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Saudi Arabia to allow Israel use of its airspace to strike Iran

Sine Nomine

Nov 19, 2014
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Saudi Arabia has reportedly agreed to let Israel use its airspace to attack Iran if necessary, in exchange for “some kind of progress” on the Palestinian issue, Israel’s Channel 2 TV station quoted an unnamed European official as saying.
“The Saudis have declared their readiness for the Israeli Air Force to overfly Saudi air space en route to attack Iran if an attack is necessary,” the report stated. In return for cooperation, Saudi Arabia wants to see some “progress” on the Palestinian issue.

The move will reportedly allow Israel to bomb targets in Iran by offering a shortcut, which will save fuel and time.

The Saudi position was confirmed during multiple diplomatic talks, according to the TV report. “The Saudi authorities are completely coordinated with Israel on all matters related to Iran,” the European official from Brussels was quoted as saying.

Reports Saudi Arabia to allow Israel use its airspace for Iran strike - YouTube

The report also revealed that the two states share intelligence when it comes Iran’s nuclear program.

There are no diplomatic ties between the two states, but there have been various reports in the past that Riyadh and Jerusalem have been cooperating when it comes to Iran and its uranium enrichment program.

For example, in November, Israel’s Mossad and Saudi officials were said to be working on contingency plans that could have included an attack on Iran if its nuclear program was not curbed enough, according to a report. It was also revealed that the Saudis were willing to assist an Israeli attack by cooperating with the use of drones, rescue helicopters, and tanker planes.

“It is not the first time this issue has been raised, of creating an air corridor from the Saudi Arabia side to Israel to arrive directly to Iran,” Tal Pavel from the International Institute for Counter Terrorism told RT. He noted, however, that “the possibility of an event like this happening is very low.”

If Israel accepts the demand of “restarting Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations,” it would “do a lot to ease the tensions in the Middle East,” Pavel added.

The Israeli report comes amid a rift between Israel and the US on the issue of Iran nuclear talks. The talks include P5+1 powers – China, France, Russia, the UK, and the US, plus Germany.

Last week, the White House and State Department stated that Israel has inaccurately provided information and twisted the official US position in nuclear talks with Iran, and accused Jerusalem of “selectively” leaking details of sensitive talks.

The P5+1 talks, which are aimed at resolving the long-running dispute over Iran’s nuclear program, will continue until the end of June, after parties failed to reach a deal by the previous November 24 deadline.

At the beginning of February, Iran said it would resume the expansion of its uranium enrichment capacity if introduced more sanctions against the country.
» Saudi Arabia Says It Might Help Israel Attack Iranian Nuclear Sites Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
@haman10 @SOHEIL @yavar @Sam1980 @Serpentine @syedali73 @Zarvan
Old news . its their airspace , they can do whatever they want with it :)

But that would be obviously interpreted as a Direct attack on Iranian soil :)

Why should they care anyways ? some cardboard qaher fighters won't scratch them :lol:

Good luck .
a Muslim country signalling to a non Muslim country that they can use the former's territory to attack ANOTHER Muslim country

so sad

p.s. i doubt any such attack will actually take place....the last thing the region needs is an all out regional war which could lead to World War easily
a Muslim country signalling to a non Muslim country that they can use the former's territory to attack ANOTHER Muslim country

so sad

p.s. i doubt any such attack will actually take place....the last thing the region needs is an all out regional war which could lead to World War easily

Welcome to the 21st Century where Religion only existed in Books ....and speeches ... no one care for other but busy in pulling each other legs ... no wonder Why our Prophet always pray of his nation cause he can see where we are leading ourselves too ..
@haman10 .... Your post is just filled with lip service.

The US will allow Israel/ Saudi Arabia/ UAE/ Qatar/ Kuwait/ Bahrain & co to slug it out with Iran/ Syria/ Hezbollah/ Hamas?

But 1 thing is for certain, Mining the Hormuz will be off the permissible rules of engagement along with destruction of the oil fields.
The US will allow Israel/ Saudi Arabia/ UAE/ Qatar/ Kuwait/ Bahrain & co to slug it out with Iran/ Syria/ Hezbollah/ Hamas?
Donno , This is just an assumption :

If US lets its thugs to mess with Iran , not only Iran's response will devastate them , but there will be MILITARY response from Iran's allies as well .

That includes Russia and China .

But then again , US officials are NOT stupid .

But 1 thing is for certain, Mining the Hormuz will be off the permissible rules of engagement along with destruction of the oil fields.
What can we say ? oops .
Donno , This is just an assumption :

If US lets its thugs to mess with Iran , not only Iran's response will devastate them , but there will be MILITARY response from Iran's allies as well .

That includes Russia and China .

But then again , US officials are NOT stupid .

What can we say ? oops .

The facts are the US will give a free but limited hand to Israel/ Saudi & Company less than outright carpet bombing of Iranian cities and oil fields.

Iran is more than welcome to fire missiles at Saudi & Company. Israel has more than proven it's worth in fighting a 2 front war.

Iranian missile attacks on Israel will be countered by US Patriot batteries and their X-Band radar will provide plenty of notice.
Iran is more than welcome to fire missiles at Saudi & Company. Israel has more than proven it's worth in fighting a 2 front war.

Iranian missile attacks on Israel will be countered by US Patriot batteries and their X-Band radar will provide plenty of notice.
Talking about saudiz is irrelevant .

Israelis though , they have Patriot and its X-band radar . Iran has Bavar-373 and its X-band radar . iran has sayyad-2 . iran has Spehr Cosmic radar with 2500km range which observes long after Isarel and deep into EU . heck we are even on the verge of getting more Ballistic protection by acquiring Antey-2500 system .

So its not gonna be easy for either side , true that .

but definitely easier for iran since we have them pounded near their own borders . not to mention the thousands of BMs ready to be launched and even MRVs .

This all when taking into account that iran has no plans to attack anyone . its just defending itself .

@haman10 Iran is not capable of withstanding NATO+Israel but i think Arabs are not stupid enough to help US and Israel because ISIS saga is already giving them enough nightmares,and you know they helped ISIS in start a lot..
@haman10 Iran is not capable of withstanding NATO+Israel but i think Arabs are not stupid enough to help US and Israel because ISIS saga is already giving them enough nightmares,and you know they helped ISIS in start a lot..
Yes , true that .

Iran cannot withstand a war launched by US+NATO+Isreal .

But Iran+China+Russia+hezbollah can .

And thats when the WW3 starts :)
Why Israel is so desperate to bomb Iran even though it possessed around 80 Nukes which is a biggest guarantee for its survival for eternity......

It is because in the art of hypocrisy none can beat the zionazis, they are the masters in this dirty art.

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