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Multiple Terrorist groups claim Wagah Border attack, 55 people killed.

@Irfan Baloch , I don't think Iran was using Afghanistan as it's strategic depth at time when twin towers were aeroplaned down.

It was Pakistan which was backing them, hence I don't think your General Musshy had the choice. On top of that he only saved Pakistan from getting bombed to stone age.

And about your views regarding Indian netizens , you must know that they don't give it the damn that what is Pakistani's views regarding them. Since we don't expect anything better from you guys. Keep chirping , how bad we are.None cares.
Incorrect. My logic has ZIP to do with India benefiting in that post. It has to do with the moral degradation and "rape" of humane ideals practice by a large section of Indian members on this forum.
That large section probably does not consider Pakistan as a deserving recipient of humane ideals. Not saying they are right or wrong, but once an enemy becomes hated to the extent of dehumanizing it, humane ideals lose their significance. A point to ponder is the reason why Pakistan is so hated by that section.
The Common factor here is the mighty US training-
but the context is different. A Pakistani in USA and a Pakistani in Pakistan behave very differently, despite the common factor of being a Pakistani
I think the next operation will be fought in city ...
if Army think that they will succeed by eliminating TTP from N&S waziristan than they are mistaken... they should take a look at karachi , and other parts of KPK .. they penetrated deep in our society ... i personally believe that army should use their way to kill them ... use covert operations , make assassination teams , including ISI , MI and CID , along with sharp shooters , and those terrorist who are disguised as civilians , and if have enough prove against them, just eliminate them ,no need to arrest and take them to judiciary ... someone has to do something un usual to save country from this ...
use their tactics like ambushes and IED attack on their convoys ... its not that elimination mulla radio or ehsan ulla ehsan will finish this war , we need to first push them back to the tribal areas , and clear them from cities cause you can not launch a full scale operation in cities like karachi .. the cancer of Talibanization is getting bigger day by day ... TTP gets their funds from other agencies and also by smuggling drugs , kidnapping and land grabbing , army need to cut their funding ... rangers are not able to go inside many areas of karachi ... its not that only karachi , if army didnt take any action now , than we will have no go areas in all cities of Pakistan ...

I second that. Pakistan's security forces should start an operation on all religious schools in the country and bring order. The mulla radio is rampant in Punjab. The masjid mic too. Punjab's cities are a breeding ground for qutbi minded deobandi militants, sectarians from whatever group, and even ISIS minded individuals who live all over Punjab. I know this because I meet them from all over Punjab and Pakistan. They belong to groups like Sipah Sahaba and Lashkar Jhangvi.

What I mean is that every student must be registered and his/her background checked and all teachers and Qur'an Kareem schools must register. If polio can be done, this too.

There must be strict religious control. The task is daunting, and Pakistan doesn't have the resources to do it but perhaps civilians can be mobilized to do it?
Common irfan bhai,if India was involved why who we beefup the security on our side after the intel warning that suside attack is immenent,dsnt that tell you we where expecting that on our side.

Your intel had the info more that 2 weeks ago,they will defenetly know who did it.let them come out with a statement as to who did it.
this is just once instance. I am not forcing my opinion that there is definitely RAW agent hiding behind the tea shop who pressed the button.
my statement is more of at a strategic level . my grief is that instead of some encouragement or acknowledgement that we are confronting these terrorists, we not only get mocked but also disrupted in our operations by instigating cross border firing on the eastern borders or massing up troops. e.g. during our south Waziristand and Sawat operations, India mobilized its forces and we were forced to disengage from our operations and respond to Indian aggressive moves. and the other grief I have is that the punks like Hafiz Saeed etc feel vindicated and get a field day advocating war fever and fear mongering against India.
Your opinion have changed a lot since the last time I had read you.
dont look at my posts in isolation, I am responding to different arguments and ideas.
this is not constitution for Pakistan where I can be tried for article 6 for changing my opinion.
That large section probably does not consider Pakistan as a deserving recipient of humane ideals. Not saying they are right or wrong, but once an enemy becomes hated to the extent of dehumanizing it, humane ideals lose their significance. A point to ponder is the reason why Pakistan is so hated by that section.

Which leads to the only conclusion that these people are not worthy of being considered a worthy part of the Human race then. After all, people like the IS have also abandoned humane ideas.
Incorrect. My logic has ZIP to do with India benefiting in that post. It has to do with the moral degradation and "rape" of humane ideals practice by a large section of Indian members on this forum.

Every poster from india on the thread was only expressing disgust or sorrow except some replies to some pakistani think tanks who brought in BJP or Modi or hindus etc etc and many pakistani posters calling for terrorist attacks in india and boasting about their past terrorism and terrorist heroes.

