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Free Arab World Pact

Nothing. He wrote in your link that people aren't responsible for their governments policies which isn't true. If there is corruption at government level there is corruption on civilian level. I was using Gaza as an example.

He should come back on here. I never attacked him for no reason. I will respond to any rhetoric towards Palestinians. And at same time try getting Arabs to snap out of their backwards regime worship.

One day Hazzy you will grow up and see the world for it truly is instead of an empty gun touting parade.

You support your Hamas but what did it ever do for Palestine except effectively giving Israel excuses to destroy Gaza time and again, resistance? What resistance? Immediately throwing human waves at Israel is the stupidest thing that can be done, it was tried and it failed miserably.

I find it laughable that your believe of what constitutes civilized people from uncivilized people is in their capacity to hold AK-47s and RPGs and launching fireworks, you need to open your eyes, you need to realize the reality of the situation and act accordingly.

The MB has done nothing but sow the seed of Islamic extremism in the world.
Another retarded Arab demeaning honorable people in most vile ways. One day and that day is soon you will realize where you screwed up and what allowed isis to conquer Arab world. Saudi's and Egyptians are sole reason for backwardness of Arab world. Now that King Abdullah is dead civil war will erupt over throne.

Human waves? Walak Hamas has miles better training and combatants than your shithole conscript joke of army. Saddam flew one in plane into Saudi Arabia and you guys were getting ready to surrender. LOL, you are shame against our ancestors.
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Now that King Abdullah is dead civil war will erupt over throne.
Egypt is no longer anything until next Egyptian revolution. I hope Egyptians the best in any such case.
You have become irrelevant and nobody cares about you anymore. Even the Gulf clowns will dump you soon.

there is a difference between what you wish for and what is real your wishlist as everyone can see is nothing but the complete destruction of the region
there is a difference between what you wish for and what is real your wishlist as everyone can see is nothing but the complete destruction of the region

Destruction of region is better for region. That's how bad current Arab world is. Not just Arab leaders but Arab people. Look at Libya for example, the people of West always hated people of East long before civil war. In Egypt people of Alexandria hate people of Cairo and vice-versa. And so on. These are just minor examples. There is no goodwill towards each other because Arabs are too stubborn. I'm afraid drastic change in society is what will end this stubbornness.
Destruction of region is better for region. That's how bad current Arab world is. Not just Arab leaders but Arab people. Look at Libya for example, the people of West always hated people of East long before civil war. In Egypt people of Alexandria hate people of Cairo and vice-versa. And so on. These are just minor examples. There is no goodwill towards each other because Arabs are too stubborn. I'm afraid drastic change in society is what will end this stubbornness.
funny thing is according to you areas where brotherhood rule there is no need for it to be demolished
funny thing is according to you areas where brotherhood rule there is no need for it to be demolished

First of all where do you get impression that I want countries to be demolished? This is tactic of Arab nationalists. If anyone seeks change for good Arab nationalists accuse them of wanting to destroy nations. And which areas are ruled by Muslim Brotherhood? You Arab nationalists always want to make this about one Social Dawah movement when it is about whole people. No once cares about any movement, this is about Arab people as a whole who have been completely conquered.
Destruction of region is better for region

Yes, because my parents, close family, and cousins being killed or made to flee their homes will make the region better. Do you read how bonkers your views are when you write them.

That's how bad current Arab world is. Not just Arab leaders but Arab people. Look at Libya for example, the people of West always hated people of East long before civil war. In Egypt people of Alexandria hate people of Cairo and vice-versa. And so on. These are just minor examples. There is no goodwill towards each other because Arabs are too stubborn. I'm afraid drastic change in society is what will end this stubbornness.

So kill each other.....then there will be good will for days!
Yes, because my parents, close family, and cousins being killed or made to flee their homes will make the region better. Do you read how bonkers your views are when you write them.

So kill each other.....then there will be good will for days!

Nope, nothing will happen to the people. All Arab regimes need to be overthrown. The people that come to their defense are doing so at their own risk.Arab regimes are most corrupt regimes on earth that brought us to where we are now. Islamists are much better alternative as they are honest, get rid of corruption and promote moral values in society which helps create unity and good will towards each other.

The Arab Muslims are on an increasing basis demanding an Caliphate. Only ones who oppose are arab tawagheet. We did not need your permission to form caliphate in Syria and we won't need your permission to expand it elsewhere.

PS: it's hilarious how this Arab nationalist creates fake outrage. When only people being forced out of their homes are Palestinians Syrians Iraqis and Egyptians in Sinai due to these Arab regimes
Nope, nothing will happen to the people. All Arab regimes need to be overthrown. The people that come to their defense are doing so at their own risk.Arab regimes are most corrupt regimes on earth that brought us to where we are now. Islamists are much better alternative as they are honest, get rid of corruption and promote moral values in society which helps create unity and good will towards each other.

The Arab Muslims are on an increasing basis demanding an Caliphate. Only ones who oppose are arab tawagheet. We did not need your permission to form caliphate in Syria and we won't need your permission to expand it elsewhere.

PS: it's hilarious how this Arab nationalist creates fake outrage. When only people being forced out of their homes are Palestinians Syrians Iraqis and Egyptians in Sinai due to these Arab regimes

Please, continue, this is enlightening and fun.
North Sinai mortar attack injures 2 policemen day after IED kills army sergeant - Daily News Egypt

I'm telling you people are getting upset. You must realize their demands. So called 'democratic' Arab nationalists. You guys destroyed the whole Arab world.

OK, we will realise the demands of Ansar Beit Almaqdis.

Yallah I'm off to the Presidential palace to tell Sisi to resign, and then go to EgySat 1 and televise a conference by the Mufti of ABM in which he claims Egypt for the Caliphate and reiterates his fealty to Imam Almo'minin, The glorious leader, captain, grand ayatollah, Albaghdadi.

Funny I'm not even an Arab Nationalist but you continue to try and label me, taghoot, murtad, Arab nationalist, what's next? they're all equally wrong but who cares.

Make again united arab states of jamal abdul nasir

It was disastrous the first time, what's the point in repeating it.
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