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Afg General Abdul Raziq spewing venom against Pakistan

By "Punjab" and "Punjabi" he was actually referring to Afghan pashtun talibans who had made several suicide attemps on him. This guy is one small example of brainwashing that is taking place in afghanistan and balochistan by indian RAW agents to blame punjab and punjabis for any misery happening in their lives. It should be clear that he was attacked by afghan taliban controlled by Mullah omar by multiple times but for him, Mullah Omar and Afghan taliban are "punjabis/pakis" etc. because that is what the anti-taliban people call talbian in afghanistan despite them being pashtuns (from afghanistan).

Pakistan security officials should take a note of the level of RAW sponsored brainwashing that is taking place in afghanistan against the punjabis, the same is the case for terrorists in balochistan (RAW feeds them with the same narrative which is to make them anti-punjab and anti-punjabis). We need to develop a counter narrative and should refer to likes of this general and terrorists in balochistan as "Hindus", believe me these things help a lot in psychological warfare, if you want to win against your enemies just destroy their mind and psychology , you will not need to use a single bullet afterwards, call your adversaries in afghanistan and balochistan as hindus or RAW puppets officially.
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Nobody outside of your "Punjab" has ever heard of any of these crap gypsy tribes you're talking about because they have no importance in World history and so you're trying to fabricate a new history for yourself because your real one is so shameful and pathetic.

Arabs did not rule Iran for 700 years, lol. Why do you lie so much? I mean, just look at how pathetic you really are. You come here and barefaced lie about things that can be so easily looked up and demolished.

Your "Punjab" people didnt even exist in Babur's time, so stop lying again. The word "Punjab" does not appear even once in the entire Baburnameh. During Babur's life time that name had not yet been imposed on you little weaklings by the Turks that ruled you, who incidentally took two Persian words, panj (five) and aab (water) to give your crappy region of India a new name.

So why do you continue to call yourself a "Punjab" anyway when this is a name imposed on you by your slave masters? What were you originally called before your foreign rulers gave you this new name they borrowed from Persian words?

Why dont you rename yourselves back to something native sounding from your own language, like bud-bud-dingis or something, lmao..

Your reply actually made me LOL. It is so cheap and peculiar that i am going to copy and paste it onto Facebook for laughs. This line of yours was the most audaciously stupid and comical: "Truth is, no one can subdue us martial races of Punjab."

"Martial race" :laugh:

All 60 years of it? Sure.

Dude, go study proper history lol. And we were labelled a "martial race" by colonial racist theorists, and not some hairy Persian haha. You people are known cowards throughout the world. Now jealous of the fact that Khokhars fought Tamerlane in Punjab yet he massacred thousands of hairy Persians in Isfahan. Your women are known for getting raped throughout the world history with your weak, wretched and coward men watching and doing nothing to defend their honour. And "Bhera" and "hills of Jud" was the ancient name of northern Punjab, which appears quite often in Baburnamah and the Delhi sultanate history. Babur even appreciated the bravery of Sutan Hathi Gakhar, who resisted Babur's attack on his Pharwala fortress in Rawalpindi. Mughal historian, Ferishta, said that a thing called fear does not even exist in the minds of the Gakhars of northern Punjab unlike you hooked nosed semites, who always got labelled "cowards" in Greek literature. Genghis Khan also massacred hundreds of weaklings in Persia, yet got resisted by Khokhar punjabis+Shah of Khwarezm at the battle of Indus.

And Pakistanis are indeed multi-ethnic, but since you haven't visited it, you wouldn't know shit. You don't know jack shit about this part of the world, yet claim to know so much. Your historical knowledge is almost non-existent. Go watch your state owned media channel for a world view. And get your facts right and don't make a fool out of your decent country fellows man. "Panj" is a Punjabi word for 5, and "Aab" is an Arabic word for water.

