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Afg General Abdul Raziq spewing venom against Pakistan

The defenders might not be, but the 100,000 slaves Temur's army murdered there were taken from Pakistan.

He was an Afshar Turcoman from Khorasan, who are Iranians. Half of his army was Persian, the rest were Iranian Turcomans, Kurds, Lurs, Bakhtiaris and Georgians. His later auxiliaries included Turkmens (foreign ones), Abdali Afghans and some North Caucasians.

I dont give a shit about how Pakistanis became Muslim or Christians or anything else like that. Dont try to compare your peoples crappy and unimportant history to Iran. Everybody knows that Pakistanis are converted from Hendus for two reasons. 1) because you have a caste system and you were at the bottom of it so wanted out, and 2) because for about 1000 years Turks and Afghans kept invading and looting Pakistan and demolishing your temples, kidnapping thousands of you as slaves (hence the name "Hendu kosh" mountains which means "Hendu killer" in Persian) and generally making your ancestors lives miserable because you are such little weaklings that you couldnt resist, ever. So piss off with your curried-up rubbish.

Lol...you're such a dumb dude...Pakistan was the center of Bhuddism...today it is in China and south east Asia cuz monks from NW Pak...basically Gandhara civilization went there and spread it there...Eastern side was Hindu...it was an ancient civilization ..Indus Valley civilization...which is indigenous to Pak..and is akin to nile of Egypt....btw Pushtuns kicked your a"""s when Abdali defeated you guys and made Durrani Empire again...as I mentioned Pushtuns are the second biggest ethnic group of Pakistan...
Alexander kicked your Persian Empire's a*s...yet he was defeated in the plains of Punjab by Porus....Oh I forgot...the robe clad Ayatullahs won't let this reality to enter your good for nothing dumb thing that you call your brain..Aww...have they brainwashed you and told you to live in fake glory of your past...too bad...we are a fu***g nuclear power baby...a status which you people could never achieve..and we got it back in 1982...tell me little one..who is the nuclear power Pakistan or Iran...who can kick whose a***s ??? ...btw...I have had considerable Persian curry foods like Lamb Shank, Tass Kabob, Khoresht-e-curry...don't pretend you don't have them....what a douche ....LMAO..you're such an entertainment..would be grabbing a bag of popcorns before reading your next comment.
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ghurids were not tajiks
Ghurids were Pashtuns

Not true...the Ghorids were spawned from the province of Ghor, hence of "Tajik" origin.

I’m glad you’ve raised this issue as it reflects a problem among Lar aw Bar Pashtuns with some among our Lar Pashtuns - perhaps unintentionally - causing problems for Afghanistan.

To begin with, the name "Tajik" to describe all Dari speakers in Afghanistan is often misleading, relatively new and many Dari speakers still refuse to be identified with the term, preferring instead their sub-identification with their relevant provinces under the wider "Afghan" umbrella. Ancient northern Afghanistan spoke a language/dialect closely related to Pashto, until the onset of Dari/Farsi, owing to centuries of Persian influence and vice versa. Traditional Afghan nationalists view all Pashtuns and Tajiks as "Afghans" without discrimination. This might help explain why Pashtuns in general do not view the Ghorids as an alien force, but rather that of our own and for good reason. For centuries, Afghanistan’s main political and administrative base stemmed from the north, until ravaged to the ground by Ghengis Khan. Even then, the Tajik King’s courageous son gathered an army of his own among Lar Aw Bar Pashtuns to defeat Ghengis’ army in Parwan. Our shared history as a common people cannot be scoffed at and we’ll not allow it.

After the fall of the Ghorids, many among the leadership moved into Herat and Kandahar, leading some historians to argue that the Abdali tribe in Kandahar and to a lesser extend in Herat was related to them. Either way we Pashtuns of Afghanistan and especially our traditional Nationalist leadership unfailingly view all our people as Afghans and keep reminding us to that end. Even Ashraf Ghani, who is an Ahmedzai and hence from a tribe in Waziristan, also shares a Kabuli bloodline. The Durranis in particular have gone out of their way to accommodate the Northern Alliance for the purpose of national unity. Some of my colleagues, who’ve lately directed plenty of profanities at Zalmai Rasoul, Mahmoud Karzai and Gul Agha Sherzai for joining Dr Abdullah’s camp, are being reminded of the necessity for political assimilation. Even though I personally support Ashraf Ghani, I understand why the leaders supported Dr Abdullah, irrespective of their ability to drag all their constituencies with them. As my Lar Pashtun, I hope you appreciate where I’m coming from and would prefer that you would help rather than hinder our national unity, just as I will respect your own proclaimed pride in being Pakistani.
what is farsiwan?

