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Assailants hack to death writer Avijit Roy, wife injured

It is not internal Bangladeshi affair just as Charlie Hebdo was not an internal French affair. As a fellow atheist and rationalist, all I can do is to show solidarity and rally against ISIS types like you. Can't let barbarians to drag the world to 7th century.

Picture was shared in twitter.
It is internal Bangladeshi affair, our country our rules :nana: although গাভিজিত is not a real Bangladeshi, he hated this country and its people ;)
Arab scientists have invented a time-travel device that can transport an entire country back to the middle ages.
They’re calling it ‘Islam’.
This is an interesting Map, as i already said this was heavily protected zone inside Dhaka University... Most Funny thing is after the Murder beside a police van, the attackers Ran towards police positioned nearby :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Ansar League/Bangla bhai or other uneducated donkey loving group, they are/were all a part of Jamaat... just like Al badr and Al shams were Jamaats... cmon bro.. stop giving basher kella examples...
Krauss and Hawkins are great astro/particle physicist, eveyone quotes them and their equations, what is wrong with it? He is not quoting Kella after all!!
Try harder my friend... stop being so uneducated filthy sob.

lol... he wont be at the same place as you for sure.. so it wont be hell...
he will be in hell thats for sure.
12 pages of whining by the same Indians who rejoice at the death of muslim BDs. Talk abt hypocrisy. But i guess that's pagan brotherhood or................anti-muslim bigotry to be precise.

BD is a land of extrajudicial killings championed by the ruling party itself . jungle laws prevail in BD. He was killed in a high security zone in the vicinity of armed police in an area which is the fort of secular awami cadres. This murder is shrouded in mystery and it just so happens that indo-awami tacticians were in dire need of western sympathy. Such a coincidence. Anyone trying to fish for an "muslim extremist" link is trying to hide the real killers intentionally or unintentionally. But that is exactly what u indians r doing. @LaBong @DRAY. This seems to be too good a muslim bashing opportunity to miss for u guys . Knowing the hindutva psyche , its understandable.

Having said all that, this avijit was a anti-muslim bigot and not much different from those charlie hebdo bigots, infact he reportedly supported them. There should be blasphemy laws in muslim lands to deter such incidents from taking place.

I have no better word for those who keep hacking people to death and those who support or justify such dasterdly acts.

Do u know who killed him? Then why don't u report to awami police in BD? I think u should be the DMP commissioner of BD.

This one is from one of the articles in Avijit Roy's blog www.mukto-mona.com . Avijit Roy was murdered a week later.

ইসলাম স্যাটায়ার করার জিনিস না। ইসলাম বাকী দুনিয়াকে নিয়ে স্যাটায়ার করতে পারবে কিন্তু ইসলাম নিয়ে স্যাটায়ার ইসলাম কোনদিন মেনে নিবে না। এসব আমাদের সবারই জানা কথা। আমরা সেভাবেই চলি। আমাদের সিনেমা, নাটক, গল্প, উপন্যাস সব সময় ইসলাম, নবী, সাহাবী ইত্যাদি বিষয়ে ভুলেও “মজা” করার কথা ভাবতেই পারি না। ধর্ম নিয়ে স্যাটায়ার মুসলিম বোধের বাইরে। পুরো বিশ্ব জেনে গেছে ইসলাম নিয়ে স্যাটায়ার মুসলিমদের কতটা ক্ষুব্ধ করে। এর ফল কতটা ভয়াবহন হতে পারে গোটা বিশ্বের অজানা নয়। ইসলাম নিয়ে রশিকতার বদলা নিতে খুন করতে দ্বিধা করে না ইসলাম ও নবী প্রেমি জিহাদীরা। বাকী মুসলিম সমাজ সেই খুনের সমর্থন করতে প্রকাশ্যে দাঁড়ায়। আর আছে কিছু ভদ্রগোছের আধুনিক লেবাসের মুসলিম, তারা “স্যাটায়ার করাও খারাপ হয়েছে, খুন করাটাও খারাপ হয়েছে” বলে ইসলামকেই ডিফেন্স করে। কাজেই আপনাকে মানতেই হবে ইসলাম নিয়ে হাস্যরস করলে তার পরিণতিটা আপনাকে আগেই ভেবে নিতে হবে।

ahhh..... even when someone condemn the murder but justly point out their bigotry, they r still at fault? All their bigotry should be applauded without question other wise u r "extremist"? SO convenient for these modern day bigots. :(
12 pages of whining by the same Indians who rejoice at the death of muslim BDs. Talk abt hypocrisy. But i guess that's pagan brotherhood or................anti-muslim bigotry to be precise.