And btw you people look like shit without nose jobs which your country is so known for. An average Persian looks like a hybrid between an Arab and a monkey. How do you live with so much hair?
Nobody outside of your "Punjab" has ever heard of any of these crap gypsy tribes you're talking about because they have no importance in World history and so you're trying to fabricate a new history for yourself because your real one is so shameful and pathetic.

Arabs did not rule Iran for 700 years, lol. Why do you lie so much? I mean, just look at how pathetic you really are. You come here and barefaced lie about things that can be so easily looked up and demolished.

Your "Punjab" people didnt even exist in Babur's time, so stop lying again. The word "Punjab" does not appear even once in the entire Baburnameh. During Babur's life time that name had not yet been imposed on you little weaklings by the Turks that ruled you, who incidentally took two Persian words, panj (five) and aab (water) to give your crappy region of India a new name.

So why do you continue to call yourself a "Punjab" anyway when this is a name imposed on you by your slave masters? What were you originally called before your foreign rulers gave you this new name they borrowed from Persian words?

Why dont you rename yourselves back to something native sounding from your own language, like bud-bud-dingis or something, lmao..

Your reply actually made me LOL. It is so cheap and peculiar that i am going to copy and paste it onto Facebook for laughs. This line of yours was the most audaciously stupid and comical: "Truth is, no one can subdue us martial races of Punjab."

"Martial race" :laugh:

All 60 years of it? Sure.

Unlike people of Iran , the people living in afghanistan and pakistan never had geographical identities, the identities in these regions were "tribal" based on the ancestral lineage, so people always had their identities based on tribal ancestral lineages, they are still very strong. We for example in punjab pakistan do not have any strong "punjabi" identity but rather a tribal or lineage identity. This "punjabi" identity is more famous in our "adversaries" rather than in our own region. So if the government changes the name of punjab tomorrow, no one in punjab is going to protest over it as it serves no exclusive identity for us.

I have a question why in afghanistan , the weak coward and docile people are all persian speaking people (tajiks, farsiwans) whereas the strong brave people are pashtuns who are tribal.
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Talking out of your brown-hole again, how many do you have? :laugh:

Islam does not permit Muslims to spit at other people, but maybe your Hindu religion does because of your strange caste system where you are from the bottom. But in the Middle East people tend not to spit, regardless of their ethnicity. We are not vulgar, obnoxious people like you among whom spitting is normal, even in your own homes. lol

Plus, stop lying again. Over 90% of the Afghan refugees in Iran are from the Hazara ethnic group living in central Afghanistan. Hardly any Tajiks took refuge in Iran, they stayed to fight the Soviets and then the Taliban. But as you admitted, millions of Pashtuns fled both the Soviets and the Taliban and took refuge among their ethnic kin in northwest Pakistan.
Panjshiris consider themeselves different of rest of tajiks. If you look at them, they are people of mountain who wear pakol and wasket like pashtuns and their women wear shuttlecok burqa like pashtuns, unlike the chadri of rest of tajiks. Panjsheris indeed bravely fought against soviet, but after that there is history of civil war and stupidities. Tajiks have retained original hanafi sunni islam while you iranis were forcibly converted to shia religion by safavids. Those who refused to convert, were tortured and hanged to death.
Your shia hazaras didnt fought against soviets due to orders from iran. They look upto you due to common sect and you people treat them like dirt due to their mongolian features.
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I also have noticed the same thing, panjesheris are so different in their behavior and also in their looks from other docile tajiks living in kabul or northern afghanistan. Panjsheris physically seem to resemble with neighboring Nuristanis/pashais, maybe they are tajikified Nuristani/pashais, they indeed are an anomaly among the tajiks of afghanistan and the only people who have the courage to fight their opponents.
I myself didnt know about it, but on Afghanistan-forums, which was dominated by farsiwans, i was told that panjshiris could become a separate ethnicity in future. Its Panjshiris who are dominating ANA and were major force in northren alliance, rest of tajiks are pusies.
And this iranian guy is taking stand on tajiks here but many tajiks complain about racial bigotry and ill-behaviour of iranis with them in iran. They and hazaras were/are confined to camps in iran and they were banned from working. Its hazaras and tajiks who are shot en mass on border by iranian security forces and are hanged for small reasons. There was an iranian movie i watched, in which a kurdish boy of iran fall in love with hazara girl who secretly work in disguise as a boy , for extremely low wages as it is illegal for afghan refugees to work in iran.
You're a Pakistani, dont try to speak on behalf of Tajiks. They consider you their worst enemies. Hundreds of Pakistanis were detained, beaten and many summarily killed by Tajiks and Uzbeks in 2001-2002. They didnt show any mercy on your people that they caught in Afghanistan.
Tajiks under Ahmad shah masood , rabani etc recieved help from ISI and CIA against soviets, they were not serving interests of iran, your shia hazaras were your proxies in afghanistan. But during civil war, pakistan took the side of hikmatyar and then taliban, thus forcing tajiks to seek help from iran. Tajiks were not worst enemies of pakistan, they were rather indifferent. Due to pakistan's support for taliban, they begin to hate pakistan.
It would be better for iranis like you not to poke nose in internal affairs of afghanistan, go concentrate on iraq and middle east.
Nobody gives a shit.

