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August 6th, 1945: Hiroshima was justified


Nov 27, 2008
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United States
The Nuking Of Japan Was Tactically And Morally Justified

These are the only two nuclear weapons ever used in warfare.

Approximately 66,000 died in Hiroshima from the acute effects of the Little Boy bomb and about 35,000 more in Nagasaki from the Fat Man device. (The subsequent short-term death toll rose precipitously due to the effects of radiation and wounds.)

About a year after the war ended, the “was it necessary?” Monday-morning quarterbacks emerged and began to question the military necessity and morality of the use of nuclear weapons on Japanese cities. Since then, there have been periodic eruptions of revisionism, uninformed speculation and political correctness on this subject, perhaps the most offensive of which was the Smithsonian Institution’s plan for an exhibition of the Enola Gay for the 50th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. In a particularly repugnant exercise of political correctness, the exhibit was planned to emphasize the “victimization” of the Japanese, mentioning the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor only as the motivation for the “vengeance” sought by the United States. (The exhibit as originally conceived was eventually canceled.)

The historical context and military realities of 1945 are often forgotten in judging whether it was “necessary” for the United States to use nuclear weapons. The Japanese had been the aggressors, launching the war with a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 and subsequently systematically and flagrantly violating various international agreements and norms by employing biological and chemical warfare, torturing and murdering prisoners of war, and brutalizing civilians and forcing them to perform slave labor and prostitution.

As a result of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, what did not need to happen was “Operation Downfall,” a massive Allied (largely American) invasion of the Japanese home islands that was being actively planned. As Allied forces closed in on the home islands, the intentions of Japan’s senior military leaders ranged from “fighting to the last man” to inflicting sufficiently heavy losses on invading American ground forces that the United States would agree to a conditional peace. As U.S. strategists knew from having broken the Japanese military and diplomatic codes, there was virtually no inclination to surrender unconditionally.

Finally, because the Allied military planners assumed that “operations in this area will be opposed not only by the available organized military forces of the Empire [of Japan], but also by a fanatically hostile population,” astronomical casualties were thought to be inevitable. The losses between February and June 1945 just from the Allied invasions of the Japanese-held islands of Iwo Jima and Okinawa were staggering: 18,000 dead and 78,000 wounded.

The U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff estimated that an invasion of Japan’s home islands would result in approximately 1.2 million total American casualties, with 267,000 killed. A study performed by physicist (and future Nobel Laureate) William Shockley for the staff of Secretary of War Henry Stimson estimated that the invasion of Japan would cost 1.7-4 million American casualties, including 400,000-800,000 fatalities, and five to ten million Japanese deaths.

These fatality estimates were in addition to the members of the military who had already perished during four long years of war; American deaths were already about 292,000. In other words, the invasion of Japan could have resulted in the death of twice as many Americans as had already been killed in the European and Pacific theaters of WWII up to that time!

A critical element of Shockley’s analysis was the assumption of large-scale participation by civilians in repelling invading forces. This assumption is supported by the research described in, “The Most Controversial Decision,” by the Rev. Wilson Miscamble, professor of history at the University of Notre Dame, who blames “the twisted neo-samurai who led the Japanese military geared up with true banzai spirit to engage the whole population in a kind of kamikaze campaign.” He admonished, “Their stupidity and perfidy in perpetuating and prolonging the struggle should not be ignored.”

Much has been made of the moral line that supposedly was crossed by the use of nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but many historians regard as far more significant the decisions earlier in the war to adopt widespread urban bombing of civilians–initially by Hitler in attacking English cities and later by the Allied devastation of major cities such as Dresden, Hamburg and Tokyo.

Historian and classicist Victor Davis Hanson has called attention to two factors that for both tactical and ethical reasons argued for the use of America’s nuclear weapons against Japan. First, “thousands of Asians and allied prisoners were dying daily throughout the still-occupied Japanese Empire, and would do so as long as Japan was able to pursue the war. (Gideon Rose, the editor of the journal Foreign Affairs, estimated that during every month of 1945 in which the war continued, Japanese forces were causing the deaths of between 100,000 and 250,000 noncombatants.)

