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Free Arab World Pact


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
I believe Arab world can only work in three camps. One Shia camp, one Arab pensinula camp. And one Arab Sunni pact which I will mention here.

The free Arab world camp will include Algeria, Gaza, Sudan, Tunis, Libya , Hezbollah in Lebanon , Morroco(If tensions with Algeria settle) and Egyptian Sinai if possible. Maybe Jordan if possible.

I can't trust any other Arab nation as of now. I'm sorry, although I know there are good Arabs amongst other nations I mentioned. I didn't mention Syria , Iraq because Syria is in conflict and Iraq is very sectarian. The stable nations are honestly full of sick people and corruption.

These nations and parts of nations I mentioned share so much love towards each other. Especially Sudan , Algeria, Palestine , Tunis and Libya . The people love each other. And what would relieve us is pact together of economic /political ties. I as Palestinian would much rather have those 4 nations as neighbors to us rather than Egypt and Jordan. Sinai under CC is unable to have ties with us it used to. But we are very close peoples. if possible in future we need such pact. This is one of those ideas that actually can work unlike unrealistic total Arab unity.


These are ties we Palestinians wish we could have. Egypt has oppressed us along with Israel for all these years its not possible to have relation with them and the media in Egypt is trying hard to get Egypt and Hamas into conflict.

@Mootaz-khelifi @Tunisian Marine Corps @Ceylal
I believe Arab world can only work in three camps. One Shia camp, one Arab pensinula camp. And one Arab Sunni pact which I will mention here.

The free Arab world camp will include Algeria, Gaza, Sudan, Tunis, Libya , Hezbollah in Lebanon , Morroco(If tensions with Algeria settle) and Egyptian Sinai if possible. Maybe Jordan if possible.

I can't trust any other Arab nation as of now. I'm sorry, although I know there are good Arabs amongst other nations I mentioned. I didn't mention Syria , Iraq because Syria is in conflict and Iraq is very sectarian. The stable nations are honestly full of sick people and corruption.

These nations and parts of nations I mentioned share so much love towards each other. Especially Sudan , Algeria, Palestine , Tunis and Libya . The people love each other. And what would relieve us is pact together of economic /political ties. I as Palestinian would much rather have those 4 nations as neighbors to us rather than Egypt and Jordan. Sinai under CC is unable to have ties with us it used to. But we are very close peoples. if possible in future we need such pact. This is one of those ideas that actually can work unlike unrealistic total Arab unity.


These are ties we Palestinians wish we could have. Egypt has oppressed us along with Israel for all these years its not possible to have relation with them and the media in Egypt is trying hard to get Egypt and Hamas into conflict.

@Mootaz-khelifi @Tunisian Marine Corps @Ceylal
Arabs don't like each others let alone that they will form a pact

Ceylal is Berber not arab
I've honestly had enough of Egypt especially after move to make buffer zone on Gaza border. Egypt has lost all its honor to me currently. I have much respect for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt which sacrificed their lives during every war while traitors amongst Arabs were reason we never liberated our land. I don't want to mention what Egyptians did during their occupation of Gaza. I'll leave that to God. And I'm not sparing any Arab regime. Jordanians and Syrians also were reason Arabs failed in war. Iraqi forces and Palestinian fighters were on their way liberating all land and everyone knows this is true , Jordanian and Syrian armies began bombarding them.

And nowadays we know how modern Arab nations besides ones I mentioned for this pact have been in on every assassination against our peoples. Such as killing of Hamas official in UAE. It was coordinated with UAE sickos.

Personally for me Egypt is no longer anything until next Egyptian revolution. I hope Egyptians the best in any such case. The rest of Arab world , I will pray everyday that ISIS teaches those sick rapists and dirty people a lesson until they beg God for forgivness and return to be honorable and moral people. Which they are far from now. And they are to blame for all this corruption. Not just west and Arab leaders.

Arabs don't like each others let alone that they will form a pact

Ceylal is Berber not arab

To me he is Algerian that's what I meant. And yeah , I know how messed up Arab world really is. It is seriously unbelievable how it can get this screwed up. My head explodes when I am forced to realize reality of Arab world. Which is why I came up this idea. Because I know these peoples and nations can get alone at least somewhat. I would put Iraq in list before US war on Iraq. But after war they devastated Iraq and divided it. We need miracle from God for all Arabs to unite and start following God. The prostitution in Arab world is very saddening. Let alone other issues , the more we corrupt the worse it gets.
Name one. Just one.

BTW you need psychiatric help.

48 war, 56 war , 73 war, everyone in Arab world knows they had many volunteers fight . Of course besides revisionist sick CC sympathiers and rapist corrupt Arab nationalists that are responsible for all the backwardness of Arab world.

