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Islamic states threaten Australia with sanctions over 'disputed E.Jerushelum' narrative.

Yes but Arab Armies sucked that time now game has changed Israel will not survive this time and it will be taken out really soon only matter is either current Muslim leaders will show gutts and do it or they will fall and those who would replace him would do it
Isreal has improved a lot also...its not been sitting ideal all this time
All the Muslim countries around Israel even those who have so called peace treaty with Israel and also Pakistan and other countries because other wise soon these Muslim leaders will fall those who will replace them will go after Israel so they have much of choice left and it is getting reduced by passing of every day

Yes but Arab Armies sucked that time now game has changed Israel will not survive this time and it will be taken out really soon only matter is either current Muslim leaders will show gutts and do it or they will fall and those who would replace him would do it
can you show me few nation who stood up in ACTION
those who cant open their mouth .. do think will they stand on their feet?
still waiting for countries names whom muslim world depend to WIN war...
why 60 yrs no action .. why those muslim are wating?
why dont muslim world then suport iRAN openly to go nuke as it will make MUSLIM strong?
why SA want to stop iran
Report: Israel, Saudi Arabia Plan Iran Strike - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
PressTV - Saudi spy chief joining Israel for attack against Iran
US to finalise Middle East weapons deal - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
can you explain this?
Relax. The term "whites" is a generic term for the West, but it is also a fact that many countries in the Islamic "bloc" are still mired in the colonial mindset and the worship of white skin.

I don't need you to explain to me what the term means/is. The fact is that you are using it in a way that implies certain countries are subservant to others because of their race further highlighting it with your "worshipping white skin" ridiculous comment. This is racism.

The race of anyone is completely irrelevant to anything in this thread, yet you bring it up.
PPP means squat in international trade. Its Absolute value and that for the Islamic world will be about 1/3rd of that.

It doesn't mean squat, dumbo.

If I am a boss of some mega textile firm, I would not ignore massive PPP of india and hence would try to set up my factories there..

PPP means squat if you want to "buy" something from international market...PPP does have its own value though.

Lastly, Islamic World's GDP on nominal terms is $7 trillion+ .....near China's GDP.

It is still pathetic though...I know. (However, it is VASTLY superior to india's gdp.. lol)

When was the last time a Muslim nation was in a position of global leadership ?

Nation-state is a new concept. So only "nation" that became the superpower would be U.S. But if you are talking about historically, many empires/powers remained most powerful entities of their respective time..

From 7th to 18th century, powers of Islamic World were dominating most of the globe..and Muslims were the most powerful peoples/civilization around (general trend)...

Just like 18th to now, powers of Western world are dominating and Westerners are most powerful peoples/civilization around..
It doesn't mean squat, dumbo.

If I am a boss of some mega textile firm, I would not ignore massive PPP of india and hence would try to set up my factories there..

PPP means squat if you want to "buy" something from international market...PPP does have its own value though.
I would have called you an idiot for indulging in personal attacks, but dont want to indulge in name calling with a disposable id specially when your main id is banned.

Anyway, if you do read the post I responded to, the Islamic world's high PPP was being referred to as an indication of a huge market, which does not make any sense for international brands. A high PPP also has little linkage with setting up operating centers like factories. What does matter is PPP to Absolute GDP ratio, which indicates a high degree of Labor arbitrage and hence an opportunity for opening operating centers, which has been one of the initial reasons for China's growth as a manufacturing center and India's as a services offshoring center.

From 7th to 18th century, powers of Islamic World were dominating most of the globe..and Muslims were the most powerful peoples/civilization around (general trend)...

Are you frikkin kidding me. Post 13th century, Muslim empires were at best a side note in the history
I would have called you an idiot for indulging in personal attacks, but dont want to indulge in name calling with a disposable id specially when your main id is banned.

Anyway, if you do read the post I responded to, the Islamic world's high PPP was being referred to as an indication of a huge market, which does not make any sense for international brands. A high PPP also has little linkage with setting up operating centers like factories. What does matter is PPP to Absolute GDP ratio, which indicates a high degree of Labor arbitrage and hence an opportunity for opening operating centers, which has been one of the initial reasons for China's growth as a manufacturing center and India's as a services offshoring center.

Islamic World's PPP to absolute GDP ratio is lower than that of India's....and even china by some margin.

Are you frikkin kidding me. Post 13th century, Muslim empires were at best a side note in the history


So, the largest multicontinental and most powerful empire of Earth in 14th, 15th, 16th century--spanning across Europe, Africa, Arabia, and Anatolia--and controlling the most critical seas of the time (Eastern Meditarranean--THE hub of Asian and European trade) is just a side-note in history?

Another empire controlling about 25% of world's GDP and ruling over 25% of human race at its height is also just a side-note?

Sure, only an 'indian' would say so...because in hindu india...tribal wars of hindus is the "main" historical event..but for the rest of the world, it doesn't go this way.

There is a hint for you: Western historians have written that if aliens were to come in 16th century, there conclusion would've been that the entire human race is just about to succumb to Islam.

