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Massive protest in India against Palestinian massacre

Its their democratic right to protest, as long as they do not end up damaging any property
Protest in Hyderabad against Israel’s attack on Palestine
massive protest was held here Sunday to condemn Israel’s offensive against Palestinians.

Hundreds of activists of the Students Islamic Organisation (SIO) took out a rally and formed a human chain, demanding an immediate halt to Israel’s attacks. The protestors raised slogans of “Down with Israel”. They were also carrying placards with pictures of children and other victims of Israeli bombardment.


“Let Gaza live”, “You don’t need to be a Muslim to stand up with Gaza”, “Murdering an 11-month-old is not self-defence” were some of the slogans written on the placards.

The speakers urged the Indian government to cut down diplomatic ties with Israel and restore its traditional stand of backing Palestinians.

The SIO leaders also urged the central government to press Israel to immediately stop the air strikes.

“At a time when Prime Minister Narendra Modi is visiting Brazil to attend BRICS summit, India should raise the issue in the international arena and put pressure on Israel to stop atrocities,a said Laeeq Ahmed, president, SIO’s Hyderabad unit.

The SIO also urged the Telangana government not to have any ties with Israel in agriculture sector. It said Israel was responsible for destroying the agricultural lands and crops of Palestine by the use of its lethal weapons and such state cannot be trusted upon for the improvement of agriculture in other parts of the world.

The organization also launched a signature campaign to against the Israeli offensive and to urge the Indian government to use its influence in the United Nations and other international fore to pressurize Israel.

Laeeq said one lakh signatures would be collected as part of the campaign over the next days and this would be sent to prime minister, chief minister of Telangana and governor.
Syria, killing in thousands of Muslims....
I did not see any such protests why?
Seems like it always is reserved for Jews or other Kafirs...
you got a problem? with it? people choose to protest at things they don't like, how would you protest if 2 of your brothers were fighting for some odd reason? which would you protest against?
Why do not they pass a resolution and urge Palestinian activist not to fire rocket against Israel and than ask Israel not bomb them?
Why they did not protested when Shia's from Iraq were killed... Though I am not supporting Israel's activities here, but then these peoples should also come in support of innocent Iraqis who got killed... Hypocrisy isn't that???

when shias were killed shias only protest. now its sunni turn to they are protesting !
does a pdf Indian truly represents his/her country?-

If BJP or any right wing groups decides to hold a rally in favour of Israel it can easily assemble crowd 100 times massive than this but as the right wingers are in power right now for them doing massive protests doesn't make sense and would be weird, situation would have been different if this all was happening 2-3 months back.
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