What? You're a Pakistani, the most pussy people in history. Since your country was invented by the British, you have already been beaten and lost half of it in civil war and had 90,000 soliders of yours surrender to your bigger and better brother, India. You have failed to conquer Kashmir because you are so weak and crap and have lost all the wars you have fought over it. Even if you put all of the wars you have fought together, they are still just a small fraction of the length of time that ordinary Iranians were prepared to fight as conscripts against a mechanized and professional Iraqi army.

Your people OTHO, you just keep on surrendering and making cease-fires even with lightly armed tribal gangs because you are a bunch of weaklings that dont have the stamina to fight wars. You just give up and surrender instead of fighting to the end. This is the legacy you have of being the most pathetic, conquered and defeated people anywhere in the World. Always being ruled by foreigners and having no achievements to your name in any field.

Brown hole is what everyone has on their backsides, but what people like you have across their mouths too. But the fact that you want to see that as a comment about your skin colour is quite revealing about your insecurity about being brown. Also the fact that you are trying to talk to me about comparing skin colours is as hilarious as it is retarded. You obviously suffer from a massive inferiority complex about your skin colour and being brown. How sad. Keep dreaming about changing that.

And dont ever try to compare yourselves to us or talk about Persian women. It is beneath an Iranian to comment about what Pakistani people look like because we dont even consider you, let alone would ever think you are worthy of commenting on. Thats just a waste of time for us.

Dont compare yourself to Black people either. Negro? :laugh: Black people are far more physically superior and better looking than Pakistanis. You just reminded me of a sketch by Ariel Spears ripping Pakistanis/Indians to shreds.

His book, like any other narration of historical events that are published and peer-reviewed by other academics is obviously quoted and written with references to primary sources you idiot. But i know that you are both an intellectual weakling and a coward too that is too scared to read through books because the truth will hurt you.

Making up your own version of history to try and insult other people over the internet and sooth your inferiority complex is as pathetic as Pakistan's record in tackling poverty and winning wars.

Rubbish. Pakistanis on average are much weaker, skinnier and lighter-boned than Middle Eastern, European and African peoples.

And Iranians dont commit suicide. They'd rather fight and win, or fight and be martyred. We are not cowards like you that just surrender or commit suicide at the first sign of trouble like you just admitted your ancestors did, lmao...

Lol at me having an inferiority complex... I am a Potohari rajput. We are one of the most proud people on Earth. We don't need comparisons with Europeans or mythical Aryans to feel proud of ourselves. We are content with what we are, unlike your countrymen who daily post pictures of light eyed Iranian kids on internet forums, trying to prove that they are somehow related to Europeans. We also consider Persians as shameless people with loose women. The term used for your kind is "beghairat" in our country. And I can assure you, I would insult any Iranian in real life as too, if he/she talks shit.

