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Would India allow US to use military bases?

1. what steps by the uno itself??

2. what is contribution of indian establishment to that??

India did worked for the reforms in the UNSC and this only has led to the expansion of UNSC non permanent members for the term of 2 years. Majority of UN member countries do support India's UNSC Permanent seat bid .

yes, that and are you in indian central government service...

Why cant Indians talk on international affairs ?
Oh you're privy to the talks they had behind closed doors are you? Please, the Indian PM in the press conference told Obama and the media clearly that India is an independent nation and won't be pressured by anyone.

News reports here. You think India is going to get US military technology without strings attached?
idrw blog overdid it.

Saturday, 24 January 2015 | PNS | New Delhi

India and the US may allow their warships and fighter planes to refuel at each other’s military bases under the Logistics Support Agreement (LSA). This pact is hanging fire for the last seven to eight years as the previous UPA Government was wary of political backlash if the strategically sensitive pact was inked.

The LSA, along with two other critical pacts like Communications Interoperability and Security Memorandum of Agreement (CISOMA) and Basic Exchange and Co-Operation Agreement (BECA) for geo-spatial co-operation, are likely to be included in the new ten-year Defence Framework Agreement to be signed during President Barack Obama’s visit to New Delhi over the coming week-end.

The inclusion of LSA, CISMOA and BEKA in the Framework Agreement means that the two countries are giving political direction to the bureaucracy to hasten the process of resolving contentious issues in the proposed pacts, sources said. The two countries have held several rounds of parleys to ink the LSA over the last eight years but no progress was made given political situation in India. The US has similar agreement with more than 80 countries, including neighbouring Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, besides Thailand to use their bases for refueling US warships and US Air Force planes.

However, the UPA dithered over going ahead with the LSA due to strong reservations by the Left parties, sources said. Moreover, possible negative reaction by its most trusted ally Russia besides China against any move by India to give a foothold to the US in the Indian Ocean region and Indian sub-continent through use of Indian bases through a formal pact was the other reason for keeping the LSA on backburner, they said. Incidentally, US transport planes had refueled at Mumbai during the first Gulf War in 1990 during the Prime Minister Chandra Shekhar’s regime.

In the run-up to Obama’s visit, both the countries, meanwhile, held intense discussions on LSA, CISMOA and BEKA with the US urging India to consider the agreements by including it in the overarching Defence Framework Agreement. Then Defence Minister Pranab Mukhjeree had signed the first ten-year Framework Pact in 2005 and the NDA Government will go ahead with it by renewing the Agreement for another ten years. Besides including LSA, CISMOA and BEKA, the Framework Agreement will also ensure more robust Defence ties between the two countries through regular joint military exercises and exchange programme for Services officers of two nations.

As regards CISMOA, India wants a firm commitment by the US for access to latest space based communication technology. This pact entails that an Indian fighter plane or warship can communicate with the US plane or ship through shared communication systems through satellite. While the US so far has not committed to do so in several discussions over the last five years, Washington is urging New Delhi to at least hold a structured dialogue under the new Framework Agreement, sources said.

News reports here. You think India is going to get US military technology without strings attached?
What technology is India actually getting? The US is willing to put a lot on the table but it is India's reluctance to sign numerous binding agreements that means not many are being signed. India won't succumb to the US pressure successive governments have shown that. In fact the US are the ones bending over backwards to accommodate India- look at the nuclear liability issue, the US have changed their stance now and are willing to accept parts of India's liability concerns.

This narrative that India is selling its soul and becoming another US lackey is purely the work of fiction and reflects the desires of desperate people who want this narrative to be true so badly. Every time India showcases its autonomy it must sting that little bit more.
People acting like India sold its sovereignty to the U.S. when in fact it's just MUTUAL use of bases for refueling and maintenance. No military presence whatsoever.
Freaking Indian fake as the high level retired diplomat to pass the fly smell test? Faker want to boost his forum credibility by faking the funk.
Lol I notice Jayatl use Chinese message parlor to insult Chinese in this forum, this faker can pass the test of the smell cow dung.

Are you really an Angolan ?

Another East India company on its way? :shout:

But we are NOT gonna allow the new East India company to invade you East Bengalis
like what they did in 18th century. So don't worry bong.
LOL this was always going to happen,people need to read what the agreement is all about COOPERATION.
It's a well know study that if soldiers have a place to go to get relief, they are less likely to harass the general population.

Also, I am just responding to pitfalls of US soldiers harassing local Indians once we are stationed there,

it will be better if we all stick to topic of thread and maintain civil language in our interaction .
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