A Farsiwan is someone who speaks Farsi (Dari/Persian)....we've noticed over the years a concrete effort by the enemy and the ignorant (including the Communists) to drive a wedge between Dari speaking Afghans and Pashto speaking Afghans. Before the wars, our people cared less if their peers were from Badakhshan or Jallalabad, as all were Afghans. In schools, Pashto was a compulsory subject, hence leading many outside of Afghanistan to think everyone is a Pashto speaker. Yet all our traditional elites mostly spoke fluent Dari as they still do, with many not even retaining their ancestral mother tongue, especially among those who were forced to migrate to other nations. With the pressure to adopt other languages for survival, they mostly retained Dari and lost Pashto.

The war however has left its scars...all our traditional leaders have been advised by their Pashto speaking constituencies to re-learn the language for better political levereage, so I know some who are indeed making the effort to relearn their ancestral language. It's not a coencidence that Karzai, Dr Abdullah, Qanuni, and Ashraf Ghani all speak Pashto as well as Dari. Today, it's become a liability for any Afghan political leader to know one language and not the other. It'll take some time for Afghans to return to their norms.

Yet at the same time, a new phenomena is upon us......a large and growing portion of Afghans now speak English, which I see becoming a major language across the country and certainly among the new elite's youth. Given that English is the vehicle for global technology and trade, the youth are adopting it like never before and far more rapidly and in detail than our old elite used to speak French.
Says the one who was raped by every other nation... the arabs,mongols,turks... n got beaten by greeks... hmmm...

No kid... millions died n millions sacrificed everything for its creation... googles it.

View attachment 35719

See the map... it was a seperatist civil war... supported by a country 10 times our size... between our both wings... thousands of miles away... to people we had no cultural,ethnic ties... and tht too with a 20 : 1 ratio of indian soldiers n millions of bengalis for months...

While in Air :

Even in 1971, Pakistanis inflicted heavy damage on Indian military.

"This airforce(the PAF), is second to none"
"The air war lasted two weeks and the Pakistanis scored a
three-to-one kill ratio, knocking out 102 Russian-made Indian jets and losing thirty-four airplanes of their own. I'm certain about the figures because I went out several times a day in a chopper and counted the wrecks below." "They were really good, aggressive dogfighters and proficient in gunnery and air combat tactics. I was damned impressed. Those guys just lived and breathed flying. "

(General (Retd.) Chuck Yeager (USAF) , Book: Yeager, the

No.. thts coz your an idiot with no knowledge of history... 56% of Kashmir was taken by Pakistan in 48 ... even the Aksai Chin which was ceeded to china was won by us.... 65 was an unannounced attack by india in the dead of the night n this is what the international media reported:

In 1965,
"Pakistan claims to have destroyed something like 1/3rd the Indian Air Force, and foreign observers, who are in a position to know say that Pakistani pilots have claimed even higher kills than this; but the Pakistani Air Force are being scrupulously honest in evaluating these claims. They are crediting Pakistan Air Force only those killings that can be checked from other sources."

Roy Meloni,
American Broadcasting Corporation
September 15, 1965.


1965 War, the Inside Story by R.D. Pradhan:
In Chapter 8 titled "Of Cowardice and Panic", the author describes the cowardice of Maj. Gen. Niranjan Prasad, the Indian general commanding officer in Lahore sector. When the general was fired upon by Pakistani forces, he "ran away". "On learning that, Lt. Gen. Harbakash Singh and the corps commander drove in a Jonga to the battlefront. Army commander found that the enemy (PAF) air attack had created a havoc on G.T. Road. (Indian) Vehicles were burning and several vehicles of 15 Division abandoned on the road, the drivers having run away, leaving some of the engines still running. Maj. Gen. Niranjan Prasad was hiding in a recently irrigated sugar cane field. As described by Harabakash Singh: "He (Prasad) came out to receive us, with his boots covered with wet mud. He had no head cover, nor was he wearing any badges of his rank. He had stubble on his face, not having shaved." Seeing him in such a stage, Harbakhash Singh asked him: "Whether he was the General Officer commanding a division or a coolie? Why had he removed badges of rank and not shaved? Niranjan Prasad had no answer."

