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Assange: Google Is Not What It Seems

Yemen is an interesting case of double standards (just one of many).

There is a civil war in Yemen and the acting president had to flee the country, but according to US he remains as the acting president. On the other hand, when Yanukovitch was forced to flee in Ukraine because of the Maidan coup, he is no longer the acting president because he fled.

Saudi Arabia and its friends can intervene in the Yemen civil war in support of one side with US logistical support, but if Russia does some little dinky thing in support of the Donbass rebels, that's a major aggression, invasion, violation of the world order, etc, etc and they get massive sanctions.

Of course the brainwashed westerners don't quite get the point.

Needless to tell you how our MSM reports on the war in Yemen look like. You have the feeling that the people in the MSM are schizos.
Needless to tell you how our MSM reports on the war in Yemen look like. You have the feeling that the people in the MSM are schizos.
Well they are.They are paid to lie and gladly accept money to lie,twist reality and spread propaganda.Good thing not many peoples believe them anymore.Someone invented a very nice name for such "journalists" some time ago-presstitutes.Also someone invented very nice word for those who believe without hesitation MSM lies(we have such peoples here too-members of NATO Bot Club) -sheeple.
As far Google - nothing new really.Look who give the idea for it,look who are their shareholders,look the speeches of their executives,look at what kind of organizations they are members to,look for their nice cosy relations with certain questionable organization -and will see they are part of grand design.Just stay away from all of Google services for now -enough other alternatives from other less questionable companies with less questionable reputation as Google.
Well they are.They are paid to lie and gladly accept money to lie,twist reality and spread propaganda.Good thing not many peoples believe them anymore.Someone invented a very nice name for such "journalists" some time ago-presstitutes.Also someone invented very nice word for those who believe without hesitation MSM lies(we have such peoples here too-members of NATO Bot Club) -sheeple.
As far Google - nothing new really.Look who give the idea for it,look who are their shareholders,look the speeches of their executives,look at what kind of organizations they are members to,look for their nice cosy relations with certain questionable organization -and will see they are part of grand design.Just stay away from all of Google services for now -enough other alternatives from other less questionable companies with less questionable reputation as Google.

Words of wisdom mate !!!
LLOL LMAO. so is this some kind of news?? Did he say something we never knew?? Just like Gambit said the best way to avoid being tracked/surveillance is to simply stay out of the internet altogether. As far as you connect and use social medias, serach engines,mail service providers etc you will be tracked. Only the naives will think otherwise. Anyway i dont have anything bad to hide so no worries. ANYONE complaining about American tech companies dominance/hegemony and ability tpolice the world online is just being naive/loser. You can opt to not use these service providers and stay away from the internet in the first place, that way there is no way the U.S government will be able to keep tab on you and your privacy wont be violated, easy as that. So instead of being a sour loser, we should instead think of how we can create and alternative for these (not like they wont be same like GOOGLE anyway.lol). The U.S does what is best for its interests and it will do ANYTHING to protect its interests like any sane country does. So i dont see anything wrong in that at all. We Europeans/Asians etc complaining are just jealous/sour because we dont have the power/influence/success U.S tech companies enjoy in the world, which the dominate totally all over the globe. So the U.S should serve as an inspiration for us all instead of being the object of constant blind criticisms.:bounce::big_boss:

Just stay away from all of Google services for now -enough other alternatives from other less questionable companies with less questionable reputation as Google.

LMAO. so we should all throw away our android phones isn't it genius??:lol: Then over 70% of mobile phones in the world would have to be destroyed.:rofl:
LLOL LMAO. so is this some kind of news?? Did he say something we never knew?? Just like Gambit said the best way to avoid being tracked/surveillance is to simply stay out of the internet altogether. As far as you connect and use social medias, serach engines,mail service providers etc you will be tracked. Only the naives will think otherwise. Anyway i dont have anything bad to hide so no worries. ANYONE complaining about American tech companies dominance/hegemony and ability tpolice the world online is just being naive/loser. You can opt to not use these service providers and stay away from the internet in the first place, that way there is no way the U.S government will be able to keep tab on you and your privacy wont be violated, easy as that. So instead of being a sour loser, we should instead think of how we can create and alternative for these (not like they wont be same like GOOGLE anyway.lol). The U.S does what is best for its interests and it will do ANYTHING to protect its interests like any sane country does. So i dont see anything wrong in that at all. We Europeans/Asians etc complaining are just jealous/sour because we dont have the power/influence/success U.S tech companies enjoy in the world, which the dominate totally all over the globe. So the U.S should serve as an inspiration for us all instead of being the object of constant blind criticisms.:bounce::big_boss:

LMAO. so we should all throw away our android phones isn't it genius??:lol: Then over 70% of mobile phones in the world would have to be destroyed.:rofl:

Indeed there are news in this article since the main point of it is the fact that Google is an instrument of US foreign policy and that's new for most people.