Typical backwards Arab nationalist, you need pyschatriac help if you don't submit to clown Egyptian regime which claims to cure aids and cancers with Kaftah gun. Your likes have completely ruined Arab world. If it wasn't for the few honorable people amongst MB and Salafists in Egypt I would be cussing out your country day and night. Egyptians have severe crisis of stuoidty, seriously 70% of your people most gullible people on earth. Let alone the other hundreds of thousands of problems in Egypt. You have become irrelevant and nobody cares about you anymore. Even the Gulf clowns will dump you soon.
48 war, 56 war , 73 war, everyone in Arab world knows they had many volunteers fight . Of course besides revisionist sick CC sympathiers and rapist corrupt Arab nationalists that are responsible for all the backwardness of Arab world.

Typical backwards Arab nationalist, you need pyschatriac help if you don't submit to clown Egyptian regime which claims to cure aids and cancers with Kaftah gun. Your likes have completely ruined Arab world. If it wasn't for the few honorable people amongst MB and Salafists in Egypt I would be cussing out your country day and night. Egyptians have severe crisis of stuoidty, seriously 70% of your people most gullible people on earth. Let alone the other hundreds of thousands of problems in Egypt. You have become irrelevant and nobody cares about you anymore. Even the Gulf clowns will dump you soon.

Name one.

A more apt name for your little project would be Hazzy Land. A union free of minorities (because they all secretly conspire against the great Hazzy inspired revival), political differences (because anything other than Islamism is backward, without vision, and god forbid you're secular, then you're just a zombie without a brain), and a paranoid fear of the west (because they want to stop Hazzy land becoming stronk!) that borders on the obsessive. Hazzy Lands foreign policy is based upon whether you interpret the Quran in the same way glorious leader Hazzy does, and if you don't you are a stooge, Zionist, and your mother is a Moroccan Jew and thus you must be relieved of power by way of a violent Islamic revolution, but don't worry that revolution which will eventually turn into a civil war and last a couple of decades resulting in millions of refugees and billions worth of damage to infrastructure will eventually make you stronk and capable of facing an ever improving west and east, because being blown back to the stone age and starting all over again is so easy. Hazzy Land does not want to be stronk just so it can afford its citizens a living, freedom, and social justice but to face the evil uncle Sam and his lap dog, everything else is just a side show, who cares if millions of people die right, our glorious leader Hazzy wont die, he'll be watching the whole thing from a safe location (namely the USA).

Hazzy Land, the realm of oppression, poverty, war, and militant Islam, but its against the west and Zionists so the former can all be forgotten.

If Egypt is so irrelevant why do you keep banging on about it? starting whole threads which you are the sole contributor to? get over your sense of self importance, I would rather be a nation that doesn't have a political footstep yet is doing well for itself, an Oman for instance.
Name one.

Typical egyptian, if army ordered him to kill his family he would do it. It's sad to see someone educated in UK that worships a corrupt establishment in Egypt. Khsara feek
A more apt name for your little project would be Hazzy Land. A union free of minorities (because they all secretly conspire against the great Hazzy inspired revival),

Don't give misrepresentation of Arab world to people here. It's not issue of sects, it is case of civilized people vs uncivilized hordes. I don't mention MB due to any bias, but because I've been to your country more than you and saw what it is full of. MB are only civilized party that can run Egypt. Your country is full of iteration of retard zombies. Your media blames MB for failure of tourism when in reality it is related to other factors. Females can't walk without being harrased by dozens of barbairan Egyptian hordes. Fix this moral issue in your country it's getting out of control.

You can't walk a millimeter in Egypt without backwards Egyptians harrasing you for money. Even when you wish to use restroom in fancy restaurants there is man waiting to hand you piece of toilet paper for a tip. God damn! Can't you at least phucking leave people in peace in the restroom!? :angry:

Rest of your post was full of nonsensical rhetoric. You have no idea how corrupt these establishments you support are. But it's your choice to support them. For me and other arab, we believe this pact is only civilized one. One that discludes that shithole Egypt.

I once ran into European tourists crying in Egypt because of shitty your country is thanks to people harrasing them for money. Non Arabs don't know how to deal with Egyptians. I on other hand do.

Arab honorable nations should consider invasion of shithole Egypt and part Sinai from it. All honorable Egyptians can migrate to Sinai and the uncivilized barbarians who are corrupt to core can stay rest of it.

Genuinely funny...the post above me.

Countries I mentioned can function under one council. Rest of Arabs are stooges and backwards dirty morons. You will never understand how dirty these Arabs if you aren't arab. There's a reason you see Algerians here raging at Egyptians. Because they are also familiar with shit for brain Egyptian population. That treats Palestinians as lowers. You dont know how they treat Palestinians who dont have foreign passports. investigation needs to be done on history egypt. There's no way possible these barbarians have any relation to their ancestors.
Typical egyptian, if army ordered him to kill his family he would do it. It's sad to see someone educated in UK that worships a corrupt establishment in Egypt. Khsarafeek

Unable to name one, OK.