Pradhan's book contains many different entries by Indian Defense Minister Y.B. Chavan. A Sept 9, 1965 entry reads: Had a very hard day on all fronts. Very fierce counter-attacks mounted and we are required to withdraw in Kasur area. COAS was somewhat uncertain of himself. I suggested to him that he should go in forward areas so that he will be in touch of realities. He said he would go next day.

In Line of Duty: A Soldier Remembers, Lt Gen Harbakhsh Singh reveals that not only did Gen Chowdhury play a very small role in the entire campaign, he was so nervous as to be on the verge of losing half of Punjab to Pakistan, including the city of Amritsar. Harbakhsh describes, in clinical detail, how our own offensive in the Lahore sector had come unhinged. The general commanding the division on Ichchogil canal fled in panic, leaving his jeep, its wireless running and the briefcase containing sensitive documents that were then routinely read on Radio Pakistan during the war. Singh wanted to court martial him, Chowdhury let him get away with resignation.
According to Shekhar Gupta, the editor of Indian Express, Harbkhash Singh recounts that a bigger disaster struck a bit to the south where the other division cracked up in assault, just as it encountered a bit of resistance. Several infantry battalions, short on battle inoculation, deserted and Singh gives a hair-raising account – and confirmation of a long-debated rumor – that Chowdhury panicked so badly he ordered him to withdraw to a new defensive line behind the Beas, thereby conceding half of Punjab to Pakistan. Singh describes the conversation with Chowdhury at Ambala where he refused to carry out the order, asking his chief to either put it down in writing or visit the front and take charge of the battle.

The London Daily Mirror reported in 1965:

"There is a smell of death in the burning Pakistan sun. For it was here that India's attacking forces came to a dead stop.
"During the night they threw in every reinforcement they could find. But wave after wave of attacks were repulsed by the Pakistanis"


"India", said the London Daily Times, "is being soundly beaten by a nation which is outnumbered by four and a half to one in population and three to one in size of armed forces."


In Times reporter Louis Karrar wrote:

"Who can defeat a nation which knows how to play hide and seek with death".

USA - Aviation week & space technology - December 1968 issue.
"For the PAF, the 1965 war was as climatic as the Israeli victory over the Arabs in 1967. A further similarity was that Indian air power had an approximately 5:1 numerical superiority at the start of the conflict. Unlike the Middle East conflict, the Pakistani air victory was achieved to a large degree by air-to-air combat rather than on ground. But it was as absolute as that attained by Israel.
UK - Air International - November - 1991
" the average PAF pilot is almost certainly possessed of superior skills when compared with, say, an average American pilot. As to those who are rated above average, they compare favorably to the very best."
Encyclopaedia of Aircraft printed in several countries by Orbis publications - Volume 5
"Pakistan's air force gained a remarkable victory over India in this brief 22 day war exploiting its opponents weaknesses in exemplary style - Deeply shaken by reverse, India began an extensive modernisation and training program, meanwhile covering its defeat with effective propaganda smoke screen.
Yoichi Shimatsu, a Japanese journalist and former editor of Japan Times, wrote as follows about LeT and Kargil:

Blaming the Lahore-based Lashkar is all-too easy since the outfit was once the West Point of the Kashmir insurgency. The Army of the Righteous, as it is known in English, was a paramilitary force par excellence that routinely mauled the Indian Army along the Himalayan ridge that forms the Line of Control of divided Kashmir. In an attack on the strategic town of Kargil in late spring 1999, Lashkar broke through India’s alpine defense line and came close to forcing New Delhi to the negotiating table.

Along the sawtooth LoC, Lashkar is respected by professional soldiers on both side. A Pakistani hero who fought on the Baltistan heights, Corporal Ahmed, told me of his admiration for the stoicism of these jihadis, who wore sandals to battle in the snow. At a checkpoint in Indian-controlled Kargil, an army captain wearing a Sikh turban said frankly that nobody in the Indian Army could fight man-to-man against Lashkar.

Lashkar earned its reputation in clean-fought mountain warfare, pitting lightly armed guerrillas against Indian armor and superior firepower.