Second, according to Hanson, “Major General Curtis LeMay planned to move forces from the Marianas to newly conquered and much closer Okinawa, and the B-29 bombers, likely augmented by European bomber transfers after V-E Day, would have created a gargantuan fire-bombing air force that, with short-distance missions, would have done far more damage than the two nuclear bombs.”

The nighttime fire-bombing of Tokyo on March 9–10, 1945, was, in fact, the most destructive bombing raid of the war, and in the history of warfare. In a three-hour period, the main bombing force dropped 1,665 tons of incendiary bombs, which caused a firestorm that killed some 100,000 civilians, destroyed a quarter of a million buildings and incinerated 16 square miles of the city. Tokyo was not the only target: For months, from the Marianas, LeMay’s bombers went out night after night, fire-bombing Japanese cities; by the end of the war, the fires had totally or partially consumed 63 Japanese cities, killing half a million people and leaving eight million homeless.

During World War I, Europe lost most of an entire generation of young men. Combatant fatalities alone were approximately 13 million. Memories of that era were still fresh three decades later. In 1945, Allied military planners and political leaders were correct, both tactically and morally, in not wanting to repeat history. It was their duty to weigh carefully the costs and benefits for the American people, present and future. Had they been less wise or less courageous, the American post-war “baby boomer” generation would have been much smaller.

Why Did We Make The Atomic Bomb? - Forbes
can anyone who is good with history tell me ..
one side it look pathetic to see so amny people die to nuke bomb
other side it stopped war at once... so saved other life too (which may be lost in future conflct)
my ques
1. was japan , germay was still powerul enght to strech wa for next few yrs
2. was germany or its allies was planing big attack on oppnenet so the nuke came in
3. was USA used it test its new war discovery
4. USA was morally wrong but in war it was called for
5. after wathing nuke effect .. why P5 still want nuclear weapson
6. off topic.. is india stand is right when it says it will not SIGN NPT till all have includin P5 disarm nuke ..
not select few will disarma and few will have it ...
1. was japan , germay was still powerul enght to strech wa for next few yrs
2. was germany or its allies was planing big attack on oppnenet so the nuke came in
It was not a question of Japan still having the power to win the war against the USA. Rather, the issue was how many more USA soldiers and marines would have to die to conquer the Japanese home islands. The USA military and political commanders chose to try to stop the war to save American lives by dropping the only two atomic bombs that had been constructed. If Japan had not then surrendered it would have taken many additional months for the US to build any additional atomic bombs. So, most likely, the US would have continued to fire-bomb Japan with conventional bombs, causing even more Japanese deaths. As it was, the atomic bombs finally gave the Japanese Emperor Hirohito the reason he needed to surrender his honor.

@TruthSeeker your personal Opinion on that decision ?
Totally the right decision at the time. In addition, the demonstration of destruction has saved the world from any further World Wars or wars among the most powerful nations.
It was not a question of Japan still having the power to win the war against the USA. Rather, the issue was how many more USA soldiers and marines would have to die to conquer the Japanese home islands. The USA military and political commanders chose to try to stop the war to save American lives by dropping the only two atomic bombs that had been constructed. If Japan had not then surrendered it would have taken many additional months for the US to build any additional atomic bombs. So, most likely, the US would have continued to fire-bomb Japan with conventional bombs, causing even more Japanese deaths. As it was, the atomic bombs finally gave the Japanese Emperor Hirohito the reason he needed to surrender his honor.
conventional bomb may cause death it could ahve kill one genratio but not many in future whihc atomicn did
but waht atomic did was cursed their many genration ...
when you have big power you ahve big responsibility...
i am not accusing USA...
war is not simple...
it just cost was too high for japan with atmoics..
russian lost more soldries in WW
but that pain is still less taht what misery atom bom bringed in
Assuming the invention of nuclear weapons inevitable, as horrible as might sound, the bombs dropped benefited humanity as a whole. Keep in mind that I'm not claiming that Americans were morally superior, nor that the Japanese deserved it. I'm looking at the bombings as an isolated even in humanity's timeline.

