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Free Arab World Pact

@al-Hasani just smoking some Dunhills

This is the end game of the ISIS:


they want Batman/Bruce Wayne to be a practicing Muslim.
Who are you abdulrahaman al dakhil??

He was one of the greatest patrons of the art ever. Successful ruler that ruled for half a century. Progressive considering the time period. Successful in most fields.

My post was just a joke. Had to choose some historical leader. Saw him fitting as I have been called an oldie due to some of my traditional views and appreciation of traditions, history, heritage etc.

So what's your favorite Egyptian leader in recent times?

@al-Hasani just smoking some Dunhills

This is the end game of the ISIS:


they want Batman/Bruce Wayne to be a practicing Muslim.


So you are anti Egyptian monarchy? How is the monarchy perceived today in Egypt? Do some people miss it? Also what is your view of the British monarchy? I mean the British monarch is the head of state and commander in chief of the British army if I am not wrong?

Did you know that he was born in Sudan?
الله يلعن ابو كل عربي عاهر قرف يقرف اهاليكم الكم سبعين سنة صابرين عا حكامكو وولا استفدتو حاجة تفو عا احسن عربي نجس

كس اختكو من شعوب تعبانة
@Falcon29 i swear i dont mean to say this to insult you.. but you need someone to slap the hell out of you. i think its therapeutic. trust me its for the best. some reality check and a wake up call is always good. i cant even finish reading the crap you're saying. just read a few lines. and thats what i think you need.. someone to knock some sense into your mind. no offense just my personal opinion

lastly id like to say 2 things.

1st dream about united palestinians then start talking about arabs or muslims
2nd dont talk about palestine and arabs when you are living your life in the states and probably paying taxes to the government that is responsible of killing your own ppl.
palestinians are the first traitors to their own cause. not all of course. just go ask the shabak and moosad about there spies. your governments are also traitors. in gaza or the west bank... then an ignorant fool like you come and even dare to give us his opinion. lol
we have our own plans for palestine and the muslim world and everything will happen in the right time.

الله يلعن ابو كل عربي عاهر قرف يقرف اهاليكم الكم سبعين سنة صابرين عا حكامكو وولا استفدتو حاجة تفو عا احسن عربي نجس

كس اختكو من شعوب تعبانة
ولك شو يا زلمه ؟ ضغطك اترفع من الحكيكه ؟!هههههه

والله مافي جواسيس غير اشكالك يا عاهر ، لا فرق بين الحكومة السعودية ولسلطة الفلسطينية الجنسة العميلة أنتم سبب خراب العرب الشعب الفلسطيني متوحد وعن قريب سا نطهر ارض الاضفة من انجاس السلطة
So you are anti Egyptian monarchy? How is the monarchy perceived today in Egypt? Do some people miss it? Also what is your view of the British monarchy? I mean the British monarch is the head of state and commander in chief of the British army if I am not wrong?

Did you know that he was born in Sudan?

I'm generally a Republican, I don't believe anyone should receive any special treatment based on birthright as a result of conquests made by their ancestors. The monarchy is generally (from whom I've talked to) seen as a novel part of Egyptian history, people only seem interested in the excesses of Farouk and his subsequent life in exile rather than the politcal wrangling that resulted in the 1952 revolution.

I've sworn an oath of allegiance to the British monarch, in that regard there's not much I can actually say.
@Falcon29 i swear i dont mean to say this to insult you.. but you need someone to slap the hell out of you. i think its therapeutic. trust me its for the best. some reality check and a wake up call is always good. i cant even finish reading the crap you're saying. just read a few lines. and thats what i think you need.. someone to knock some sense into your mind. no offense just my personal opinion

lastly id like to say 2 things.

1st dream about united palestinians then start talking about arabs or muslims
2nd dont talk about palestine and arabs when you are living your life in the states and probably paying taxes to the government that is responsible of killing your own ppl.
palestinians are the first traitors to their own cause. not all of course. just go ask the shabak and moosad about there spies. your governments are also traitors. in gaza or the west bank... then an ignorant fool like you come and even dare to give us his opinion. lol
we have our own plans for palestine and the muslim world and everything will happen in the right time.

ولك شو يا زلمه ؟ ضغطك اترفع من الحكيكه ؟!هههههه

والله ضغطي عالية اليوم مش عارف ليش :lol:
Some heavy words.

Dude @Falcon29 there is nothing under your control...and the same goes for me. No use getting angry...just focus on personal development (that's what I personally try to do)...honest advise.
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