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Why Kerala has no beef with beef.

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What has any of this have to do with secularism.

On the article and the writer ..... as always, true to form .... disgusting. At least we get confirmation that he's Christian. No surprises there. But good to know.

A secular society does not ban beef. Just as a secular society does not ban drinking, even for minorities, something Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto did. For a secular society to ban beef just because people of a select faith do not eat it is taking a fundamental right-freedom of choice away from them

I am glad some secularists still survive in india. @levina where were you guys. I was beggining to feel the "suckular etc" Hindutva crowd was really the majority. Might I have been wrong.

I guess that's what makes the difference. Religion was never an issue in kerala, ppl 're more concerned about the ban on liquor. Lolz
Theres a ban on liqour in Kerala?
Hindus in Kerala do eat beef
A secular society does not ban beef. Just as a secular society does not ban drinking, even for minorities, something Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto did. For a secular society to ban beef just because people of a select faith do not eat it is taking a fundamental right-freedom of choice away from them

I am glad some secularists still survive in india. @levina where were you guys. I was beggining to feel the "suckular etc" Hindutva crowd was really the majority. Might I have been wrong.

Theres a ban on liqour in Kerala?
Our religion is weak..

If someone from other community eats beef, the religion will be destroyed and its followers shattered.

Minding own business is a hard thing.

We will happily hand over them to jail for 5 years.

Something more silly than the Blasphemy laws in there.
I guess that's what makes the difference. Religion was never an issue in kerala, ppl 're more concerned about the ban on liquor. Lolz

This says it all.... We have a population, which has more than 40% who loves to eat beef, and no idea how much would be the percentage of hindu's eat beef.

Not only beef, 14% population use pork as well.

We are the most secular state in India
A secular society does not ban beef. Just as a secular society does not ban drinking, even for minorities, something Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto did. For a secular society to ban beef just because people of a select faith do not eat it is taking a fundamental right-freedom of choice away from them

I am glad some secularists still survive in india. @levina where were you guys. I was beggining to feel the "suckular etc" Hindutva crowd was really the majority. Might I have been wrong.

Theres a ban on liqour in Kerala?

Liqour is not banned in kerala....
Consumption is tooo high in kerala...Govt trying to control it by reducing bars in kerala....
Its not working as of now....Kerala cannot ban liqour...Tourism will be affected....
Kerala consumes more beef than any other state in India....
The hindus, christians and msulims all consume it....
Beef is imported from tamil nadu mainly in kerala....
Liqour and beef is never gonna get banned in Kerala, thats for sure...:)
This says it all.... We have a population, which has more than 40% who loves to eat beef, and no idea how much would be the percentage of hindu's eat beef.

Not only beef, 14% population use pork as well.

We are the most secular state in India

Then your culture, traditions , eating habits are not Indian..

5 years in jail......
Says who? You?

Our country, our secularism, our laws.

Who's fundamental religious rights is a ban on beef infringing upon?

Measure that against who's fundamental religious sentiments the slaughter of cows impacts upon. What are you talking about.

@Irfan Baloch
Again the same old debate on the maharashtra bans beef thread? The ban most particularly impinges on the rights of Christians and Muslims. They have no beef against beef so why should they be forced not to eat it. Furthermore what about those Hindus who eat it. As a Lucknowi I know how hard it is to find beef in that place, especially since it went to Bharat.

The ban is specially hurtful to slaughterhouses from where our families get their beef. It is equally reprehensible as the ban on alcohol on everyone in Pakistan-the law against drinking. A secular nation does not ban things.
A secular society does not ban beef. Just as a secular society does not ban drinking, even for minorities, something Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto did. For a secular society to ban beef just because people of a select faith do not eat it is taking a fundamental right-freedom of choice away from them
Actually beef was not banned for religious reason, it was banned because of article 48A in Indian constitution. It's just that Maharashtra decided to implement it.
This is what article 48a says
"The State shall endeavour to organise agriculture and animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines and shall, in particular, take steps for preserving and improving the breeds, and prohibiting the slaughter of cows and calves and othermilch and draught cattle."

I am glad some secularists still survive in india. @levina where were you guys. I was beggining to feel the "suckular etc" Hindutva crowd was really the majority. Might I have been wrong.
@syedali73 Don't miss this. :)

Btw @haviZsultan 99.99% mallus on this forum 're secular. Trust me! Lol

Theres a ban on liqour in Kerala?
Just a partial ban.(Beer and wine is still allowed)
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