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Arabs slam Pak stand on Yemen and Call on Pakistani Parliament to Fall in Line

I think the UAE needs to remember the internal security situation we are facing before they make such a statement.
@tsinga @salarsikander

There is no need to talk about an attack on Makkah and Madinah as this is not realistic nor is KSA really under threat from the Houthi's or anyone else for that matter. We trust that our allies and long-time friends and partners will stand behind us and vice versa.
@tsinga @salarsikander

There is no need to talk about an attack on Makkah and Madinah as this is not realistic nor is KSA really under threat from the Houthi's or anyone else for that matter. We trust that our allies and long-time friends and partners will stand behind us and vice versa.

Indian seems Itch every single time they see when we get cozy with our allies, it was just response to that

Indian seems Itch every single time they see when we get cozy with our allies, it was just response to that

I don't know what they are up to but they should realize that KSA and Pakistan are no enemies. The relationship goes way beyond just the leaderships. People should know about this before they talk.
Heavy price:hitwall: what can they do is un leash their alien babies aka madrasa students to start explode here and there, hope our agencies took serious their threat and wash out all doubtful Madrasas before it's late.
There other threat might be base on financial help the oil thingy etc is not a serious one coz there are other players too who can help us to run our needs.
It's right time for Pakistan to teach a lessons to these Arabs and send back more harsh warning to them so they can remembers their status. No more Riyals for Nawaz and company we already pay back more than double of it and still paying on their damn Jehad.
@tsinga @salarsikander

There is no need to talk about an attack on Makkah and Madinah as this is not realistic nor is KSA really under threat from the Houthi's or anyone else for that matter.
Yes, I agree.

However I am merely pointing out how flawed the assumption that an obligation(presumably) of protecting a muslim holy land is the same as protecting the current geography of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or the House of Saud.


Indian seems Itch every single time they see when we get cozy with our allies, it was just response to that
I do have to stand by an assessment that Pakistani's are incapable of any kind of higher intellect or analysis. Any discussion that points out uncomfortable facts becomes a street slinging match for Pakistanis.

One of the reasons why Pakistani analysis either from their Government of Military ends up looking juvenile compared to what the rest of the world produces.
Pakistan is biggest muslim military power so it their duty to protect their holy places.
Havis sb u r right, Pak should work for peace in Yemen instead of putting fir on fire. U can't kill all houtis similarly Iranis can't kill all arabs. Pakistan is not a butcher state. Look at pics of children dying in Syria and Yemen what they have done. Iranis quite strict in their religious views similarly Saudis saying their prayers in Kaba. Butt both are butchers having blood of thousands of Muslims on their hands. instead of cursing others they should be ashamed of themselves and call Almighty for redemption. If it is possible I pray that all Muslim countries should condemn both sides and try to stop internal war , ultimately making Israel stonger against Muslims.
Gargash said Pakistan is required to show a clear stand in favour of its strategic relations with the six-nation Arab Gulf cooperation Council, as contradictory and ambiguous views on this serious matter will have a heavy price to pay (was that a threat?).

“The vague and contradictory stands of Pakistan and Turkey are an absolute proof that Arab security — from Libya to Yemen — is the responsibility of none but Arab countries, and the crisis is a real test for neighbouring countries.”

**** you UAE. Go and kiss Indian *** like you guys love too. You don't treat Pakistan any special. In fact Pakistanis working there are treated worst than their Indian counterparts, Filipinos and other nationalities and now you have the audacity to threat us.

And yes the Arab security is your own responsibility and not ours just like the security of Pakistan is our own responsibility and not any of the so called Arab countries.

Go take a hike Gargash or whatever your name is. Moron

I hope that KSA, the GCC and Arab world can talk with Pakistan maturely if there are any disagreements and solve them together to the benefit of us all. There is really no other option than to have a healthy and friendly relationship. We all have troubles that we must solve at home and if we can help each other to our best abilities then that would be better than to have hostilities for no reason.


KSA and Pakistan are allies and have very close ties. Makkah and Madinah are located in KSA. It's part of KSA. The House of Saud are ruling KSA. Thus all 3 are tied.

A relationship cannot only be limited to the leadership. It goes way beyond that for most close allies. Let alone on the personal level.
no noone is like indians. Even this post of yours tells. And let me tell u high time you indians stop trying to hide your shortcomings by lumping yourselves up with other nationalities . You ppl are so awesome, ofcourse starting from lower end of spectrum that you stand out amongst all, and even this comment of yours is a good depiction of horrid mindset : "Most of them trying to.entertain themselve at each others expance."

And i am not engaging with you.

Whatever makes you happy. :jester:
I hope that KSA, the GCC and Arab world can talk with Pakistan maturely if there are any disagreements and solve them together to the benefit of us all. There is really no other option than to have a healthy and friendly relationship. We all have troubles that we must solve at home and if we can help each other to our best abilities then that would be better than to have hostilities for no reason.
There's no disagreement really. We just want to play a defensive role when it comes to KSA's security.
KSA and Pakistan are allies and have very close ties. Makkah and Madinah are located in KSA. It's part of KSA. The House of Saud are ruling KSA. Thus all 3 are tied.

A relationship cannot only be limited to the leadership. It goes way beyond that for most close allies. Let alone on the personal level.
Again, you are correct.
However the fact that some Pakistanis treat protecting Saudi Arabia and House of Saud as a religious obligation are incorrect.

Now, I don't know whether they are genuinely dumb or are deliberately trying to goad other Pakistanis into believing this tripe.

However the fact remains that Pakistan can choose to go to war to protect Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It does not have to be painted as a religious obligation(that some are trying to do) and thus a fait acompli.

For example, US will go to war in trying to protect the territorial integrity of Britain...and it has nothing to do with religion.
Or India will go to war to protect the territorial integrity of Nepal and Bhutan...and it has nothing to do with religion.

I wonder why some Pakistanis are trying to paint it as such or be apologetic about it.
Havis sb u r right, Pak should work for peace in Yemen instead of putting fir on fire.
This war will have a disastrous effect upon relations between Pakistan and Gulf states, regardless of whether Pakistan engages in peace talks or not. Why? Because the Arab states had expected Pakistan to take part militarily.
. U can't kill all houtis similarly Iranis can't kill all arabs. Pakistan is not a butcher state.
You can't compare Arabs with Houthis. Arabs are an ethnic group.. Even the Houthis are Arabs.
Look at pics of children dying in Syria and Yemen what they have done. Iranis quite strict in their religious views similarly Saudis saying their prayers in Kaba. Butt both are butchers having blood of thousands of Muslims on their hands. instead of cursing others they should be ashamed of themselves and call Almighty for redemption.
Decisions are made by governments, not the people and I feel no shame or fear in saying that both Saudi Arabia and Iran are led by hypocrites. These hypocrites use the cover of religion to engage in proxy wars for the sole reason of expanding their influence.
If it is possible I pray that all Muslim countries should condemn both sides and try to stop internal war , ultimately making Israel stonger against Muslims.
I doubt Saudis care about Israel. It has been a known fact that Israel possessed nuclear weapons but as everyone saw, Saudi Arabia was much more concerned with Iran trying to enrich uranium. The relationship between Saudi Arabia and Israel became even more clear after Israel started to participate in the war against Houthis. If you think over it, the only way for Israel to ever get to Yemen would be if it were to use Egyptian or Saudi airspace and refuel there.
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