videos, watch this one of a captured Taliban operative talking about how his leadership visits Afghanistan, meets with Indian agents and receives assistance and targeting instructions.

YouTube - Indian RAW Give us Targets in Pakistan - Pakistani Taliban Admits

So India must stop supporting international terror and sort out border disputes with all its neighbours with humility. Then perhaps it can know peace. If it continues to interfere and cause mass civilian casualties in other countries by arming terrorists, then it cannot expect to escape the massive blowback of its own vicious actions.

i will b the most happiest man in the world if this is true,if raw is involved in pakistan

if pakistan can openly send thousands of jehadis into in the name of freedom fighters

then why cant we send our own freedom fighters in pakistan,already their ecnomy is in turnmoil,we can help them to reach it a much better level:rofl:

and as pakistani's claim here that america will not allow pakistan to show or accept the evidence of indian involvement it makes the case more friendly to india,we can fully unleash our force there:smokin:

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