Its debatable where the ''moral degradation and "rape" of humane ideals'' lies, given that all those terrorists are pakistani.
@Irfan Baloch , I don't think Iran was using Afghanistan as it's strategic depth.
yea but India has been trying to do that whenever Afghanistan had a polarized regime running it. Taliban were the joint project of KSA, USA and Pakistan. please dont be selective when you recount history.
Which leads to the only conclusion that these people are not worthy of being considered a worthy part of the Human race then. After all, people like the IS have also abandoned humane ideas.

To make it look simple .

We have changed a lot since Gandhi-days. You slap us now , we will kick back you. We have learnt few lessons from history very hard ways.

We will treat you with equal disdain as we treat IS if both of you are involved in carrying out terrorist attacks on our soils.
I second that. Pakistan's security forces should start an operation on all religious schools in the country and bring order. The mulla radio is rampant in Punjab. The masjid mic too. Punjab's cities are a breeding ground for qutbi minded deobandi militants, sectarians from whatever group, and even ISIS minded individuals who live all over Punjab. I know this because I meet them from all over Punjab and Pakistan. They belong to groups like Sipah Sahaba and Lashkar Jhangvi.

What I mean is that every student must be registered and his/her background checked and all teachers and Qur'an Kareem schools must register. If polio can be done, this too.

There must be strict religious control. The task is daunting, and Pakistan doesn't have the resources to do it but perhaps civilians can be mobilized to do it?

its not easy to educate our jahil awaam .. when it comes to religion .
those who are hard to convince , put a bullet in their head , they want heaven , give them ...
The past has gone, but if the policy continues your sentiments are valid.

Considering, what happened in Punjab, and Lahore, Punjabis are a very care-free and forgiving people. They don't believe in blood feuds that go on for generations and are very faithful Sufi minded Muslims generally.

They would take this tragedy at Wagah as Allah's will, and then will pursue the matter intelligibly, largely. I know how Punjabis think generally. They are a jolly, happy, competitive industrial people with a culture and world of their own. These are the feelings I wanted to express about them.

I believe india is behind this blast through Afghanistan. The three groups that claimed responsibility are all funded through Afghanistan by criminal, genocidal indians. All three claimed revenge, when revenge is a sin in Islam. Only revenge for the sake of God is allowed, but would you call this murder as revenge for God???

How can " jundullah" [ which in Arabic means soldiers of Allah ] claim revenge by killing innocent villagers, women and children? They are lying. They are not soliders of Allah, because by the Qur' an and Sunnah, revenge is illegal, but defence is not. So killing innocents by the hundreds is an Act of God and Act of Defence? This has been said over and over again on PDF.

These acts have been done by non-Muslims.

Only very recently, has the dubious policy been abandoned, friend. As I explained to another member in a different threat, its the ironic consequence of an accidental withdrawal convincing a hardcore addict to seek a proper one with medical care and support, because now he has seen what will happen if he doesn't get the drug for any reason, in the future. Sums up the Pakistan's history with these elements, pretty well.

This isn't a question how will Punjabis take it, please believe me that it isn't. The question is why what happened, happen. Though, I agree mostly with what you have about your brethren, I have seen and felt it with the friends I have here.

I believe that people wish to blame a foreign entity or go to denial mode, because only and only then, there's no blame on them. They can hold the events over which they had little or no control over, in this case caused by a major force, responsible. Its psychological defense mechanism and specially when something as delicate and sensitive as their religious beliefs are involved, its more than understandable. But just believe people dont wish to look within and see how radicalization and extremism in the society is responsible for these events, doesn't make it any less so. There is more than enough proof of the support in all forms, granted to these terrorists organizations by the people of Pakistan. Please take my word that had it been any foreign agency, the success rate wouldn't have been so high. These terrorists have lived and thrived in this society, taking support from the same people, whom they later target with impunity. These aren't all foreign, as ISPR wishes to tell the people for obvious reasons, they understand the root causes of it very well. Majority of the present leaders of TTP and prominent commanders have roots from Afghan Jihad, these are the same people and this isn't a conincidence. The money making methods of TTP in form of Chanda, Kherat, Zakat along with criminal activities are well understood. Suicide bombers dont come from western countries or India or solely from Afghanistan, there are Madarsas here, in this country, which can create such bombers for any task. Only recently, the infrastructure has been taken care of, during Zarb-e-Azb. You would have seen pictures of that. That and other terror factories weren't exclusively funded from foreign parties, our countrymen had done a fine job doing that, for a long time. How is it all possible, without the help of a certain segment, of Pakistanis?

This "how can" is irrelevant because extremists are capable of far worse, by twisting the teachings of religion, they falsely claim to be working for. This isn't the first time, a suicide bomber has caused such large number of casualities and this isn't the first time, the Mullahs of TTP have taken responsibility of an attack targeting innocents, to take revenge of innocents. Understand, religion is a guide, but even then, there are Muslims ready to do this work. Extremism is a disease without a cure.
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