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Russian defence minister arrives in Pakistan to discuss defence cooperation

Anyway it's bad for India. Russia must be our closest friends but since we are moving towards usa and our unclear stand on which side we will take leads to this kind of approach. But I sense that it may be a negotiation with Pakistan for its stand leaning towards putin's favour . Russian occupation of Ukraine is just above the head
Pakistan is in a process of modernising her Navy, Russia is currently developing and expanding her eastern fleet. Hope to see some new Ships being added to PN at-least for the purpose of counter terrorism and piracy.
But how much you can go by antogonising US?
That is indeed a question.Same goes to Russia how much they can increase their relation with Pakistan at the expense of India?
By your definition US should already be antagonized by Pakistan considering our deep partnership and friendly relations with China.
By your definition US should already be antagonized by Pakistan considering our deep partnership and friendly relations with China.

It's just amazing how a tiny country like Pakistan manages to keep relations with USA, China, Russia and beyond. No other nation in the world has juggled so much.
It's just amazing how a tiny country like Pakistan manages to keep relations with USA, China, Russia and beyond. No other nation in the world has juggled so much.
How about Singapore, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Kuwait(?)...all smaller countries.
It's just amazing how a tiny country like Pakistan manages to keep relations with USA, China, Russia and beyond. No other nation in the world has juggled so much.
It shows we want friendly relations with everyone, we are looking for our national interests for the first time.
It's just amazing how a tiny country like Pakistan manages to keep relations with USA, China, Russia and beyond. No other nation in the world has juggled so much.

Pakistan a tiny country ??? are you high ? :crazy:
It shows we want friendly relations with everyone, we are looking for our national interests for the first time.

Sirji everbody works for their own national interest.That is why we said there is no permanent allies only permanent interests. Look at our foreign policy.Perhaps we are the only
Major Asian nation having a warm relations with Saudi Arabia,Iran and Israel at the same time.Because we are only care about national interests.
It shows we want friendly relations with everyone, we are looking for our national interests for the first time.

Yes, but there are other nations as well in Asia or Africa or South America. But we have always maintained our relationship with China and US. And now Russia wants to step in as well.
How about Singapore, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Kuwait(?)...all smaller countries.

What kind of relationship does Bangladesh or Srilanka have with both China and USA?
Just diplomatic recognition?
We have defense, trade, diplomacy etc.

Singapore is a developed nation. Kuwait.........Ask Chinese or Russians if they care about Kuwait that much..
What kind of relationship does Bangladesh or Srilanka have with both China and USA?
Just diplomatic recognition?
We have defense, trade, diplomacy etc.

Singapore is a developed nation. Kuwait.........Ask Chinese or Russians if they care about Kuwait that much..
True. I hope we can learn a lot from Pakistan in the diplomatic field.
Does that Pakistan will dump China and buy Russian weapons.
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