And I saw how much you "defended" yourself when Alexander's men raped thousands of women. And are you calling Nusrat Khokhar and Jasrath(Sheikha) Khokhar two made up characters? The two lions of Punjab who faced Tamerlane like men on battlefield. While your kind trembled at their names. I mean how shameless are you? Is it made up history that Tamerlane killed everyone in Isfahan while the Persian cowards didn't fire a single shot? And when did my ancestors commit suicide? Why are you making things up now? But the truth is, if some foreign foe raped the women belonging to my homeland and I didn't do anything about it, I'd commit suicide rather than live a life of eternal shame and a shattered ego. Both Arabs and Greeks raped your women en mass, yet you claim to be a noble civilization. Don't kid yourself.

And you say that Persians don't care about us, while you are constantly trolling here. I mean you have no knowledge of the history and anthropology of this "sub-continent", yet constantly talking shit.

You're getting riled up by this character LOL. For all intents and purposes he might be a false-flagger (In fact it seems likely). Moreover, the history he's talking about is only known to him.
Tamerlane's ghazwa was against the Hindus of Delhi where he erected towers of hindu skulls and took hindu slaves. Last time I checked that is not 'pakistan'. This is a FACT agreed on by all historians. In Pakistan area he went to different sufi shrines (though there were battles against him) and called on people to join him as the guy was a strict sufi (well for most historians he was a sufi) . And yes @haj9211 is absolutely right in that many muslims especially the Janjuas joined him because he was seen as a 'ghazi'. Read historians like Arthur Brandreth. It's right there in the history books.The khokhars fought valiantly against him though and soon thereafter took on the whole might of the Sultanate. In fact they encamped very near to Delhi and only stopped because it was mon-soon season. By that time encampments from all over were there to guard the area against them. And yes there were fights against him in the Pakistan area but you don't see him boasting of creating towers of skulls or taking hostages. That's the Hindus of Delhi. Heck he deliberately left most of the muslim rulers of Delhi alone but urged them not to 'stray' from the right Islam (He preferred Sayyid Muslims to be rulers, as according to many accounts Sayyids had a huge impact on his life). It's right there in the history books and agreed on by almost everyone. He did damage in one city here but what you're saying is about the Hindus of Delhi.
Also brothers, don't be provoked to post racist stuff to counter the racists/fascists you see online. Learning farsi and posing as an iranian online while being totally something else is not something out of the ordinary lol :police: . In fact I can point to websites where ahem certain friends of ours are doing precisely this for this very same reason.:lol::D:lol:
As far as Pakistan and 'civilization' is concerned, we're one of the oldest continuous civilizations on the planet through the Indus valley.

I know a Janjua, who belongs to one of their chief families. He owns a hand written letter by Amir Timur himself. It's his prized family heirloom. And you're right, it's best to ignore this troll. He might be a false flagger or a little kid. I hope my posts didn't offend other Iranians reading this.

Also you're a mughal yourself, yet this idiot doesn't know that Pakistan is highly multi-cultural :D. What a tool lol.
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What? You're a Pakistani, the most pussy people in history

Says the one who was raped by every other nation... the arabs,mongols,turks... n got beaten by greeks... hmmm...

Since your country was invented by the British,

No kid... millions died n millions sacrificed everything for its creation... googles it.

you have already been beaten and lost half of it in civil war and had 90,000 soliders of yours surrender to your bigger and better brother, India.


See the map... it was a seperatist civil war... supported by a country 10 times our size... between our both wings... thousands of miles away... to people we had no cultural,ethnic ties... and tht too with a 20 : 1 ratio of indian soldiers n millions of bengalis for months...

While in Air :

Even in 1971, Pakistanis inflicted heavy damage on Indian military.

