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Afghanistan must share power with Taliban, says Musharraf

All will be easy and it remains Afghanistan's responsibility, it is not a matter of black and white but sustainable peace and the larger national interest. Pakistan is expected to end all kinds of support including safe heaven for Taliban, we will see if it would hold true to what we are hearing nowadays. Playing the same game differently is boring.
All will be easy and it remains Afghanistan's responsibility, it is not a matter of black and white but sustainable peace and the larger national interest. Pakistan is expected to end all kinds of support including safe heaven for Taliban, we will see if it would hold true to what we are hearing nowadays. Playing the same game differently is boring.

I think Pakistan and Afghanistan governments (including security establishment) have the same expectations of eachother -- that we need to see eye to eye and ensure both our territory is not used by eachothers' enemies

for too long there's been lack of trust (on both sides)

In the interests of this larger national interest and sustainable peace - the Afghan reconciliation process must be owned by Afghanistan and must include all the stakeholders. The neighbour countries can facilitate the process but the onus is on our Afghan brothers/sisters
I think Pakistan and Afghanistan governments (including security establishment) have the same expectations of eachother -- that we need to see eye to eye and ensure both our territory is not used by eachothers' enemies

for too long there's been lack of trust (on both sides)

In the interests of this larger national interest and sustainable peace - the Afghan reconciliation process must be owned by Afghanistan and must include all the stakeholders. The neighbour countries can facilitate the process but the onus is on our Afghan brothers/sisters

Yes, I think what is expected of Pakistan in ending support to our enemies and their safe heavens is very important. We may have to just rely on this at the end if the facilitation don't work. Unless you want to set an example vis a vis TTP first which could provide us with a formula.
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if Rashid Dostum is the current VP.....if a man like him could be VP, anyone could

what takes the cake would be your PM Modi - who himself is openly backed by extremist individuals and extremist groups (i.e. RSS, Sangh Parivar, VHP, etc.)

I laugh when pakistanis get sanctimonious on declaring Sangh Parivar - which includes RSS, HMS, and VHP as extrmeist, when it's exact super imposition was AIML.....But then again I don't expect you to understand that.

As far as Dostum is concerned his Junbushi days are behind him, he allied with massoud,.... if your reference to to dostum is w r t Dasht-i-Leili, then there are others in your own administration who had done quite worse.
Musharaf is delusional. He is in no position to tell Pakistanis what they must do, let alone the Afghans. Somebody should tell him that it is 2015 and nobody really cares what he says.
This is the only viable solution for long term stability of Afghanistan. Regardless of what Pakistan thinks, the Afghan Taliban command solid support among Afghan Pashtoons who just happen to be the Majority.

Only country that has a problem with this solution is the Hindutva regime in New Delhi, therefore we must watch their circus stunts very carefully.
coming from a country that unleashed taliban on afghans.... it's quite laughable....
that's why negotiations are taking place and the regional stake-holders are trying to push for reconciliation

i think for talebs their objective would be the removal of all foreign forces whom they view as invaders....initial negotiations would decide when those residual forces withdraw and then of course building political alliances and coalitions. Will require shades of gray thinking - not white and black

what's "cuckoo" is those commenting on the reconciliation process and parroting the usual white and black thinking process which has kept Afghanistan polarized and prevented it from moving forward

Legitimise the taliban again..lets see how it works out the second time round. Get the taliban to get elected by election rather than by killing...that would be an achievement which isn't going to happen because the taliban doesn't operate that way. End of the day, the talib regions will again be haven for all the Islamist terrorist groups in the world.
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