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Crackdown on staff abuse!

Let me be frank with you, and this is not the collective ego of the team speaking. We feel we are fair and good hosts to whom most of the forum regards as the natural enemy. Despite all the calls we've had to be harsh on you all, and we could have done at a few points where suicide trolls were literally popping up with new accounts and where even the most senior Indian members taking part.

And don't be fooled, yes our elite members do often instigate kinds of hate posts. But often they are not the ones to start and more often than not it's Indian posters. There's a bitter pill for you to swallow, we've all seen it, a select few trouble makers on our end, but on the other end there are too many.

Despite this, we try to be as fair as we can. The reason we have all those international moderators is because the regions are different, we don't understand the strategic and geopolitical issues, hence we can't make informed decisions on such posts.
But you folks are right in my neighbourhood, there's a reason why there aren't any Afghan mods either, we 'should be' sufficient in dealing with our immediate region.

If you'd like an Indian mod around to make you feel better about this whole thing then that's a different story.

Let me also be frank as frankness seems to be the general trend.you are not doing us a favor by allowing us here , the same way any business is not doing any favor to its customers by providing them their services.A great no of indians visit this form regularly and it benefits the forum owner in ad revenue and trafic.So, again providing a good service...Yes, doing a favour....No.

The second point i would like to make is that your observations seem to be tinted with bias, it is but natural.Ask any indian member, those who you hold in high caliber and they will say the same thing about pakistani, more often than not it is the pakistanis who use hateful words.A clear example is their incomprehension to separate india from hindus, i see no indian member ever saying "Listen muslim.....", but most pakistani members even while debating point not related to hinduism or religion will frequently state things like "listen hindu" and other shit.More than that , the no of anti-muhammad post is far far less than anti-hindu gods posts.Again it is but natural, as having a sizeable muslim population indians are ar more sensitive to muslims than pakistani to hindus(where they constitute an insignificant minority).

These are my observation, as i too am a normal human , they may be tinted with bias, although i have tried to keep them as neutral as i humanely can.
If you'd like an Indian mod around to make you feel better about this whole thing then that's a different story.
LET THAT DREAM COME TRUE............that will finally ends burden of load (slur of injustice) from your side.

Mind you same can be said about a handful of Indians who pick anything about Islam to start fights then when that doesnt fill their tummies they pick about Pakistan (whichever is first Pakistan then Islam or vice versa)
SIR ! Why we cant set an example instead of being Vengeful & restraining someone....they've abundance of good people

let me tell you ..
people come here because .. WE can interact with each other wihtout geting VISA
we both have some prejudice for each other so this forum is simplest way
there are many INDIAN forum too
but PDF provide taht soft india -pak link
Yes..we're here to enjoy some stress-free moments , Indian side are not demanding any JOBs/Visa..? There is nothing to loose .... we enjoy trolling each other...the point is we must keep ourselves at distant crossing RED-LINE

When Pakistanis become mods of Indian forums then come here and talk till then shhhhhh..
I dont think so ....its a moment of loose for us
WHAT TYPE of FEAR we have from INDIAN SIDE....they are not here with Tanks / Missile??
they;ll not Occupy that form & become OWNER very next DAY.......WHY WE ARE SO AFRAID

We will do as we like. This is Pakistan Defense Forum. You have a problem, you can leave. Don't cry here, no one gives a shyt.
Too Harsh sir:big_boss:...... I enjoy PDF bcoz of Indians
Kis ko bol raha hai yaar ? Just like no non-muslim can be a president of Pakistan, here also no Indian can be a moderator. But a chinese can, a bangladeshi can, a turk can, but no Indian. And it is because of bias. They are scared people.
I demand ACTIVE INDIAN Moderators...here...........
Biplab Bijay ! You Complaint about my post?? I received first ever warning today
Yes, it is crystal clear where their deep, deep fear emerges from, but I thought it was worth a shot. If the "staff" themselves practiced being fair, unbiased, and just, there certainly would have been no need to start a thread like this one.

System may rahe kar, system kay khilaf ladeynge, anjaam chae kuch bhi ho!
PDF-Chowk Dharna(strike call)......:feminist:
Indians get express ban and negative ratings for doing so.
O na kar......Aisa bhi nahi hy.....
PDF without Indians? Unthinkable!

how about a special mod abuse day on which all of us are given amnesty.this forum is getting too stressful.
Internet is only way where we can vent our inside feelings...otherwise we're stressful all day long in Job at HOme.......I support you

Dear Mod ,
with due respect..
many times Mods themselves go against rules of forum .
Mr.Aeronaut you are leading those who protect many members who spell crap agisnt indian and you too also join them,
i respect mod team for their time , effort and care...
but many elite members and others too show concern about quality of forum deteriorating ..
if that true... Mod need to think and make changes for good .
LET THAT DREAM COME TRUE............that will finally ends burden of load (slur of injustice) from your side.

