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Modi will move India closer to Japan and China, US expert on Sangh Parivar says

lets see.

if he bans beef or takes any such step i will be the one to open a thread here....not pakistanis
It is already mentioned in BJP manifesto to stop the pink revolution as there were less number of cows and malnutrition can be addressed by giving milk to poor children and school going kids.Expect a ban on beef production.
these guys

fucking modi better stick to economic agenda......if the RSS guys have such thinking then god help india really.

more than 20-25 crore muslims eat beef and many have their businesses relying on beef,,,what sort of signal would u be sending by banning it??

thats stupid

This is our ruler,While Modi is Lord vader, RSS is the Emperor :sarcastic:
This will be our RSS marching music :nana:
Sikhs are a small minority in this big country. Nagpur wale Chaddis will march in Delhi, one day and Sikhs nor Christians or Buddists cannot do a thing. it will be Mohan Bhagwat's army marching all along India creating the 100% pure Hindiustan. Also, ethnic cleansing and the process of "100% pure" achieving will start. it will not be with Sticks and Chaddis. RSS apologists will be find even in (supposedly)secular institutions which are supposed to protect our country and it's people.

Jains, Sikhs, Boudh are supposed to merge with "RSS-Hinduism" - that is their ultimate goal. the sweet talks of "dharmic religions" are nothing but hogwash. you can see, RSS apologists opining that Sikhism is part of Hinduism or something similar. only Sunni Muslims will be aggressive against militant Hindus, rest of the communities be it Christians, Sikhs all wants to live peacefully here, even if accepting Saffron terrorists ruling the country.
We already stockpiled our weapons and giving weapons,guerilla warfare and modern urban combat training in our camps :victory:and we recently received Gas chamber blueprints from Dachau and ex SS officers hidden in Argentina and brazil.:yahoo:
Gulag blueprints from FSB officers.Yes Delhi here we come.:cheers:
oye Fuddu ...tere varge 20 ture firde ne ethe ....tere varge launde ...khakhi nikaran paake ...sirf park te baar ch baithyain Kudiyan nu kut sakde ne ....kade kise jatt naal panga leke dekhi ...!! uthe gadd dena ..dfa ho
And They have Khap Panchayats in haryana and people here speak about Bajrang dal being communal and beating up couples in parks while they honor kill people in those places,The irony:fie:

if u r addicted to something and u ll feel bad from not eating that,how can it be good for u?

i know there are so many such fancy facts out there.i rather go by experience.

infact my father a regular meat eater got diabetes late in life.
Thats true vegans live a healthy long life and incidence of cancer in old age is less for vegans than compared to meat eaters.But it also depends on the genes my grandfather died at age of 99 he was meat eater,(not eating beef though)and he smoked cigar since he was a kid of 11 years all his life.Never had health problems.
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Most of the Sikhs are slowly becoming agnostic and humanistic anyway. "
That's why our people are losing their strength. Olden days, Sikhs were brave and strong because they found their strength in the Guru's rehit, Bani but now due to worldly influence our people are becoming more and more moderate.
It is already mentioned in BJP manifesto to stop the pink revolution as there were less number of cows and malnutrition can be addressed by giving milk to poor children and school going kids.Expect a ban on beef production.

GTFO. Beef slaughter will not stop in certain states where it is allowed. India has the largest number of cows in the world. Production of milk is not the issue , it is the middlemen. We will see.

I suggest we all pay more attention to this:

The authorities in the township want the rest of the people to convert to Islam, and the access to facilities in non-Muslim sections in the township are limited.Melvisharam: “Darul Islam” of Tamil Nadu In Malapuram district, Kerala, there is a unwritten rule by the Muslim majority is that ' if a Hindu wants to sell his/her property, he/she can sell only to a Muslim'.

The reasons are obvious. They are creating muslims only areas so that extremists and outsiders can commit nefarious activities in South India. These areas will be used to cover and hide their activties. ISI is already involved with sleeper agents. This is the same tactis they use all over the world. From Nepal, Sri Lanka to the US>
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GTFO. Beef slaughter will not stop in certain states where it is allowed. India has the largest number of cows in the world. Production of milk is not the issue , it is the middlemen. We will see.

I suggest we all pay more attention to this:

The authorities in the township want the rest of the people to convert to Islam, and the access to facilities in non-Muslim sections in the township are limited.Melvisharam: “Darul Islam” of Tamil Nadu In Malapuram district, Kerala, there is a unwritten rule by the Muslim majority is that ' if a Hindu wants to sell his/her property, he/she can sell only to a Muslim'.

The reasons are obvious. They are creating muslims only areas so that extremists and outsiders can commit nefarious activities in South India. These areas will be used to cover and hide their activties. ISI is already involved with sleeper agents. This is the same tactis they use all over the world. From Nepal, Sri Lanka to the US>
That will be taken care of soon, all these years such areas have gone up due to 10 years rule of UPA where they were connniving with muslim parties for vote banks,so they tolerate such things.It will change now.

One day when growth rate is 45% p.a.
And everyone's defenses are down.
Modi gets a call from RSS
That day we march on delhi.
We will bring real peace to the galaxy.
That move will be unexpected as they dont know what hit them.Only the Council knows about it not even the closeset ones (example trade federation)Knows our moves :chilli::chilli::chilli:

At last we arrived after 10 years to our rightful place.For 10 years we waited,we prepared,planned and we grew stronger,while they rested n their cradle of power,believing their people were safe and protected.They were trusted to lead the republic.They were decieved as our power of RSS grew stronger,They assumed no force can challenge them.
And NOW! Finally We have RETURNED!
This video sums up exactly our plans.:devil::devil::devil::yay:
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