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Arabs slam Pak stand on Yemen and Call on Pakistani Parliament to Fall in Line

Oh yaaar identifying with the Arabs and calling those who were born on this land as Muhajir is wrong....just as them insisting on keeping the Muhajir tag and looking at us as a mere appendage attached to India is wrong !
What does being born on the land get anyone? This is why I love America.. technically no one belongs to it apart from the red Indians or perhaps the Mexicans. Infact you could achieve a lot more here.. regardless of the misplaced love for the Saudis many have here.. this reality is true.
But its happened already, and history is going to repeat itself. Tu fikar na kar, Kashmir and Nothern Punjab India k thalle lag jaye ga tu you'll be better off. :p:

Think of this crisis and the opinions that have come up. From complete lackeys, to sectarian nutcases, Iranian machinations.. to seeing how the Arabs actually see us as pitiful slaves..
This is a rock and a hard place Bhatta.. although if you want I can sponsor you to a better place where anyone can be anything. :usflag:

Yaaar busss kardeiii you prophet of doom ! :taz:

Countries go bust not because of some anthropological undertakings but simply 'governance' - Abbhiii zaraa rough patch haiii but things are getting better...slowly but surely !

Nahin bhai rehneiii dooo...I am going to create a better world right here in this Mulk-e-Khudaadad ! :smokin:
You see, If Israel was a nation of Jews -
It isn't just that what you've written is twisted and biased; it's that the approach of evaluating info so that the other side's arguments are worth serious merit and should be considered as a basis for changing policy isn't even in many Pakistanis' minds. Information and knowledge are used only to reinforce prejudices and anything else gets chucked out. It is a very deep form of moral corruption and I wonder if you can recognize it, or if recognizing it, you can respond with anything other than anger at the perceived injury to your pride.
Yaaar busss kardeiii you prophet of doom ! :taz:

Countries go bust not because of some anthropological undertakings but simply 'governance' - Abbhiii zaraa rough patch haiii but things are getting better...slowly but surely !

Nahin bhai rehneiii dooo...I am going to create a better world right here in this Mulk-e-Khudaadad ! :smokin:

Governance does play a big part, but so does intelligentsia.. these days it is not doing so. Which is why I repeat the now overused "Literacy in not education" bit.
What does being born on the land get anyone? This is why I love America.. technically no one belongs to it apart from the red Indians or perhaps the Mexicans. Infact you could achieve a lot more here.. regardless of the misplaced love for the Saudis many have here.. this reality is true.
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Yaaar no one has any misplaced love for the Saudis or the Iranians - There is a reason why they are not liked that much in Pakistan beyond the sectarian parties and their ilk ! That is, however, something that is completely different from recognizing ground realities and formulating foreign policy accordingly !
Yaaar no one has any misplaced love for the Saudis or the Iranians - There is a reason why they are not liked that much in Pakistan beyond the sectarian parties and their ilk ! That is, however, something that is completely different from recognizing ground realities and formulating foreign policy accordingly !

Kya baat kar rahe ho bhatta. The arab craze is hitting the dumb masses these days.

Al-Bakistan(which in Farsi would probably mean Land of fear.. right @Serpentine ??"

And Banjab..lol

Bhatta you live in Banjab
Let's see Pakistan's current list of less than friendly nations:

India - check
USA - check
Israel - check
Afghanistan - check
Iran - check
and now Saudi - check

Wonder how long before China gets added to that list.

You guys really have only one friend left that counts. Do not mess that up ......

Otherwise there is really nobody going to be coming for you when you need them most.

Nobody fights your battles, i thought Indians knew this better than any would else as they continued their policy of non alignment even to this day but hey its Pakistan so all logic goes out of the window. As for your little list

Only the first and third country are a check. USA just agreed to sell military hardware to Pakistan, Afghanistan's Ghani wants better relations with Pakistan, your puppet Karzai is gone and so has all rhetoric. As for Iran let sanctions get lifted and pipe line to be built than we will see if Iran is really less of a friendly nation or not. Pakistans neutral stance on Yemen conflict has already set a precedent in Tehran which will go a long way.