"This airforce(the PAF), is second to none"
"The air war lasted two weeks and the Pakistanis scored a
three-to-one kill ratio, knocking out 102 Russian-made Indian jets and losing thirty-four airplanes of their own. I'm certain about the figures because I went out several times a day in a chopper and counted the wrecks below." "They were really good, aggressive dogfighters and proficient in gunnery and air combat tactics. I was damned impressed. Those guys just lived and breathed flying. "

(General (Retd.) Chuck Yeager (USAF) , Book: Yeager, the

You have failed to conquer Kashmir because you are so weak and crap and have lost all the wars you have fought over it.

No.. thts coz your an idiot with no knowledge of history... 56% of Kashmir was taken by Pakistan in 48 ... even the Aksai Chin which was ceeded to china was won by us.... 65 was an unannounced attack by india in the dead of the night n this is what the international media reported:

In 1965,
"Pakistan claims to have destroyed something like 1/3rd the Indian Air Force, and foreign observers, who are in a position to know say that Pakistani pilots have claimed even higher kills than this; but the Pakistani Air Force are being scrupulously honest in evaluating these claims. They are crediting Pakistan Air Force only those killings that can be checked from other sources."

Roy Meloni,
American Broadcasting Corporation
September 15, 1965.


1965 War, the Inside Story by R.D. Pradhan:
In Chapter 8 titled "Of Cowardice and Panic", the author describes the cowardice of Maj. Gen. Niranjan Prasad, the Indian general commanding officer in Lahore sector. When the general was fired upon by Pakistani forces, he "ran away". "On learning that, Lt. Gen. Harbakash Singh and the corps commander drove in a Jonga to the battlefront. Army commander found that the enemy (PAF) air attack had created a havoc on G.T. Road. (Indian) Vehicles were burning and several vehicles of 15 Division abandoned on the road, the drivers having run away, leaving some of the engines still running. Maj. Gen. Niranjan Prasad was hiding in a recently irrigated sugar cane field. As described by Harabakash Singh: "He (Prasad) came out to receive us, with his boots covered with wet mud. He had no head cover, nor was he wearing any badges of his rank. He had stubble on his face, not having shaved." Seeing him in such a stage, Harbakhash Singh asked him: "Whether he was the General Officer commanding a division or a coolie? Why had he removed badges of rank and not shaved? Niranjan Prasad had no answer."

Pradhan's book contains many different entries by Indian Defense Minister Y.B. Chavan. A Sept 9, 1965 entry reads: Had a very hard day on all fronts. Very fierce counter-attacks mounted and we are required to withdraw in Kasur area. COAS was somewhat uncertain of himself. I suggested to him that he should go in forward areas so that he will be in touch of realities. He said he would go next day.

In Line of Duty: A Soldier Remembers, Lt Gen Harbakhsh Singh reveals that not only did Gen Chowdhury play a very small role in the entire campaign, he was so nervous as to be on the verge of losing half of Punjab to Pakistan, including the city of Amritsar. Harbakhsh describes, in clinical detail, how our own offensive in the Lahore sector had come unhinged. The general commanding the division on Ichchogil canal fled in panic, leaving his jeep, its wireless running and the briefcase containing sensitive documents that were then routinely read on Radio Pakistan during the war. Singh wanted to court martial him, Chowdhury let him get away with resignation.
According to Shekhar Gupta, the editor of Indian Express, Harbkhash Singh recounts that a bigger disaster struck a bit to the south where the other division cracked up in assault, just as it encountered a bit of resistance. Several infantry battalions, short on battle inoculation, deserted and Singh gives a hair-raising account – and confirmation of a long-debated rumor – that Chowdhury panicked so badly he ordered him to withdraw to a new defensive line behind the Beas, thereby conceding half of Punjab to Pakistan. Singh describes the conversation with Chowdhury at Ambala where he refused to carry out the order, asking his chief to either put it down in writing or visit the front and take charge of the battle.

