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Afghan poll shows India most favoured, Pakistan unpopular

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Well for that Afghan's are themselves to blame, as they started the whole fiasco, which has been going on for decades and sucked in even those who had nothing to do with Afghanistan before.

No sir, If you continue to supply arms and ammunitions to these Talibans long after the US left the region and your all powerful ISI keeps a close friendly check on them and in turn they put up their AK-47s on ordinary afghans and so what else do you expect common afghans to do? The situation is pretty much same as that of SWAT in pakistan. No one likes Taliban but everyone has to bear them, out of the fear for ones life.

You mean to say that common afghans are to be blamed for not rising in revolt against these barbarics? Well if you dont know already, they did revolt. Northern alliance
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Last heard was that pak accepted 7.5 bn $ aid from the Kerry lugar bill, which was alleged to have some humiliating conditions.

I am skeptic about pakistan really investing so much in afghanistan.

Otherwise the poll woudnt have shown pakistan as least favourable nation.

Typical Indian mindset and post.
Well for that Afghan's are themselves to blame, as they started the whole fiasco, which has been going on for decades and sucked in even those who had nothing to do with Afghanistan before.

taimi bahi please ignore for a while the ordinary post.

to rest of respectable member plz hold on your horses for sometime, so that the discussion don't get derailed as there as an opportunity , of serious discussion between afghan and those who know them very well. Its time we talk and you get the real picture.

Really?? how many times have you been to Afghanistan???, hell, leave even that, just tell me how many Afghans have you met in your life??? Dont shoot arrows in the dark. Say something which u can back up with credible claims and sources.


brother, i am afghan.
2009 was also the bloodiest year for American soldiers having the most casualties. But the irony is that whose who're killing your soldiers are also Afghans but not included in the survey's. :lol:

So what can be concluded, some that fight you not covered by the surveys and amongst the few vote for you are all over your newspapers, a love-hate relationship?

Afg has some of the highest illiteracy rates, i highly doubt an avg afghans can even cite where the US is on world map let alone fill out surveys.

S-2, you're are a great liar and distorter of facts. Has the military trained and schooled you in this regard or is it by choice?

Well before you question someone like S-2, who i am 100% sure has 10 times the experience as you do, please check you facts.

1) Are you sure that all insurgents are Afghani's, please go read the news and figure out where the current "War against terror is on". A big chunk of the insurgents come from Pakistan and as the ongoing operations by your own army proves, Pakistan still plays base to many of your so-called terrorist.

2)The survey does not have to been done in English, and can be translated to the local language for anyone to understand. Im sure even if they are illiterate, they can still speak and write their own language.

3)The curse of Taliban that was put onto Afghanistan by the ISI and company has been almost irradiated by the USA. Yes insurgency and internal issues exist but the begging of a democratic system (No matter how weak it is), and the freedom of the Afghani people from the curse of radicalization is a sure step forward.

Please check your facts before posting and insulting other members. :cheers:
No sir, If you continue to supply arms and ammunitions to these Talibans long after the US left the region and your all powerful ISI keeps a close friendly check on them and in turn they put up AK-47s on ordinary afghans head so what do you expect them to do? The situation is pretty much same as that of SWAT in pakistan.

You mean to say that common afghans are to be blamed for not rising in revolt against these barbarics? Well if you dont know they did revolt. Northern alliance

If you don't understand the post, then kindly don't comment with pathetic posts.

Read the post again and then read the history of Afghanistan, may be you get the idea what i am talking about.
Good enough, personally i would have completely stopped or made harsher policies for goods going to Afghanistan, as majority of these goods come back to Pakistan through the smuggling channels and cost billions in lost revenue to the govt.

