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Beef Eating in Hinduism

I have had beef at a keralite restaraunt in Chennai. It was good, bit tougher than mutton. But later some people said it is generally buffalo meat. Another dish I tried in Goa was Ox's tongue. Told my parents, mom was horrified :lol:
Beta all red meat tastes the same, apart from pork i eat all kinds of meat. I just had Swordfish sandwiches last week :sarcastic:
Nope. All red meat dosent taste the same. :disagree: Try pork vindaloo...you'll like it as much as beef sajji if not more. And yes...any sea food is excellent. Even bengali brahmins eat fish.
Credits :Indian Quotes

Hindu mythology is famous for its diverse art forms and classical literatures but the most famous myth is about beef or killing of cows. According to the myth propagated by Hindu nationalists, cows are worshipped in ancient India and it was the invaders, both muslim and christian, who brought beef-eating to India. But, facts and religious scriptures prove that it was the vedic-hindus who were among the world's first urban consumers of beef. This was even before Jesus Christ was crucified and 1000 years before Islam was formed.

1)Mahabharata, 500 B.C.: King Rantiveda slaughters 2,000 cows a day in his royal kitchens and distributed beef along with grain to apparently grateful Brahmins, the Hindu priests.

2)Charak Samhita, 100 B.C.: Flesh of cow is prescribed as a medicine for various diseases. It is also prescribed for making soup and advised as a cure for irregular fever, consumption, and emaciation. The fat of the cow is recommended for debility and rheumatism.

3)Taittiriya Brahman , 500 B.C.: Verily the cow is food.

4)Yajnavalkya, one of the most popular hindu sages: ''Some people do not eat cow meat. I do so, provided it's tender.''

5)Sacrificial offering for Indra, the rain God and Agni, the fire God, are bulls and cows. (Perhaps that is why we are having less rain, as we stopped sacrificing cows.)

6)Vedas have mentioned 250 animals out of which at least 50 are fit for sacrifice and human consumption.

7)Manusmriti did not prohibit the consumption of beef.

In many states of India, beef consumption is legally banned, because of a false religious myth. This cow worship is not done out of animal love, as the same 'God' that exists in cows also exists in cockroaches. By this logic, we should be worshiping insects too. The central focus of cow worship is to show muslims as anti-hindus and to create a universal symbol for upper-caste hindu identification. What is not a myth is that, the so-called holy cow is used for un-holy purposes.


It's not a religious obligation for Muslims to eat Beef. Why so much hue and cry for one type of meat?

Aslo note that beef eating was probhited long back and quoting certain names of books does not make their claim ligitmate. Hinduism is an evolving social system and enev if a fraction of people ate beef does not make the whole pholosophy obsolete or flawed.
What do u Minority minds wants to prove ... U want us Hindus to eat Holy Cow and prove our secularism ... by random internet search and Anti-Hindu blogs and websites u want to teach us Hindus ... what is Hinduism ...

U better search on net and find answers for how the Bibelic Adam and Eves two sons Kane and Abel repopulated the earth without women...

Get a Life and dont try to justify ur Crime of killing innocent animals for food...and pointing Hindus did the same..

No we are not like u... we dont share anything with u neither our culture nor religion... ur way of thinking and behavior is alien to us and our Country ... what we share with u is just the Nationality ... U better adapt quickly understanding the sense of Change in the country ...

FYI , i am a atheist hindu .
don't know whether true or not, but some people say , it was a British strategy for eg throwing cow's head on Hindu gatherings & dead pigs on Muslim gatherings causing rift amongst them thereby , like the brits supported the Wahhabi form of Islam in the 17 & 18 hundreds against the more traditional branch of Islam , it might also be possible, that they might have supported some form of Hindu school of thought as well , which might have had a hard stance with regards to beef consumption
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It's not a religious obligation for Muslims to eat Beef. Why so much hue and cry for one type of meat?

Aslo note that beef eating was probhited long back and quoting certain names of books does not make their claim ligitmate. Hinduism is an evolving social system and enev if a fraction of people ate beef does not make the whole pholosophy obsolete or flawed.

Where were muslims mentioned in this thread ?
It's not a religious obligation for Muslims to eat Beef. Why so much hue and cry for one type of meat?

Aslo note that beef eating was probhited long back and quoting certain names of books does not make their claim ligitmate. Hinduism is an evolving social system and enev if a fraction of people ate beef does not make the whole pholosophy obsolete or flawed.
Vedic aryans used to have beef. I remember it mentioned in our class 6th or 7th history textbooks
what hinduism has to do with supporting vegetarianism?? it's my democratic right to support it. Let's bring the resolution and let the masses to decide whether beef eating should be allowed or not.
why just cow , killing of any animal for food should be strongly prohibited .
As an hindu i would say for us not just cow every animal should be sacred , we must see god in every animal .

i don't think any real god would appreciate killing of an living thing for food .
if we keep doing that soon whole earth will become a big desert .
Beta all red meat tastes the same, apart from pork i eat all kinds of meat. I just had Swordfish sandwiches last week :sarcastic:

Not really hey. Pork has its own distinct taste unlike the other red meat
why just cow , killing of any animal for food should be strongly prohibited .
As an hindu i would say for us not just cow every animal should be sacred , we must see god in every animal .

i don't think any real god would appreciate killing of an living thing for food .
if we keep doing that soon whole earth will become a big desert .
Had your ancestors not hunted mammoths 10,000 years ago, we would have gone extinct. Humans are an omnivorous species.
No ur Just a AThiest and not a Hindu ....

Dont invoke our religion with ur name ... Mlecchans better claim some other religion...

If a Hindu eats Cow... then he is no more a Hindu ... even just the thought of eating her makes u a Non-Hindu Mlechhan ...

i am a atheist hindu and i love to eat cow . You cannot do anything about it .
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