The London Daily Mirror reported in 1965:

"There is a smell of death in the burning Pakistan sun. For it was here that India's attacking forces came to a dead stop.
"During the night they threw in every reinforcement they could find. But wave after wave of attacks were repulsed by the Pakistanis"


"India", said the London Daily Times, "is being soundly beaten by a nation which is outnumbered by four and a half to one in population and three to one in size of armed forces."


In Times reporter Louis Karrar wrote:

"Who can defeat a nation which knows how to play hide and seek with death".

USA - Aviation week & space technology - December 1968 issue.
"For the PAF, the 1965 war was as climatic as the Israeli victory over the Arabs in 1967. A further similarity was that Indian air power had an approximately 5:1 numerical superiority at the start of the conflict. Unlike the Middle East conflict, the Pakistani air victory was achieved to a large degree by air-to-air combat rather than on ground. But it was as absolute as that attained by Israel.
UK - Air International - November - 1991
" the average PAF pilot is almost certainly possessed of superior skills when compared with, say, an average American pilot. As to those who are rated above average, they compare favorably to the very best."
Encyclopaedia of Aircraft printed in several countries by Orbis publications - Volume 5
"Pakistan's air force gained a remarkable victory over India in this brief 22 day war exploiting its opponents weaknesses in exemplary style - Deeply shaken by reverse, India began an extensive modernisation and training program, meanwhile covering its defeat with effective propaganda smoke screen.
Yoichi Shimatsu, a Japanese journalist and former editor of Japan Times, wrote as follows about LeT and Kargil:

Blaming the Lahore-based Lashkar is all-too easy since the outfit was once the West Point of the Kashmir insurgency. The Army of the Righteous, as it is known in English, was a paramilitary force par excellence that routinely mauled the Indian Army along the Himalayan ridge that forms the Line of Control of divided Kashmir. In an attack on the strategic town of Kargil in late spring 1999, Lashkar broke through India’s alpine defense line and came close to forcing New Delhi to the negotiating table.

Along the sawtooth LoC, Lashkar is respected by professional soldiers on both side. A Pakistani hero who fought on the Baltistan heights, Corporal Ahmed, told me of his admiration for the stoicism of these jihadis, who wore sandals to battle in the snow. At a checkpoint in Indian-controlled Kargil, an army captain wearing a Sikh turban said frankly that nobody in the Indian Army could fight man-to-man against Lashkar.

Lashkar earned its reputation in clean-fought mountain warfare, pitting lightly armed guerrillas against Indian armor and superior firepower.

In its finest hours, these fighters would never consider the dirty tactics used against civilians in Mumbai, for example, the gangland-style executions using a shot to the back of a kneeling captive’s head. That is more typical of the Mumbai underworld.


Want more ?


Even if you put all of the wars you have fought together, they are still just a small fraction of the length of time that ordinary Iranians were prepared to fight as conscripts against a mechanized and professional Iraqi army.

Just human waves ... getting owned by a pathetically trained iraqi army...

Your people OTHO, you just keep on surrendering and making cease-fires even with lightly armed tribal gangs because you are a bunch of weaklings that dont have the stamina to fight wars. You just give up and surrender instead of fighting to the end. This is the legacy you have of being the most pathetic, conquered and defeated people anywhere in the World. Always being ruled by foreigners and having no achievements to your name in any field.

Jusr because over govt wanted peace talks to resolve the issue with terrotists doesnt mean.. we surrendered or have no stamina to fight... we are fighting an insurgency 44 nations or NATO couldnt defeat in 13 years... so stuff it..

And dont ever try to compare yourselves to us or talk about Persian women. It is beneath an Iranian to comment about what Pakistani people look like because we dont even consider you, let alone would ever think you are worthy of commenting on. Thats just a waste of time for us.

Yes we know what you persians think n do... its called a contract marriage.... or a nose job.
Dont compare yourself to Black people either. Negro? :laugh: Black people are far more physically superior and better looking than Pakistanis. You just reminded me of a sketch by Ariel Spears ripping Pakistanis/Indians to shreds.