In its finest hours, these fighters would never consider the dirty tactics used against civilians in Mumbai, for example, the gangland-style executions using a shot to the back of a kneeling captive’s head. That is more typical of the Mumbai underworld.


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Just human waves ... getting owned by a pathetically trained iraqi army...

Jusr because over govt wanted peace talks to resolve the issue with terrotists doesnt mean.. we surrendered or have no stamina to fight... we are fighting an insurgency 44 nations or NATO couldnt defeat in 13 years... so stuff it..

Yes we know what you persians think n do... its called a contract marriage.... or a nose job.

I didnt watch youtube... but you are probably too stupid to know the ethnic composition of our country... apart from tht ... i still remember how alexander was resisted by Porus ... the same alexander who married persian royality... burned its capital n got darius killed... who fled the battle...

Yes ... its like the fake photoshop supa powa complex... isnt it?

Yes im sure a parrot nose 5"6 fat persian would know abt it... besides hows the afghan opium these days? the best right?

Lmao... you were run over by our ancestors aswell the Pakhtuns... ? Us Baluch resisted you... apart from tht what did the arabs?mongols,turks etc do to you? mongols invaded our territory but were always beaten and respulsed... unlike iran... which was ravaged by them n its women sold in markets... historic facts...


Why you have not deleted these bunch of lies; when you have deleted my post refuting them.
A Farsiwan is someone who speaks Farsi (Dari/Persian)....we've noticed over the years a concrete effort by the enemy and the ignorant (including the Communists) to drive a wedge between Dari speaking Afghans and Pashto speaking Afghans. Before the wars, our people cared less if their peers were from Badakhshan or Jallalabad, as all were Afghans. In schools, Pashto was a compulsory subject, hence leading many outside of Afghanistan to think everyone is a Pashto speaker. Yet all our traditional elites mostly spoke fluent Dari as they still do, with many not even retaining their ancestral mother tongue, especially among those who were forced to migrate to other nations. With the pressure to adopt other languages for survival, they mostly retained Dari and lost Pashto.

The war however has left its scars...all our traditional leaders have been advised by their Pashto speaking constituencies to re-learn the language for better political levereage, so I know some who are indeed making the effort to relearn their ancestral language. It's not a coencidence that Karzai, Dr Abdullah, Qanuni, and Ashraf Ghani all speak Pashto as well as Dari. Today, it's become a liability for any Afghan political leader to know one language and not the other. It'll take some time for Afghans to return to their norms.

Yet at the same time, a new phenomena is upon us......a large and growing portion of Afghans now speak English, which I see becoming a major language across the country and certainly among the new elite's youth. Given that English is the vehicle for global technology and trade, the youth are adopting it like never before and far more rapidly and in detail than our old elite used to speak French.
thanks for d informative post....:tup:
and a Pakistani calling u farsiwan as an insult is plain irony,,,if u consider there national anthem :p:
Not true...the Ghorids were spawned from the province of Ghor, hence of "Tajik" origin.

I’m glad you’ve raised this issue as it reflects a problem among Lar aw Bar Pashtuns with some among our Lar Pashtuns - perhaps unintentionally - causing problems for Afghanistan.

To begin with, the name "Tajik" to describe all Dari speakers in Afghanistan is often misleading, relatively new and many Dari speakers still refuse to be identified with the term, preferring instead their sub-identification with their relevant provinces under the wider "Afghan" umbrella. Ancient northern Afghanistan spoke a language/dialect closely related to Pashto, until the onset of Dari/Farsi, owing to centuries of Persian influence and vice versa. Traditional Afghan nationalists view all Pashtuns and Tajiks as "Afghans" without discrimination. This might help explain why Pashtuns in general do not view the Ghorids as an alien force, but rather that of our own and for good reason. For centuries, Afghanistan’s main political and administrative base stemmed from the north, until ravaged to the ground by Ghengis Khan. Even then, the Tajik King’s courageous son gathered an army of his own among Lar Aw Bar Pashtuns to defeat Ghengis’ army in Parwan. Our shared history as a common people cannot be scoffed at and we’ll not allow it.