You certainly have a right to not mind that you are being spied and to not have privacy.
Sheep are sheep after all and they don't mind to be sheep. Its their nature.

Most Europeans, on the other hand, don't subscribe to your position and for reasons very different than what you stated and we are planning to do something about it and that's why the EU is about to hit Google big time:

A Coming EU vs Google Anti-trust Bloodletting

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I love to use Google products.

I'm browsing this forum with Google Chrome. I don't think I can browse the internet without Google search engine.

I love to use Google products.

I'm browsing this forum with Google Chrome. I don't think I can browse the internet without Google search engine.

I love to use Google products.

I'm browsing this forum with Google Chrome. I don't think I can browse the internet without Google search engine.
I love to use Google products.

I'm browsing this forum with Google Chrome. I don't think I can browse the internet without Google search engine.

I love to use Google products.

I'm browsing this forum with Google Chrome. I don't think I can browse the internet without Google search engine.

I love to use Google products.

I'm browsing this forum with Google Chrome. I don't think I can browse the internet without Google search engine.

Good for you, enjoy it, you are precisely the type of product that they like to create.
Indeed there are news in this article since the main point of it is the fact that Google is an instrument of US foreign policy and that's new for most people.

You certainly have a right to not mind that you are being spied and to not have privacy.
Sheep are sheep after all and they don't mind to be sheep. Its their nature.

Most Europeans, on the other hand, don't subscribe to your position and for reasons very different than what you stated and we are planning to do something about it and that's why the EU is about to hit Google big time:

A Coming EU vs Google Anti-trust Bloodletting


lool Well you really think even if the E.U hits google 'big time' its going to change anything?? Its not like google is going to be kicked out of the E.U, nope never. Maybe some fines here and there but they will NEVER be banned(no matter what they do), thats the simple truth. As of now and in near future, Google is simply too dominant/omni present for there to be any serious competitor/rival to reduced its influence/reach world wide. When every person on earth thinks about the internet GOOGLE is the first thing that comes in mind. It has trascended being just a company, like Apple its now like a cult, as its too powerful/dominant/big.

Even if we did remotely succeed in creating a Google rival/alternative do you really think it wont act the same like Google?lool come on man, be reasonable, it wont be any different, they will still/also be spying/tracking/violating our privacies as well when they deem necessary. Even the worlds second largest serach engine BAIDU is also a tool/has close relations with the Chinese government and its chairman is also part of the CCP etc. so in short it makes little to no difference where the company comes from, it will always keep close ties with its government establishment. Thats the simple fact. So dont think its only the U.S government/GOOGLE that does it, thinking so is rather Naive i must say. So the only way for you to really protect your privacy/remain anonymous is just to KEEP AWAY FROM THE INTERNET ALTOGETHER, that way you have nothing to fear about any company/government violating your privacy.:)
lool Well you really think even if the E.U hits google 'big time' its going to change anything?? Its not like google is going to be kicked out of the E.U, nope never. Maybe some fines here and there but they will NEVER be banned(no matter what they do), thats the simple truth. As of now and in near future, Google is simply too dominant/omni present for there to be any serious competitor/rival to reduced its influence/reach world wide. When every person on earth thinks about the internet GOOGLE is the first thing that comes in mind. It has trascended being just a company, like Apple its now like a cult, as its too powerful/dominant/big.

Even if we did remotely succeed in creating a Google rival/alternative do you really think it wont act the same like Google?lool come on man, be reasonable, it wont be any different, they will still/also be spying/tracking/violating our privacies as well when they deem necessary. Even the worlds second largest serach engine BAIDU is also a tool/has close relations with the Chinese government and its chairman is also part of the CCP etc. so in short it makes little to no difference where the company comes from, it will always keep close ties with its government establishment. Thats the simple fact. So dont think its only the U.S government/GOOGLE that does it, thinking so is rather Naive i must say. So the only way for you to really protect your privacy/remain anonymous is just to KEEP AWAY FROM THE INTERNET ALTOGETHER, that way you have nothing to fear about any company/government violating your privacy.:)

The EU action against Google is one round in a long fight but it has to start somewhere, so it starts there. The EU does have a lot power to influence Google. It sets a precedent and a example. That makes a difference.

For some people, the course of action is to surrender to what it seems like overwhelming odds while others do fight and make a difference no matter what as the British did against the Spanish Armada. Might does not mean Right and it does not always mean Invincible.

What Google does is unfair and unacceptable, there are many issues there, privacy is just one of them. The way they distort the search results to favor their business interests is not acceptable and affects the livelihood of many people and its fraud against its users. Google has grown too big, its time to tame it.
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