SIR ! Why we cant set an example instead of being Vengeful & restraining someone....they've abundance of good people

Yes..we're here to enjoy some stress-free moments , Indian side are not demanding any JOBs/Visa..? There is nothing to loose .... we enjoy trolling each other...the point is we must keep ourselves at distant crossing RED-LINE

I dont think so ....its a moment of loose for us
WHAT TYPE of FEAR we have from INDIAN SIDE....they are not here with Tanks / Missile??
they;ll not Occupy that form & become OWNER very next DAY.......WHY WE ARE SO AFRAID

Too Harsh sir:big_boss:...... I enjoy PDF bcoz of Indians

I demand ACTIVE INDIAN Moderators...here...........
Biplab Bijay ! You Complaint about my post?? I received first ever warning today

PDF-Chowk Dharna(strike call)......:feminist:

O na kar......Aisa bhi nahi hy.....

Internet is only way where we can vent our inside feelings...otherwise we're stressful all day long in Job at HOme.......I support you

Yes I complained. But if it is in my power I would have allowed every post. you know after long fighting, you will see that the person with who you are fighting, you stated missing him. And also somehow you started respecting him.
care .. that good
but report to mod
they are right people to take call. dont you think so?

This was not a specific complaint: that I report to the mods, if I think it is relevant, if I think it is grossly wrong, in fact, or an abominable public opinion, I give it a negative rating. I have in fact decided not to use a negative rating except in the rarest of rare cases.

What would I, what could I have reported to the mods here? That the general atmosphere was getting spoiled by abuse and hysteria? That is exactly what they acted against!

Shut up and go away. You have kids of our age. Leave us to play around Uncil.

They should not have insulted pig.

Yes she is one from my family

OK, OK, keep hold of your temper, young lady.
@Joe Shearer Who attacked you? There are a few Indian members I can respect and you are 1 of them so that was a geniune concern when I asked you that question....I meant it in a light hearted way but seems like some took it a little too far!

I see 3 of your countrymen caring a little too much!

No one is whining I am asking for a justification from the man responsible you jumped in blind so asked you too...but I see asking for justification is termed whining in India...No wonder soo many whine (the real meaning coz apparently both the words have interchanged meanings) here on PDF!

It wasn't a personal attack by anyone in particular, although of late, these have become worse and worse. I was agitated about the general atmosphere.

New people join here in waves, every two to three months apart. For each new wave, we have to explain that some discussions, some debates have happened before, have been reasonably fairly conducted, and the results understood, more or less, by both sides. This has been happening for ages now, to my knowledge, from 2009 onwards.

What has changed is the tone and the attitude.

People joining these days are more and more hate-filled, more and more boisterous and self-confident, more and more full of themselves, increasingly less willing to listen to any other point of view, and belligerent when confronted. This is what I saw happening at PTH, and it is not a pleasant sight. It is also a very unpleasant experience. The trolls that we see around today are far worse than the trolls that were around earlier. Far more inclined to hunt in packs, to concentrate on one or two opponents and wear them down by sheer volume of posts. An analogue of massive DoS attacks.

Things don't feel very good.
This was not a specific complaint: that I report to the mods, if I think it is relevant, if I think it is grossly wrong, in fact, or an abominable public opinion, I give it a negative rating. I have in fact decided not to use a negative rating except in the rarest of rare cases.

What would I, what could I have reported to the mods here? That the general atmosphere was getting spoiled by abuse and hysteria? That is exactly what they acted against!

OK, OK, keep hold of your temper, young lady.
they have nobel motive... no one can debate that
question is its applicability and adhering to action ..
no double standards and nothing at cost of other country.. neither india nor pak

the purpose of thread by mod is defeated by and large in same thread ..
somebody please tell me what really happened.. who did what to whom... I missed the action it seems.
It wasn't a personal attack by anyone in particular, although of late, these have become worse and worse. I was agitated about the general atmosphere.

New people join here in waves, every two to three months apart. For each new wave, we have to explain that some discussions, some debates have happened before, have been reasonably fairly conducted, and the results understood, more or less, by both sides. This has been happening for ages now, to my knowledge, from 2009 onwards.

What has changed is the tone and the attitude.

People joining these days are more and more hate-filled, more and more boisterous and self-confident, more and more full of themselves, increasingly less willing to listen to any other point of view, and belligerent when confronted. This is what I saw happening at PTH, and it is not a pleasant sight. It is also a very unpleasant experience. The trolls that we see around today are far worse than the trolls that were around earlier. Far more inclined to hunt in packs, to concentrate on one or two opponents and wear them down by sheer volume of posts. An analogue of massive DoS attacks.

Things don't feel very good.
I totally agree...When I joined we didnt have many 18 yr old with the mindset of a 12 yr old...

We had people who wanted to learn not blindly attack based on the flag the opposite is carrying

We had more people who contributed and the frequent trollers but now all we have are people and their popcorns or some who lite a match and sit back and watch!

We used to have people who fill the forum with threads related...occasional chit chats ...come together after a heated "argument" now we have people calling backup to watch a showcase of hate speech!

You guys are taking the internet way to seriously :girl_wacko:
which guys? the drunk trolls or those who are going on and on trying to justify a wrong instead of having the courage to admit their mistake...Even I apologized when I realized the guy didnt know the meaning of monkeying :unsure:
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