After the fall of the Ghorids, many among the leadership moved into Herat and Kandahar, leading some historians to argue that the Abdali tribe in Kandahar and to a lesser extend in Herat was related to them. Either way we Pashtuns of Afghanistan and especially our traditional Nationalist leadership unfailingly view all our people as Afghans and keep reminding us to that end. Even Ashraf Ghani, who is an Ahmedzai and hence from a tribe in Waziristan, also shares a Kabuli bloodline. The Durranis in particular have gone out of their way to accommodate the Northern Alliance for the purpose of national unity. Some of my colleagues, who’ve lately directed plenty of profanities at Zalmai Rasoul, Mahmoud Karzai and Gul Agha Sherzai for joining Dr Abdullah’s camp, are being reminded of the necessity for political assimilation. Even though I personally support Ashraf Ghani, I understand why the leaders supported Dr Abdullah, irrespective of their ability to drag all their constituencies with them. As my Lar Pashtun, I hope you appreciate where I’m coming from and would prefer that you would help rather than hinder our national unity, just as I will respect your own proclaimed pride in being Pakistani.
Its obvious you didnt read the article, you are under iranian propaganda
And there are many sub-tribes with ahmadzai name. My marwat tribe also has a branch by name of ahmadzai. Ashraf ghani is not ahmadzai of wazir , he is ahmadzai of ghilzai.
Who are dude? You dont seem pashtun to me. Are you a tajik?
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1.Afghanistan has always refused to accept the Durand Line. She had opposed Pakistan's entry into UNO. Her Intel was used by the Americans to assassinate Liaqat Ali Khan. She perceives she will loose a big chunk of land by accepting the Durand. The present border is not what the Durand Line border was.Making Durand Line the international border will mean 7-10% of Afghan territory will seceded into Pakistan.

2. That is not all. There are extreme elements in Afghanistan who have claimed all territory up to Attock saying Peshawar had been the summer capital of the country before the British came.

3.The Red is the original Durand Line. The white is the present Pak-Afghan border. This is a vexing issue which Iskandar MIrza and Ayub had sought to solve and ought to be addressed seriously by both nations.

1.Afghanistan has always refused to accept the Durand Line. She had opposed Pakistan's entry into UNO. Her Intel was used by the Americans to assassinate Liaqat Ali Khan. She perceives she will loose a big chunk of land by accepting the Durand. The present border is not what the Durand Line border was.Making Durand Line the international border will mean 7-10% of Afghan territory will seceded into Pakistan.
2. That is not all. There are extreme elements in Afghanistan who have claimed all territory up to Attock saying Peshawar had been the summer capital of the country before the British came.
3.The Red is the original Durand Line. The white is the present Pak-Afghan border. This is a vexing issue which Iskandar MIrza and Ayub had sought to solve and ought to be addressed seriously by both nations.
WAITING LIST.....next 2 Decade that all area will be called PAKISTAN
WAITING LIST.....next 2 Decade that all area will be called PAKISTAN
Informed the Soviets were pulling out of Afghanistan, Gen Zia, after offering two raqats of prayers, had exclaimed that a new era of establishing many Pakistans had dawned.
Informed the Soviets were pulling out of Afghanistan, Gen Zia, after offering two raqats of prayers, had exclaimed that a new era of establishing many Pakistans had dawned.
My comments will create some problems, bcoz some of us analyzing scenario with only current politics, If you see in more than 20/30 years above, nothing seemz impossible
In 1936 elections, muslim league was defeated terribly but in next 9 Years we saw 2 countries emerged in East & West

On January 28, 1933, Choudhary Rahmat Ali voiced his ideas in the pamphlet entitled "Now or Never; Are We to Live or Perish Forever?" The word 'Pakstan' referred to "the five Northern units of India, viz. : Punjab, North-West Frontier Province (Afghan Province), Kashmir, Sind and Baluchistan"". By the end of 1933, the word "Pakistan" became common vocabulary where an “I” was added to ease pronunciation (as in Afghan-i-stan). In a subsequent book Rehmat Ali discussed the etymology in further detail. "Pakistan' is both a Persian and an Urdu word. It is composed of letters taken from the names of all our South Asia homelands; that is, Punjab, Afghania, Kashmir, Sindh and Balochistan. It means the land of the Pure".
Its obvious you didnt read the article, you are under iranian propaganda
And there are many sub-tribes with ahmadzai name. My marwat tribe also has a branch by name of ahmadzai. Ashraf ghani is not ahmadzai of wazir , he is ahmadzai of ghilzai.
Who are dude? You dont seem pashtun to me. Are you a tajik?

What is obvious here is that I'm an Afghan and you're a Pakistani.
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