Don't give misrepresentation of Arab world to people here. It's not issue of sects, it is case of civilized people vs uncivilized hordes. I don't mention MB due to any bias, but because I've been to your country more than you and saw what it is full of. MB are only civilized party that can run Egypt. Your country is full of iteration of retard zombies. Your media blames MB for failure of tourism when in reality it is related to other factors. Females can't walk without being harrased by dozens of barbairan Egyptian hordes. Fix this moral issue in your country it's getting out of control.

You can't walk a millimeter in Egypt without backwards Egyptians harrasing you for money. Even when you wish to use restroom in fancy restaurants there is man waiting to hand you piece of toilet paper for a tip. God damn! Can't you at least phucking leave people in peace in the restroom!? :angry:

Rest of your post was full of nonsensical rhetoric. You have no idea how corrupt these establishments you support are. But it's your choice to support them. For me and other arab, we believe this pact is only civilized one. One that discludes that shithole Egypt.

I once ran into European tourists crying in Egypt because of shitty your country is thanks to people harrasing them for money. Non Arabs don't know how to deal with Egyptians. I on other hand do.

Arab honorable nations should consider invasion of shithole Egypt and part Sinai from it. All honorable Egyptians can migrate to Sinai and the uncivilized barbarians who are corrupt to core can stay rest of it.

I don't see anything honorable in what you have just written. You display the very same characteristics you rant and rave about. You do not provide an example or have the characteristics for anyone with an ounce of self respect, honor, and humility would want to follow.

Courage- You talk war but live in an unaffected nation
Discipline- You continuously loose your temper and rant and rave when you are not provoked
Integrity- You routinely lie, and use half truths or even fabrications to further your views
Loyalty- You are loyal only to yourself and cause, any other cause is instantly less worthy of attention
Respect For Others- You have already displayed a staggering amount of disrespect today let alone over 12000 posts
Selfless Commitment- Again you talk war but you are not at arms with your brothers

I made this thread for discussion for non barbarian corrupt Arabs. Go back to your CC propaganda such as propaganda claiming US army sent whole division to protect Morsi from Egyptians but Egyptian army nuetralazied US army and captured general Donald and threatened to embarrass US in front of world if it didn't accept 'will of Egyptian people.' This is how bad the propaganda is with you guys.

You are talking to someone who lived under occupation and war and has more courage than at least 10 million of your backwards population. Always try scoring brownie points like idiot you are even though I am only one out of you Arabs who has seen war and struggle.

Loyalty doesn't mean I am loyal to corrupt traitor trash which rules our Arab world. Same with corrupt PA and Iranian rapist Abbas who has yet to be punished for his crime.

Who are my 'brothers' ? The people that treat us like third class citizens? The people who close border on us for whole year? The people who built buffer zone and employ siege against us for all these years? The people who demonize us in their media 24/7 with most disgusting propaganda ever? How in the world are you trying to portrary yourselves as brothers to us? When you look at your selves as masters to us. Even though we are much more educated than your people.

You talk as if Egytian establishment had any goodwill towards my people. You know that is nonsense. So why even bother giving me gibberish propaganda of considering us 'brothers'?

If you Arabs who fall under this camp claim otherwise then sorry but you need to wakeup and see actions you are taking.

Quit supporting these obvious traitor stooge asswipes.
Hazzy thinks he's a big guy insulting everyone lol, remember the blackeagle-hazzy war
Hazzy thinks he's a big guy insulting everyone lol, remember the blackeagle-hazzy war
BLACKEAGLE left the forum because of that's what he said on the arab defence forum in arabic languege

بنو صعب
This is his page with the comments
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BLACKEAGLE left the forum because of that's what he said on the arab defence forum in arabic languege

بنو صعب
This is his page with the comments

Blackeagle is not evil person. Problem is he had traditional thinking like most Arabs. That they aren't responsible for positions their governments take. Yes they are. The Palestinians in Gaza did what it took to clean Gaza from corrupt PA dogs. Now Palestinians of west bank need to do same .
Blackeagle is not evil person. Problem is he had traditional thinking like most Arabs. That they aren't responsible for positions their governments take. Yes they are. The Palestinians in Gaza did what it took to clean Gaza from corrupt PA dogs. Now Palestinians of west bank need to do same .
What BLACKEAGLE have to do with Gaza????
What BLACKEAGLE have to do with Gaza????

Nothing. He wrote in your link that people aren't responsible for their governments policies which isn't true. If there is corruption at government level there is corruption on civilian level. I was using Gaza as an example.

He should come back on here. I never attacked him for no reason. I will respond to any rhetoric towards Palestinians. And at same time try getting Arabs to snap out of their backwards regime worship.
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