SUCH was the dominance of Islamic World compared to the rest...
Australia offers Pakistani asylum-seekers $3k to return home: report
Published about 23 hours ago


Immigration Minister Scott Morrison said “return packages” were standard practice but would not reveal what the maximum payments had been. File Photo
SYDNEY: Australia is offering Pakistani asylum-seekers in its Pacific immigration camps up to Australian $3,300 if they voluntarily return to their home country, a report said Saturday, prompting outrage from refugee campaigners.

Fairfax Media reported that those returning to Lebanon from detention centres on Papua New Guinea's Manus Island and the tiny Pacific state of Nauru were offered the highest amount of $10,000 (US$9,400).

Iranians and Sudanese were given $7,000 if they dropped bids for refugee status, Afghans $4,000 and those from Pakistan, Nepal and Myanmar $3,300, the report in The Sydney Morning Herald said.

The Herald said under the previous Labor administration — in office until last September — the payments were much lower, ranging from $1,500 to $2,000.

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison said “return packages” were standard practice but would not reveal what the maximum payments had been.

“It has been the standard practice for more than a decade for settlement packages to be offered to those who voluntarily return home,” Morrison told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

The packages are tailored individually for every person who decides to voluntarily return home, he said.

“The packages range (in terms of) value and it's not just in terms of any financial element, but also training, support and other issues to assist people to get on their feet when they return,” he added.

Labor's immigration spokesman Richard Marles said the government should be ensuring that asylum-seekers' claims were being properly processed, not issuing “blank cheques”.

“When Scott Morrison was in opposition, he opposed Labour's own reintegration packages and now he is offering sums which are triple the amount,” Marles told the ABC.

Australia has toughened its policy on asylum-seekers in recent years, with those arriving on unauthorised boats now refused residency in Australia even if they are deemed refugees.

Instead they are held in detention camps on Manus and Nauru and are expected to be resettled in those countries if their claims are valid.

Since the policy was introduced, more asylum-seekers have chosen to voluntarily return to their country of origin while the number of people attempting to reach Australia by boat has dried up, with no vessels arriving for six months.

Morrison's office said 283 people had voluntarily returned home from offshore processing centres since shortly after the conservative government of Prime Minister Tony Abbott won power in September.

Refugee campaigners criticised the idea of the payments, and said returning asylum-seekers could still face persecution back home.

“The idea that you would put people in a hell-hole like Manus Island, treat them abysmally and then try to bribe them to go back to the appalling circumstances they left shows just how morally bankrupt this government is, “Greens party leader Christine Milne said.

Ian Rintoul from the Refugee Action Coalition said he had spoken to detainees in PNG who had accepted the money to return home, adding the amounts had risen several times after an Iranian asylum-seeker died in riots on Manus in February.

“The money that's being offered to some people... it's straight out bribery,” he told AFP.

But he added: “Relatively few people are taking the money.”
Islamic World's PPP to absolute GDP ratio is lower than that of India's....and even china by some margin.


So, the largest multicontinental and most powerful empire of Earth in 14th, 15th, 16th century--spanning across Europe, Africa, Arabia, and Anatolia--and controlling the most critical seas of the time (Eastern Meditarranean--THE hub of Asian and European trade) is just a side-note in history?

Another empire controlling about 25% of world's GDP and ruling over 25% of human race at its height is also just a side-note?

Sure, only an 'indian' would say so...because in hindu india...tribal wars of hindus is the "main" historical event..but for the rest of the world, it doesn't go this way.

There is a hint for you: Western historians have written that if aliens were to come in 16th century, there conclusion would've been that the entire human race is just about to succumb to Islam.

SUCH was the dominance of Islamic World compared to the rest...
You do need to study history more specifically around Mongol conquest of Baghdad and about Emirate of Granada
You do need to study history more specifically around Mongol conquest of Baghdad and about Emirate of Granada

Dumbo, it doesn't matter.

What I said was this...

"From 7th to 18th century, powers of Islamic World were dominating most of the globe..and Muslims were the most powerful peoples/civilization around (general trend)...

Just like 18th to now, powers of Western world are dominating and Westerners are most powerful peoples/civilization around.."

This is factually correct. 100%.

Mongols were there too..and so was Ming China..but "over-all", the "general trend" (as I've written in brackets) was that Islamic Civilization remained the most powerful, most resourceful, and largest on entire planet.

Europeans', at that point, were busy looting poor tribes of new world and acquiring their resources (which, later, will give Europeans the ultimate edge over all others)...

Mongol destroyed "Arab" center of Islamic World...but it didn't destroy Islamic Civilization itself. The 'center' of Islamic World moved to Turks after Mongol destruction of Baghdad.

It is just like ww2 destroyed "British" center of Western World..and now, the 'center' has moved to the U.S. But still, West remains dominant.

Same was true for Islamic World.