Coming to Country #1, see if we care, in fact i am all for breaking all diplomatic ties with a country called India. Israel is an altogether different story. There is really no point in not accepting them as a state. Things have slowly started to change and People really dont believe in this Ummah crap as much as was the case in 80s and 90s. I think we will come to terms with Israel in future.
Pakistanis have very big problems with the idea of Israel as a nation of Jews rather than a Jewish nation. Doubtless this is due to decades of anti-Zionist propaganda - specifically, the assertion that because Judaism is a religion its adherents aren't a people entitled to their own nation-state. I've pointed out it doesn't work that way and indeed there isn't any historical support for this notion; it's simply a lie-of-convenience Pakistanis have been stuck with ever since their founders decided that anti-Israelism would be Pakistani policy beyond facts, logic, and dispute - and Pakistan's Higher Education Commission agrees with my analysis: link.

Sticking to this line while blindly - even malevolently - ignoring the arguments and evidence otherwise is the mark of a cowed subject, not a democratic citizen. The sooner Pakistan recognizes Israel the better yet I think Pakistani leaders like to have grass-roots supporters - even a small number - to point to when they shift policies.

What you say is not wrong, personally IMO it was not the right thing for Pakistan to deny friendship request that was extended by the Govt. of Israel soon after Pakistan was created. Though today after about 70 years we are considering that it was not a correct decision. On the other hand Turkey was a strategic partner to Israel still what they did on the Mavi Marmara made them stand on the opposite side. So one can not say if the decision they take would be correct.

I can think of no advantage to Pakistan by keeping its role as mediator private, hence my conclusion that there is no substantial activity at all.

If one is hell bent on on thing that is revenge from the others then no one can stop it or talk sense.

There might not be any advantage in keeping mediation private but that was also the case in many USA mediation regarding the Iranian's or the Cuban's.

You're Pakistani. The past - the teaching of history - is something your government manipulates and allows to be manipulated for political purposes. That's not "learning from the past" as much as pretending the past to justify current policies.

You are an American. The past teaching of history also follows the same in US History. The Native Red Indian tribes history has all been manipulated. One can still learn from history but this is a little cumbersome. One has to compare what the others are also reporting. After all History is nothing more then a glorified past.
@Saif al-Arab your flags are of Saudi Arabia and France. That's so ironic and funny; both of those countries are on like completely opposite ends of the spectrum: one banning hijabs and the other banning people that won't wear hijabs :lol: :P
Governance does play a big part, but so does intelligentsia.. these days it is not doing so. Which is why I repeat the now overused "Literacy in not education" bit.

Neither is fluctuating from one extreme to the other an entirely intelligent thing to do; our so-called conservatives and so-called liberals both suffer from self-righteousness, selective amnesia, have a tendency of rationalizing uncomfortable things about their arguments, indulge in hagiography and are convinced about the incontrovertibly correctness of their stances.

Moderation tou ha hiii nahin na isss mulk mein !

But the answer to that isn't to give up on it by saying...theek hi nahin ho saktaa....Nations are not built like that !

Kya baat kar rahe ho bhatta. The arab craze is hitting the dumb masses these days.

Al-Bakistan(which in Farsi would probably mean Land of fear.. right @Serpentine ??"

And Banjab..lol

Bhatta you live in Banjab

Oh yaaar yeh tou bilkul haiii but conversely so these same people utter some of the juiciest words about the Arabs from their Punjabi vocabulary every time they hear about 'Arabs needing Pakistani help' or 'Arabs mistreating some Pakistani laborer' or 'Arabs royals hunting in Baluchistan' and so on and so forth.

Besides this 'Al-Bakistan' nonsense isn't because of some 'Arab fetish' its one of those 'it looks cool' nonsense that people indulge in otherwise; just as XXX adoring every motorbike or the Playboy logo adorning most motorbikes doesn't make them Vin Diesel or anything....this doesn't mean anything ! Yeh aisaaa nahin haiii that people go 'Ahlan Wasahlan' after getting those number plates or starting wearing that kiffeh on their heads - Yaaar come on !

