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PM Modi steps on China's toes yet again: This time in Myanmar

Apart from verbal diarrhea , there is nothing of significance in your post .

It's not our problem that your superior PLA has no choice when our soldiers crosses the border as claimed by China and had to dug up the road they themselves made ..... :wave:

We dont need to say anything significant you wont understand anyway, the most important significant is to make you understand your own language. And you think I will be bothered by your bollywood hallucination about your soldier incursion..try harder .:pop:
Let's go back to the beginning then, if China owned the islands the way Japan did, with a conference that you weren't invited to, and then suddenly nationalize those islands.

What would the Japanese government's best course of action be? I didn't say what they would do, I mean what are the options.

You don't have to agree with me, but what are the options. Don't say talk, cause that's too vague, and that has happened a billion times now since then.

I agree that the 2012 maritime row was unnecessarily unproductive. Mistakes are made and a natural phenomena for many a government. I'm just glad that both our side and your side are moving past this. A return to the status quo is necessary. The 2nd and 3rd largest economies of the world should not have strained relationships over some worthless uninhabited barren rocks.

In 2015, the projected bilateral trade between Japan and China is top $350 Billion. Let's work on that. Trade between Japan and China is the largest in the entire Asian Region.
Herein lies the fundamental difference. CCP will never apologise for the killings of Great Leap Forward neither will it treat Mao as a criminal because thats how a communist regime functions. Accepting the very fact that CCP head was responsible for such a blunder would be like paving their way for destruction. A sure shot recipe for revolution and communist regime can only fall because of revolution. There is no other way for it to make way for any other system. You may say all you like that you have forgiven Mao.
Also, his policies led to the deaths of 50 million people. They all died a slow death of starvation, not a fast death of being shot at gunpoint. This shows that if your CCP head goes berserk, it will take a long time correcting him and again more than a million deaths.
You know that if Mao had his way, he would have completely obliterated China? Before the SIno-Soviet split, during the Cold War confrontation, Mao always pushed Khrushchev for a nuclear war. Based on his foolish mindset that China would survive the war because of its "billion" population. Khrushchev didn't fall in his trap. This myth was shown the light to Chinese generals many years later that even China could not have survived the war because of the population spread in China. Population density is the key, not absolute population.
What would your reaction have been if Mao had his way back then? Probably no reaction because all of you would have been dead. And please tell me who would have been responsible for all the deaths? And could you forgive him? And is their any way China could get rid of another Mao as its communist head without suffering even greater casualties?
That is why democracy is considered best, you don't give command to just one person, preventing such a disaster but at the same time everything moves at a slower pace, even the developments. India may lag China by a decade or half, but it has never paid by 50 million dead just for development, nor will it pay in the future.
Herein lies the fundamental difference. CCP will never apologise for the killings of Great Leap Forward neither will it treat Mao as a criminal because thats how a communist regime functions. Accepting the very fact that CCP head was responsible for such a blunder would be like paving their way for destruction. A sure shot recipe for revolution and communist regime can only fall because of revolution. There is no other way for it to make way for any other system. You may say all you like that you have forgiven Mao.

Has Congress apologized for making India into its current state? It's not the same as starving all those people, but keeping them on the brink doesn't feel so much better does it.

Whether CCP apologize or not, is irrelevant to China, to it's people, to the world.

I never said I forgiven Mao, there's nothing to forgive, what happened happened, I wished it haven't but it did. That's all move on.

Also, his policies led to the deaths of 50 million people. They all died a slow death of starvation, not a fast death of being shot at gunpoint. This shows that if your CCP head goes berserk, it will take a long time correcting him and again more than a million deaths.

CCP is collective leadership now, there is no cult of personality, Xi's popularity is his stance on corruption, Chinese greatness, and economic development.

If he goes, to use your word, berserk, he would be abandoned faster than a fat girl with a diet.

You know that if Mao had his way, he would have completely obliterated China? Before the SIno-Soviet split, during the Cold War confrontation, Mao always pushed Khrushchev for a nuclear war. Based on his foolish mindset that China would survive the war because of its "billion" population. Khrushchev didn't fall in his trap. This myth was shown the light to Chinese generals many years later that even China could not have survived the war because of the population spread in China. Population density is the key, not absolute population.

But it didn't, see that's key here.

What would your reaction have been if Mao had his way back then? Probably no reaction because all of you would have been dead. And please tell me who would have been responsible for all the deaths? And could you forgive him? And is their any way China could get rid of another Mao as its communist head without suffering even greater casualties?
Talked about on top.

That is why democracy is considered best, you don't give command to just one person, preventing such a disaster but at the same time everything moves at a slower pace, even the developments. India may lag China by a decade or half, but it has never paid by 50 million dead just for development, nor will it pay in the future.

Two problems, you have no idea what China is really. I can easily see it by your response. If CCP really is as you say currently and we achieved today's development, what's Indian Congress? Brown Hitler?

India isn't a disaster btw? You got out matched by a crazy country, apparently, in every index. Democracy isn't suppose to be slow, it's suppose to be America.

So the saving grace for India is 50 million didn't die, that says it all doesn't it. America doesn't say, well at least we didn't lose 50 million men.
Has Congress apologized for making India into its current state? It's not the same as starving all those people, but keeping them on the brink doesn't feel so much better does it.
And that's why it got removed! Could you remove Mao for killing? NO!

Whether CCP apologize or not, is irrelevant to China, to it's people, to the world.
I never said I forgiven Mao, there's nothing to forgive, what happened happened, I wished it haven't but it did. That's all move on.
What a double standard, Mao does it, you move on but Japan does it, you are on fire!!
@Nihonjin1051 I think you have a point, all this is used to gain leverage by CCP.