Noted writer Humayun Azad

Blogger Ahmed Rajib Haider

Professor Shafiul Islam

They all were Hindus, and it is a 'Muslim bashing' thread. :tup:

Btw, was Dr. Avijit Roy a Hindu? He claimed to be an atheist!

Bigotry is hard to fight.

Do u know who killed him? Then why don't u report to awami police in BD? I think u should be the DMP commissioner of BD.

The same organization who killed Prof. Shafiul Islam.
I too want to see the green flag (with an off centered red circle in it) flying over islamabad :-)

first u ask him to solve the problem of sunni shia voilence in his country,he must first set his house in order. Talking of Ummah,why r they deporting the Afghan refugees,are they not part of Ummah
He is an engineer and a famous author... he can quote another learned man, as long as he is not quoting basherkella he will always be considered an intellectual...
Jamaat killed intellectuals in dec 71 and they still continue to do so to this day since they are scared of honest intellectual bengalis...


It is India trying to create instability in neighbourng countries. This guy was a Hindu and should be in West Bengal. I think Bangladesh, despite being a secular country, should encourage it's Hindus to leave for West Bengal, because if we don't then it is very possible they will start to seed the flowering of instability in the country. Hindus have always been very deceitful.

I think Hindu Bangladeshis should be made to leave the country. You will have a situation where they will always backstab Bangladeshis and spy on behalf of India and Bangladeshis who will never trust them, so it makes sense they be made to leave.

How do you think the Bengali Hindu population is reducing rapidly in Bangladesh?
Humayun Azad

Ahmed Rajib Haider

Prof. Shafiul Islam

They all were Hindus, and it is a 'Muslim bashing' thread. :tup:

Bigotry is hard to fight.

Its indeed intended to be a muslim bashing thread and the death of the people u mentioned above (who were also anti-muslim bigots) have been milked very well by your secular awami chapati league and your communally charged media outlets like anandabazar. You and your communally charged propaganda outlets like ananda bazar don't seem to bother abt hindu victims like bishwajit killed by secular chapati leaguers. May be such explicit overt crime had no propaganda value eh? Muslims r the ones oppressed in this awami jungle land not the other way round as you hindutvadis try to portray.

U hindutvadis should be the last possible hatemongers on earth to talk abt bigotry.

The same organization who killed Prof. Shafiul Islam.

SO u know. Then why don't u help the awami police in BD? Awami BD is in dire need of sherlock holmes like u.

Btw mr. holmes did u take the murder scene into consideration :



Btw mr.holmes this is reported by prothom alo, so i think it should be digestible for people like u.

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Its indeed a muslim bashing thread and the death of people u mentioned above have been milked very well by your secular awami chapati league and your communally charged media outlets like anandabazar. You and your communally charged propaganda outlets like ananda bazar don't seem to bother abt hindu victims like bishwajit killed by secular chapati leaguers. May be such explicit overt crime had no propaganda value eh? Muslims r the ones oppressed in this awami jungle land not the other way round as you hindutvadis try to portray.

U hindutvadis should be the last possible hatemongers on earth to talk abt bigotry.

SO u know. Then why don't u help the awami police in BD? Awami BD is in dire need of sherlock holmes like u.

Btw mr. holmes did u take the murder scene into consideration :



Btw mr.holmes this is reported by prothom alo, so i think it should be digestible for people like u.


I don't need to inform them anything, Ansarullah Bangla has done that already.

And your 'conspiracy theory' only shows that either the policemen posted there were callous & coward (nothing new), or closet Jamati supporters.
lol at the rants of islamofascists.

I don't need to inform them anything, Ansarullah Bangla has done that already.

And your 'conspiracy theory' only shows that either the policemen posted there were callous & coward (nothing new), or closet Jamati supporters.

You are wasting your time.Islamists only understand violence.
you compare a smart educated engineer and author to a bunch of war criminals , murderers and rapists?? That is some audacity bro... ::D
if Avijit Roy supported the 1971 Indian annexation of East Pakistan, that makes him a huge war crime supporter.

i bet you never even heard of this name "Avijit Roy" before the incident began to be hyped up. and now it is your favorite superhero.

and from what i gather, Avijit Roy was a hatemongering anti-theist (not a Hindu) who liked to target Islam, Muslims and Muslim institutions.

aren't there better people you could vouch for? aren't there people who worked for more understanding rather than hate?
I honestly think Hindu Bengalis will be better off in WB/India. They will always be treated as second class citizens in Bangladesh much in the same way Muslims are treated in India. Yes you can point to a few Muslims that have done well but they are extremely small minority and you have these rare instances highlighted time and again to paint a merry picture, but in truth, by and large, Muslims are treated with contempt across India. Not much better than how blacks were treated in pre-1960s America.
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