Due to this smuggling issue, our people are losing and suffering.

dear tamikhan, you might be right, cuz i dont know much about it. and yes, there is smugling problem on the border between pakistan and afghaistan which is not good for pakistan.

just a question out of curosity, when some goods go to afghaistan and they come back to pakistan as smuggled goods, i dont know GoP is not that harsh tackling them, i used to see some check posts or custom officers around Karkhano or down there in hayatabad chowk and some other places chasing the guys with cycles, but a proper close look will help both countries on the borders and stop it in the first place.

yes i believe you, but which part of Afghanistan, and what ethnicity??

because its important to know before starting a detailed discussion.

you are a nice guy, i can see it from your posts. and i am surprised to see you asked about my ethnicity, but anways. i come from east of the country, Laghman provice, my mother is Pashtoon and my father is Tajik.
India in Afghanistan Post-2001 Source : Wiki

-India has provided USD 650-750 million in humanitarian and economic aid, making it the largest regional provider of aid for Afghanistan.

- The Indian Army's Border Roads Organisation is constructing a major road in the remote Afghan province of Nimroz.

- India's support and collaboration extends to rebuilding of air links, power plants and investing in health and education sectors as well as helping to train Afghan civil servants, diplomats and police. India also seeks the development of supply lines of electricity, oil and natural gas.

- Three MoUs (memorandum of understanding) for strengthening cooperation in the fields of rural development, education and standardization between the Bureau of Indian Standards(BIS) and Afghan National Standardization Authority were signed between India and Afghanistan during Hamid Karzai's visit to India during 9-13 April 2006.

- An agreement providing $50 million to promote bilateral businesses between India and Afghanistan was signed during the visit of the Afghan Foreign Minister Dr. Spanta between June 29 and July 1, 2006. During the same year, India raised its aid package to Afghanistan by $150 million, to $750 million. India also supported Afghanistan's bid to become a member of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC).

- During the 15th SAARC summit in Colombo, India pledged another USD $450 million along with $750 million already pledged for ongoing and forthcoming projects.

- On July 7, 2008 the Indian embassy in Kabul was attacked by a suicide car bomb - the deadliest attack in Kabul since the fall of the Taliban in 2001. The bombing killed 58 people and wounded 141.

- On October 18, 2009, the Indian Embassy in Kabul was attacked again by a car bomb, little more than a year after the previous attack. The attack killed at least 17 people.

Indians are not killing Afghanistanis as NATO is doing, we are there to help them in their development process. Hence, India tops the list.

Before anyone start saying that India is doing this for XYZ reason, please be informed that no country helps the other nation just for goodwill. There is always an agenda behind their acts.
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Ohh you are bro, so im guessing your the best person to ask what An Afghani feels about Pakistan? Please your input would be highly appreciated. :cheers:

dear DD, i think it is an incomplete question: People of Afghanistan think highly about Pakistani nation and pakistani public, i have got numerouse close family friends who are from pakistan. but GoP? that is completely different.
you are a nice guy, i can see it from your posts. and i am surprised to see you asked about my ethnicity, but anways. i come from east of the country, Laghman provice, my mother is Pashtoon and my father is Tajik.

Good then it means you would be able to speak both Pushtu as well as dari.
am i right???"
if yes then," chitor asti beyader- gul???":D
If you don't understand the post, then kindly don't comment with pathetic posts.

Read the post again and then read the history of Afghanistan, may be you get the idea what i am talking about.

Sir, to put my argument in simpler words,

Afghanistan did not suck up pakistan into this fiasco as you mentioned, it was pakistans own eagerness to harness strategic depth against India that sucked them up in Afghanistan, after the fall of soviet.
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dear DD, i think it is an incomplete question: People of Afghanistan think highly about Pakistani nation and pakistani public, i have got numerouse close family friends who are from pakistan. but GoP? that is completely different.

Quite sensible.

Better use the term "Establishment" instead. This is all along what India has problems with. Not the pakistani people but its establishment.
Good then it means you would be able to speak both Pushtu as well as dari.
am i right???"
if yes then," chitor asti beyader- gul???":D

yes, bro. i fully understand pashtoo, but dont speak it as first language, we speak farsi at home. here you go, your farsi is really good!
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