But it didn't, see that's key here.
My God! Don't you see, if Mao had his way, you would all have been dead! It was Khrushchev who saved you! Mao was hell bent on killing you all!!

CCP is collective leadership now, there is no cult of personality, Xi's popularity is his stance on corruption, Chinese greatness, and economic development.

If he goes, to use your word, berserk, he would be abandoned faster than a fat girl with a diet.
Could you remove Mao before his policies killed 50 million people?

Two problems, you have no idea what China is really. I can easily see it by your response. If CCP really is as you say currently and we achieved today's development, what's Indian Congress? Brown Hitler?

India isn't a disaster btw? You got out matched by a crazy country, apparently, in every index. Democracy isn't suppose to be slow, it's suppose to be America.

So the saving grace for India is 50 million didn't die, that says it all doesn't it. America doesn't say, well at least we didn't lose 50 million men.
India has uplifted more than 300 million from poverty, sure there are still many, but they are getting gradually uplifted. Important point is they are not stagnant!
By the same logic I could say why isn't China's per capita equal to America? Of course it will take time, same way for India.
America never had to suffer 200 years of colonialism unlike India.
And that's why it got removed! Could you remove Mao for killing? NO!

What part of communist China remains? Other than the name, Congress is the same Congress, doing nothing for nobody. That's why it was removed.

Considered the Mao Government removed.

The Chinese government isn't made up of a class of elites, it's ordinary Chinese people. The only difference is we didn't vote them in, and guess what, nobody cares, cause we got results.

If that changes, we may have a problem.

Why do you even care? Do you just want to say India has a better system? I'll tell you now, nobody in this world will agree with you. I mean other than other Indians.

What a double standard, Mao does it, you move on but Japan does it, you are on fire!!
@Nihonjin1051 I think you have a point, all this is used to gain leverage by CCP.

Again, I already explained the difference. As to double standard, we can do what we want to do, we can think what we want to think.

Why do you insist on this notion that we must treat everyone the same, we don't and neither do you, or anybody else.

Why do you trust us less than UK? We didn't slaughter and rob you for close to 300 years, why does Pakistan and India hate each other, you guys didn't colonize each other, why does Japan hate Chinese more than America, we didn't drop the bomb, why does Israel hate Arabs more than Germans, they didn't holocaust them.

My God! Don't you see, if Mao had his way, you would all have been dead! It was Khrushchev who saved you! Mao was hell bent on killing you all!!

But he didn't, Mao may have wanted to nuke India after 62, but he didn't, are you also going to blame 500 million hypothetical Indian death on him.

So now we are charging people with things that never happened.

Could you remove Mao before his policies killed 50 million people?

No, but people still supported him back then, they shouldn't, but they did. As I said this isn't the same government, if you think it is, then once again, you got beat by a crazy government the same as North Korea in HUMAN DEVELOPMENT.

India has uplifted more than 300 million from poverty, sure there are still many, but they are getting gradually uplifted. Important point is they are not stagnant!
By the same logic I could say why isn't China's per capita equal to America? Of course it will take time, same way for India.
America never had to suffer 200 years of colonialism unlike India.

I know what the stats say, but those are about as relative in terms of poverty. China has lifted anywhere from 300-600 million out of poverty, yet our per capita is almost 6 times as much. What that means is standard of poverty is very different from you to us. Don't you think democracy should have higher standards.

Oh and we also have more people right now, so the real picture is worse than 6 times.

Our government has problems, and needs reform, and not by the same logic, you said democracy is the best, and you have it, and yet you are more Africa than America.

200 years of colonialism, what's your excuse for China then. We were poorer as early as 1980s I think, in terms of per capita, could be later.

Bottom line, you think democracy is better, and we are savages, or a failed state based on our political system. Guess what, you want to prove that, don't do it on this forum, do it in real life, cause you are not very convincing without results.
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In my post #179, in response to post #177, I am curious to know why Chinese can forgive Mao, even though he was responsible for million deaths, without ever receiving an apology from him or from CCP and treat him like a national leader not a criminal, but can't forgive Japan? Are the Chinese just milking the issue to reap benefits or they genuinely hate Japan (at the same time love Mao)?
@Nihonjin1051 @Kiss_of_the_Dragon

Have your gorvernment ever apolosize for causing mal nutrition and hunger to millions of Indian ever today in 2014 as we speak, you guys seems not have any problem with that, I have not seen a street protest over Indian gorverment incompetency to provide better food service for population despite of how much you brag about your Indian democracy. And even more hilarious thing is that you Indians are not even dare to ask England for apology or compensation for what Winston Churcill did to pre-India during WW2 that cause over 3 millions dead of starvation in 1943, I guess Indians just don't want to upset England or just a way to repay Englishmen with a gratitude to let India independant, you guys genuinely Anglophile and no wonder India still adopt english as your official language.
We dont need to say anything significant you wont understand anyway, the most important significant is to make you understand your own language. And you think I will be bothered by your bollywood hallucination about your soldier incursion..try harder .:pop:

The only thing the supa powa Chinese can do when it's shown that supa dupa PLA got their @ss kicked ........ DENIAL ...... nothing surprising ... lol
Have your gorvernment ever apolosize for causing mal nutrition and hunger to millions of Indian ever today in 2014 as we speak, you guys seems not have any problem with that, I have not seen a street protest over Indian gorverment incompetency to provide better food service for population despite of how much you brag about your Indian democracy. And even more hilarious thing is that you Indians are not even dare to ask England for apology or compensation for what Winston Churcill did to pre-India during WW2 that cause over 3 millions dead of starvation in 1943, I guess Indians just don't want to upset England or just a way to repay Englishmen with a gratitude to let India independant, you guys genuinely Anglophile and no wonder India still adopt english as your official language.
We don't seek apologies, it's against out pride. Revenge is the only thing that will satisfy us.
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