This is precisely the kind of nonsensical anthropological deconstructions that I'm referring to that end up having a fixed view point about things and then taking something and extracting endless extrapolations from it - A little like how the Allah Hafiz vs Khuda Hafiz debate started to reflect that some people want to be more Arabs and some a Persian salutation makes us more.....well....us ! :crazy:

Aur waisee bhiii yaaar just as me wearing a suit to work everyday neither makes me an anglophile I think that just because my colleague's car has 'Al-Baksitan' doesn't make him an Arab-wannabe especially when hes got the choicest of words for them whenever we talk about the Yemen issue or the decadence of the Arab monarchs or how he mentions the same dichotomies that you mentioned in your America vs Arab memes !

So yaaar lets not get ahead of ourselves !
If one is hell bent on on thing that is revenge from the others then no one can stop it or talk sense.
Well, I'd like to point out that in 1977
Pakistan's Sahabzada Yaqub-Khan proved this wrong. He, in combination with two other ambassadors, did talk sense into murderous terrorists hell-bent on revenge. They did it with the telephone, their lips, and the Koran: link

You are an American. The past teaching of history also follows the same in US History. The Native Red Indian tribes history has all been manipulated. One can still learn from history but this is a little cumbersome. One has to compare what the others are also reporting. After all History is nothing more then a glorified past.
The horror of Native American history has been conveyed in American history school textbooks for at least two generations. There is nothing like the declaration of the HEC calling for extra-legal punishment of wrong-thinkers. If America "follows the same" as Pakistan it's only to a very dim degree.
Nobody fights your battles, i thought Indians knew this better than any would else as they continued their policy of non alignment even to this day but hey its Pakistan so all logic goes out of the window. As for your little list

Only the first and third country are a check. USA just agreed to sell military hardware to Pakistan, Afghanistan's Ghani wants better relations with Pakistan, your puppet Karzai is gone and so has all rhetoric. As for Iran let sanctions get lifted and pipe line to be built than we will see if Iran is really less of a friendly nation or not. Pakistans neutral stance on Yemen conflict has already set a precedent in Tehran which will go a long way.

Coming to Country #1, see if we care, in fact i am all for breaking all diplomatic ties with a country called India. Israel is an altogether different story. There is really no point in not accepting them as a state. Things have slowly started to change and People really dont believe in this Ummah crap as much as was the case in 80s and 90s. I think we will come to terms with Israel in future.

You are contradicting what webby and jon are saying here. They are working on the assumption that Pakistan has clearly taken a stand and has a dep state policy of playing the nuclear card against Iran.

Afghanistan is an even bigger problem for you, as are the Afghans living on your soil.

America has already mapped your nukes out. The rest is window dressing.

As the only nuclear muslim state, and with your stand on the Palestine issue, you are an existential threat for Israel. Never mind the fact that you do not have a demonstrable means of reaching them. They see you as nuclear proxies for the Sauds and that is what counts.

India reciprocates your views on her. The difference being India has the clout and heft which you do not, and probably never will.

Like others (the US and the Sauds), China uses you as you are useful to them. That really seems to be your last card today. Not so much in terms of options. But for survival.

Chalo bye for now. Moto GP is about to start!
You are contradicting what webby and jon are saying here. They are working on the assumption that Pakistan has clearly taken a stand and has a dep state policy of playing the nuclear card against Iran.

Afghanistan is an even bigger problem for you, as are the Afghans living on your soil.

America has already mapped your nukes out. The rest is window dressing.

As the only nuclear muslim state, and with your stand on the Palestine issue, you are an existential threat for Israel. Never mind the fact that you do not have a demonstrable means of reaching them. They see you as nuclear proxies for the Sauds and that is what counts.

India reciprocates your views on her. The difference being India has the clout and heft which you do not, and probably never will.

Like others (the US and the Sauds), China uses you as you are useful to them. That really seems to be your last card today. Not so much in terms of options. But for survival.

Chalo bye for now. Moto GP is about to start!

I am not concerned with what others are saying. They have a opinion as do you and I.

Kya baat kar rahe ho bhatta. The arab craze is hitting the dumb masses these days.

Al-Bakistan(which in Farsi would probably mean Land of fear.. right @Serpentine ??"

And Banjab..lol

Bhatta you live in Banjab

Stupid morons who do not understand the meaning behind it and are doing it just because one of his friends did as well or he saw another car with the same type of plate. By the way bikers are also obsessed with this type of plates however rest assured these morons have no obsession with arabs. Its more of a fashion thing.

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