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Over 7,000 Saudis have joined ISIS

So if I give up my Iranian citizenship does that mean my Iranian life, upbringing and identity will magically be erased? You're not all there are you Mosa? Don't say these things in a public forum, people will think you're retarded.

And stop the mind games. Arabs and Iranians are the most opinionated people in the world. I'm racist, sure, but you're just as bad as I am. You might not think so, but you are, so deal with it.

Because I am an Arab you mean? That automatically makes me a racist? Never the less I admire you admitting the subject. Are many Arabs racist, maybe, but I am not one of them. Are many Iranians racist? Maybe, but surely not all.
Because I am an Arab you mean? That automatically makes me a racist? Never the less I admire you admitting the subject. Are many Arabs racist, maybe, but I am not one of them. Are many Iranians racist? Maybe, but surely not all.
Most arabs and Iranians are at least mildly racist. That's a fact. If most people on the planet hold generalizations about other groups of people, which they do, arabs and Iranians take a notch further. That in my book is racism.
Actually it was Afghan-Soviet war when Suadi and Emartis were first entered in real time war zone. Later after the end of Afghan war these arabs were settled in Afghanistan and turn the country into base of Alkaida. After 911, when US strike on Afghanistan these arabs and central asian extremist run toward Pakistan. Where hundreds of arabs went back to their country and Suadi King Abdullah started the rehab program for these people, but instead of this extremist controlled , these runaway extremist spread like cancer in middle eastern countries and now...............................later Pakistani govt caught many young arabs on Pak-Afghan border and handover to Suadi authorities . Some of them who showed resistance were killed. But they are the one who brought human slaughtering and suicide bombing in Pakistan.
I will still say my words were taken out of context, even @1000 agrees. And he hates Saudi Arabia. It is an Arabic saying like "Go to hell". @1000 you are more or else neutral here, you saw the thing educate this guy.

How adamant I am at defending Saudi Shias in social media and in my personal life, if you only knew. But Abii you are a racist asshole so I don't know why I am even wasting my time here.

Look I don't really hate the Saudi state or you Saudis, I can't say I hate it because I haven't been there and the only Saudis I know are a few on the internet since there aren't any here, so I don't even know any. I know you think I do because of my previous posts and all the trolling but I thought your gov was behind ISIS, with so many Gulf citizens applauding their actions it's easy for me to believe that then. The only thing I really hate in this region is ISIS and other similar groups ( supporters ) who are ruining not only people's life's and several countries but the image of Islam itself as well, they're using it for a political ideology spreading vermin.

As for the burn all shi'a statement I forgot what you exactly wrote in Arabic but I know it's used as an unserious sort of offensive saying, many other similar sayings like that in Arabic, in every language sayings are different so translating them won't always bring the right meaning @Abii
Arabs are one of the most influential peoples in human history so of course that makes us a very, very proud people. That's just a fact people need to come to terms with. If that equals racism then so be it. Some peoples have just been more influential than others for good and bad and pointing that out should not result in silly claims of "racism".
Anyway ALL people regardless of origin have certain prejudices when it comes to peoples and cultures that they do not know much about. I am no different and I bet that this is the case with 99,9% of all other peoples here.
At least PDF has shown time and time again to be completely ignorant when it comes to the Arab world despite that part of the world being the cradle of civilization and such a influential part of the world for millenniums and even today although most of the news today is negative. But as they say better negative news than no news, LOL.

Regarding this topic then the numbers are obviously pure nonsense. This "data" is an estimate from 1 "news outlet" and does not correspondent with the reports that 99,9% of all other "news outlets" (even the likes of PISSTV etc.) have published nor what KSA as a government has confirmed recently. The more correct number, although that is also an estimate, is between 2000-2500 Saudi Arabian nationals in BOTH Iraq and Syria. Obviously not all of those 2000-2500 people have even joined ISIS to begin with.

Moreover 80-90% of those that have joined from KSA are people in the age group of 16-25 years. Hundreds are even underage. Easily brainwashed and from the lower social classes of the society. Or often social outcasts. This is the reality.

Anyway they still number less than 0,02% of the total population and most if not all have already renounced all their ties with KSA hence them burning their passports etc. Hopefully the most extreme of the extreme have joined ISIS so they won't cause problems back home and by far most of them will probably get killed or jailed abroad before they even return and if they return they should get executed immediately unless they are underage. Many have unfortunately been lured by the retards on the internet and been promised all kind of things and the reality changed the first day they joined and as we know no ISIS member is able to leave ISIS "officially" as they will be killed. Many of them are simply used as cannon fodder, especially the youngsters. Many are also forced to become suicide bombers. After all ISIS have used disabled people, mentality challenged people, animals, elders etc. as suicide bombers before it was known as ISIS and they have obviously not become less brutal/desperate since then.

It's the big fish and those recruiting people from all over the world, whether inside or abroad, that need to be killed or dealt with. I only feel sorry for the 16-18 year old kids that are used as cannon fodder due to their stupidity, naivety and young age.

Anyway the countries that they travel to before they enter Syria or Iraq should also be better at apprehending them and others. None of them travel directly from KSA to Iraq despite both countries sharing an almost 1000 km long border as that border is one of the most closely monitored borders in the world due to what the Saudi Arabian government started almost 10 years ago and have been constantly improving since then.

An example of a underage kid that was lured into Iraq under false premises through the internet and the "clerics" there. He travelled from Riyadh to Kuwait and from there to Istanbul and then Gazienstep and from there into Syria and from there finally into Iraq.

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