So my point stands true..and you only reveal your ignorance about history..lol

Take for example the 16th century. In 16th century, Islamic Civilization was the undisputed leader of the (old) world with massive, multicontinental, and resourceful empires like The Ottoman Empire (Superpower of Europe and of world), the Mughal Empire (held 25% of global GDP at its peak), and Safavid Empire (Gunpowder Empire).....

And then there were other many resourceful empires in the South-East Asian region and other Islamic territories in Africa, Central Asia, and so on.

Consider this: In late 16th century, the LARGEST-ever European empire of the time (Spanish Empire with all its free gold of the 'new world') had to 'ally' itself with TEN more European empires/papal states in order to take on the single Ottoman Empire at Leopanto. This mega-European-alliance got Ottomans by surprise and Ottomans lost the naval battle of Leopanto with their Mediterranean fleet destroyed.

Guess what? Within six months, the Ottoman Empire fielded a even BIGGER naval fleet in the Meditarranean, re-established its dominance over the seas, and took over Christian territories in Cyprus and other Christian Islands...and bombarded European lands with multiple ground invasions to put 'little Europeans' back in their place.

Such was the industrial-military capacity of the mighty Ottomans! And that's just 'one' Islamic power of the time for ya! :azn:

Your lack-of-knowledge of history is typical of many indians..Either that, or indians just feel jealous about accepting the utter superiority of Islamic World in historical perspective..and always try to find 'excuses' to not accept the historical reality lol
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Dumbo, it doesn't matter.

What I said was this...

"From 7th to 18th century, powers of Islamic World were dominating most of the globe..and Muslims were the most powerful peoples/civilization around (general trend)...

Just like 18th to now, powers of Western world are dominating and Westerners are most powerful peoples/civilization around.."

This is factually correct. 100%.

Mongols were there too..and so was Ming China..but "over-all", the "general trend" (as I've written in brackets) was that Islamic Civilization remained the most powerful, most resourceful, and largest on entire planet.

Europeans', at that point, were busy looting poor tribes of new world and acquiring their resources (which, later, will give Europeans the ultimate edge over all others)...

Mongol destroyed "Arab" center of Islamic World...but it didn't destroy Islamic Civilization itself. The 'center' of Islamic World moved to Turks after Mongol destruction of Baghdad.

It is just like ww2 destroyed "British" center of Western World..and now, the 'center' has moved to the U.S. But still, West remains dominant.

Same was true for Islamic World.

So my point stands true..and you only reveal your ignorance about history..lol

Take for example the 16th century. In 16th century, Islamic Civilization was the undisputed leader of the (old) world with massive, multicontinental, and resourceful empires like The Ottoman Empire (Superpower of Europe and of world), the Mughal Empire (held 25% of global GDP at its peak), and Safavid Empire (Gunpowder Empire).....

And then there were other many resourceful empires in the South-East Asian region and other Islamic territories in Africa, Central Asia, and so on.

Consider this: In late 16th century, the LARGEST-ever European empire of the time (Spanish Empire with all its free gold of the 'new world') had to 'ally' itself with TEN more European empires/papal states in order to take on the single Ottoman Empire at Leopanto. This mega-European-alliance got Ottomans by surprise and Ottomans lost the naval battle of Leopanto with their Mediterranean fleet destroyed.

Guess what? Within six months, the Ottoman Empire fielded a even BIGGER naval fleet in the Meditarranean, re-established its dominance over the seas, and took over Christian territories in Cyprus and other Christian Islands...and bombarded European lands with multiple ground invasions to put 'little Europeans' back in their place.

Such was the industrial-military capacity of the mighty Ottomans! And that's just 'one' Islamic power of the time for ya! :azn:

Your lack-of-knowledge of history is typical of many indians..Either that, or indians just feel jealous about accepting the utter superiority of Islamic World in these times..and always try to find 'excuses' to not accept the historical reality lol

Yet another Pakistani making (up) history :D
Yet another Pakistani making (up) history :D

Yet another indian crying and running away in jealousy/shame inside.

Pinpoint "one" thing in my post..and I'll give you sources about it and let the readers decide who is making up what? :azn:

Are you denying that the Ottomans were the strongest political-military empire of the Europe in 16th century? :pop:
Yes but Arab Armies sucked that time now game has changed Israel will not survive this time and it will be taken out really soon only matter is either current Muslim leaders will show gutts and do it or they will fall and those who would replace him would do it

You do know what a territorial attack on Israel and its conventional loss would mean for the islamic world right? You do know the Samson option, don't you?

If Jews are going to go extinct in Israel, they will have nothing to lose by pressing the red button which will launch nuclear missiles all over the islamic world. Why would they worry when they themselves won't exist?
You should just not instigate a war, for your own good.
You do know what a territorial attack on Israel and its conventional loss would mean for the islamic world right? You do know the Samson option, don't you?

If Jews are going to go extinct in Israel, they will have nothing to lose by pressing the red button which will launch nuclear missiles all over the islamic world. Why would they worry when they themselves won't exist?
You should just not instigate a war, for your own good.
We also not scared of dying they want war we would give them war if they don't war than solve Palestine issue which is never going to happen so war is only option is left
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