I didnt watch youtube... but you are probably too stupid to know the ethnic composition of our country... apart from tht ... i still remember how alexander was resisted by Porus ... the same alexander who married persian royality... burned its capital n got darius killed... who fled the battle...

Making up your own version of history to try and insult other people over the internet and sooth your inferiority complex is as pathetic as Pakistan's record in tackling poverty and winning wars.

Yes ... its like the fake photoshop supa powa complex... isnt it?

Rubbish. Pakistanis on average are much weaker, skinnier and lighter-boned than Middle Eastern, European and African peoples.

Yes im sure a parrot nose 5"6 fat persian would know abt it... besides hows the afghan opium these days? the best right?

And Iranians dont commit suicide. They'd rather fight and win, or fight and be martyred. We are not cowards like you that just surrender or commit suicide at the first sign of trouble like you just admitted your ancestors did, lmao...

Lmao... you were run over by our ancestors aswell the Pakhtuns... ? Us Baluch resisted you... apart from tht what did the arabs?mongols,turks etc do to you? mongols invaded our territory but were always beaten and respulsed... unlike iran... which was ravaged by them n its women sold in markets... historic facts...
Why would you haved supported those that attacked your country and ruled your people?

Good question....Sultan Mahmoud in particular was an Afghan of Turk origin, from Ghazni (as are many Ghilzai Pashtuns). He brutally repressed and massacred people across today's Pakistan and forcefully converted them into Suni Islam. Afghans naturally revere him for serving our region well, but the mind boggles as to why Pakistanis glorify him today. They do the same with the Ghorids, who built the last Tajik spawned empire and the same with the Abdalis, with Ahmed Shah Abdali - a Kandahari
Thats not true. Hamayun did have native allies. I dont have full knowledge about it but i know a fact that ghakkars of westren punjab were allies of babur and humayun ,and enemies of Afghans. Mughal faujdars and soldiers in westren punjab used to be from ghakkar and other punjabi tribes .

That maybe so, but in his Baburnama the Mughul ruler clearly expressed his racist disdain for India's natives as well as the general climate therein, with his motivation - as with all Central Asian rulers (including Afghans) – being loot and plunder. Nostalgic historical revisionism will neither help the Indians, Pakistanis nor greater Central Asia. We must all acknowledge brutal injustices for what they were, if we’re ever going to evolve into something better. Wrong is wrong, not matter if carried out by “Muslims” or any other people...
u must be Indian:p:
somebody do a id check...:p:

...will you stop yanking their chains, for only the Taliban can be the real Afghans and all Afghans sounding otherwise MUST be imposters at the service of India's RAW :woot: ....I've been waiting for that one and presto, it had to come from an Indian instead. Thanks!
...will you stop yanking their chains, for only the Taliban can be the real Afghans and all Afghans sounding otherwise MUST be imposters at the service of India's RAW :woot: ....I've been waiting for that one and presto, it had to come from an Indian instead. Thanks!

Sir you seem to be good Afghani and doesn't hate Pakistan, which is rare for Afghanis on internet at least.

Sir you seem to be good Afghani and doesn't hate Pakistan, which is rare for Afghanis on internet at least.

Thank you Shabaz jaana, I appreciate that. "Hate" clouds our judgement and destroys the soul…I know this from personal experience. We all need to openly show our red lines, share our views and start pulling ourselves out of the rut. Our people are all stuck with one another, so we can either sharpen our daggers as is the coward’s way, or we can burden ourselves with the hard work of building bridges. I choose the latter, even though our people are effectively at a war-footing with one another. I know for a fact that ordinary people on both sides of the Durand want no part of this and would prefer instead to be left alone to work and earn an honest living. We either assist them or we disregard them as unavoidable collateral.

At the end of the day, we’ve all to answer our maker for our sins. With what face will we be able to justify spreading mischief by playing the devil’s hand? We must earn our stripes as “Muslims”, rather than to go on pretending that our inheritance by virtue of birth rights and names like Mohammed or Abdullah makes us so. It doesn’t.
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