If the world had not witnessed the absolute apocalyptic devastation caused by the bombs, 'nukes' would just be another word flying around without any sense of scale to its destructive power. We'd be more inclined to use them for future wars where the world would have a lot more of these to throw around.
conventional bomb may cause death it could ahve kill one genratio but not many in future whihc atomicn did
but waht atomic did was cursed their many genration ...

You are exaggerating the effect of radiation on Nagasaki and Hiroshima in the years after the war. True, the subsequent radiation effects doubled or tripled the ultimate deaths. But, the bombs used were very small, by our later standards which now include fusion devices, and the radiation poisoning did not reach "generations". At most, a few survivors in one generation were affected, and a tiny number of their children were damaged. The gross exaggeration of the effects of the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombing has become a standard "talking point" in the anti-Americanism of the enemies of the USA.
You are exaggerating the effect of radiation on Nagasaki and Hiroshima in the years after the war. True, the subsequent radiation effects doubled or tripled the ultimate deaths. But, the bombs used were very small, by our later standards which now include fusion devices, and the radiation poisoning did not reach "generations". At most, a few survivors in one generation were affected, and a tiny number of their children were damaged. The gross exaggeration of the effects of the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombing has become a standard "talking point" in the anti-Americanism of the enemies of the USA.
you cant compare todays bombs with those
yes those were small bombs..
i am not exaggerating the effect of radiation..
its well documented the effect ..which seems not in line with what you said...
it was past ...
cant balme anyone
can anyone who is good with history tell me ..
one side it look pathetic to see so amny people die to nuke bomb
other side it stopped war at once... so saved other life too (which may be lost in future conflct)
my ques
1. was japan , germay was still powerul enght to strech wa for next few yrs
2. was germany or its allies was planing big attack on oppnenet so the nuke came in
3. was USA used it test its new war discovery
4. USA was morally wrong but in war it was called for
5. after wathing nuke effect .. why P5 still want nuclear weapson
6. off topic.. is india stand is right when it says it will not SIGN NPT till all have includin P5 disarm nuke ..
not select few will disarma and few will have it ...

1.) No, Germany was already kicked out of the war in August 1945 and Japan was in no position to continue the war outside Japan.

2.) No, Japan was the only axis power in the war at that time and in no position to launch any offensive.

3.) Probably

4.) There are many different opinions on how many casualties the US would have suffered in an invasion of Japan. So its hard to tell whether it was justified. But one thing is clear: It would have been very costly and the USA was already tired of the war.

5.) ? Dont understand the question
Americans can lie to themselves to feed their misplaced self righteous ego stock. No human being even with a grain of humanity left in him would be able to justify this henious crime because of which, people even suffer today.

Nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the most brutal terrorist attack in human history.
1.) No, Germany was already kicked out of the war in August 1945 and Japan was in no position to continue the war outside Japan.

2.) No, Japan was the only axis power in the war at that time and in no position to launch any offensive.

3.) Probably

4.) There are many different opinions on how many casualties the US would have suffered in an invasion of Japan. So its hard to tell whether it was justified. But one thing is clear: It would have been very costly and the USA was already tired of the war.

5.) ? Dont understand the question
thanks for answer ..
5. question.. wrt indias stand on NPT reasoning total nulcear disarmament than having club of select few of having nuke?
will it not save globe from next armagedon ...as
your answer show its was USA who seems to take first step forward for nuke when their was NO BIG DAnger invovled ..to them

Americans can lie to themselves to feed their misplaced self righteous ego stock. No human being even with a grain of humanity left in him would be able to justify this henious crime because of which, people even suffer today.

Nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the most brutal terrorist attack in human history.
what USA did was not accpetabel in any standards..
but it was WAR....no standards their only OBJECTIVE.
i am not justifying USA
what i am saying it MAY be necessary evil for them
but KOVIE answer show some other picture ...
it was dark day of humanity
but cant term as Terrorist attack as both nation was in war
To be honest.
Im more of a an axis guy.
but im gonna be neutral on this.

To americans.
it was
Enemies death > Our deaths.
Ya know....
But then again....
its just to calm their folks
theres another reason behind it.
it was an arms race ofcourse.

It still doesnt make sense.
Japan was lost in the half way of the war.|
It was obvious...
Then why force a nuke down their throat?

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