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In some interview few years back Gohar Ayub said that Pakistan already have 5000 km range missile, did anyone saw that interview??
What about Gauri 3 that was announced last decade.
Source is ISPR. Wait and see.

Shaheen III platform is critical to Pakistans capabilities beyond strategic attack.

It can be used as a stepping stone to SLV
It can be used to carry a Satellite Kill Vehicle
It can be used to develop a carrier killer
it can be used to carry MIRVs
It can be used to study Sub Launced Ballistic Missile technology too.

Just wait and see.
I will like to see 500+ Km range supersonic missile (big bro of CM-400AKG) & C-602 400+kms Land + Anti ship missile to be inducted soon in our military.
Approx. 4500km range I suppose. If it is true that great news.
Why we don't try to build our BMD based on Shaheen-I as India has done with Prithvi missile?

S-III must have MIRV or MREV warheads as it have to face BMD.
dont worry we are making it to kill people in GAZA.

We need it for the Palestinians. Our new strategy is to accept our brotherly state Israel and nuke the Palestinians to Jannah. Two state-solution. Israel and Jannah.
oh You want to use it against Israel....Then don't expect flowers in return. Even if you demolish them ,They have second strike capability in the form of submarines.... And that too nuclear capable..... And don't forget their big daddy U.S.A, they even don't need F18, F22 , Destroyers, Tanks to demolish Pakistan. Their F15s, F16s, few submarine, aircraft carrier and drone is enough for this type of job. Stop watching dreams.... Even Allah can't Help in this situation.
Why we need 4500km Missile??? We don't need this. Israel is not our enemy.

We need it for the Palestinians. Our new strategy is to accept our brotherly state Israel and nuke the Palestinians to Jannah. Two state-solution. Israel and Jannah.
Why we need 4500km Missile??? We don't need this. Israel is not our enemy.

Did Israel email you before they developed the Jericho III, which can target Pakistan?

Isreal is a lunatic state which declared Pakistan as an 'enemy state' a long time ago.


The 'technological capability' to build ICBMs existed in Pakistan since the year 2000 as per President Musharraf.

Remember we had nukes in 1986 but kept mum for an entire decade and only declared our nuclear status after it hit the fan. Keeping our mouth shut and working on ICBMs is the way to go.

We not only need ICBMs, we need every deadly weapon we can muster. Talking about it isn't important, having it is. We don't need to create a stir by parading an ICBM, we'll do it when its direly needed.
Did Israel email you before they developed the Jericho III, which can target Pakistan?

Isreal is a lunatic state which declared Pakistan as an 'enemy state' a long time ago.
We never have any war in Past... there were just few hate statements but on both sides... But Yasir arafat was Pro Indian. Mashallah he supported India on Kashmir issue. Musharaf did stop shaheen III program because Israel is not enemy.
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You're fighting a lost battle my friend. The IN is decades ahead of us in numbers. They may not have a qualitative edge but they definitely have numbers. IN vs. PN is a definite IN. Let it be.

They are ahead but all forces adopt doctrine as per their economical position and strategic location and PN have also adopted the same and their sole purpose is to make sure that IN can't implement a blockade again. PN can also block oil supplies at strait of hormuz and for that IN may have to fight very bloody battle, its not walk in a park like 71.
oh You want to use it against Israel....Then don't expect flowers in return. Even if you demolish them ,They have second strike capability in the form of submarines.... And that too nuclear capable..... And don't forget their big daddy U.S.A, they even don't need F18, F22 , Destroyers, Tanks to demolish Pakistan. Their F15s, F16s, few submarine, aircraft carrier and drone is enough for this type of job. Stop watching dreams.... Even Allah can't Help in this situation.

Better having the option that not having it at all. Plus, as @Aeronaut correctly pointed out, in addition to serving us as a strategic deterrent the Shaheen III is a potential test-bed for anti-satellite weapon systems and an SLV.
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