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A Math Problem From Singapore Goes Viral: When Is Cheryl’s Birthday?


Dec 7, 2010
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Bernard would have known if it were 18th or 19th, i.e., if it were may or june. So it has to be July or August. How did you eliminate the rest? Bernard know the date now. WHIch leaves

July 16, August 15, August 17

OK got that :D
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Best way to get Cheryl's birthday is to steal her info, and bypass the logic and maths.

So I've heard, it took a lot of assumptions to get there.
The only assumption is that everyone is speaking the truth.
Well its simple, just eliminate out the non-unique values one by one
No the answer is june 18

Ok i dont know. What the hell is u ppl's problem why u want to know a stranger woman's DOB. U stalkers.
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16th July it is. Typical CAT question. Solved such ones during prep days in 2008-09. Nonetheless interesting ones to brainstorm.
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