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Islamabad in chaos, martial law imminent

Of course am basing my argument on the assumption that U.S. doesn't really need Pakistan to go after Iran. A map of Iran and neighboors will justify my assumption.
I think it does, especially if the US is thinking about an invasion.

Bhutto was taken out by Zia, in preparations for the Afghan situation. Once used Zia was taken out too. History suggests the level of penetration of US agents into Pakistan is quite high. So many things make it look like the green signal has been given to remove Musharraf. Now no one in Pakistan can really do this.

If Musharraf survives all of this, the direction he heads to would be suggestive itself of what really conspired in these days. The thing the main thing they are doing is creating a 'situation'.
Sword, Hamid Mir, spoke with Musharraf on air over the phone hours after the attacks. Hamid Mir himself admitted that the police though was claiming to silence Geo News did nothing of the sort, it mere kept breaking windows and furniture. Tamasha.

There was no way Geo could have been silenced and why do it? Geo aint the only telecasting this. ARY simply never stopped its broadcasts at all! ARY operates from Dubai and London so they pretty much showed everything and said everything. ARY is also a lot more anti-Musharraf compared to Geo which always presents both the point of views.
Since ARY operates from Dubai/London, the Pak police could'nt do much to stop the broadcasts, but GEO was in house and accessable, hence they were attacked.

The TV reports showed gentlemen claiming that cable guys were being ordered to shut all news broadcast channels that were hurting the govt on the CJ issue.
Yes but Geo also operates from Dubai too! Islamabad is not their main HQ anyway! It's Karachi!

Geo did a lot of drama after this too. The cable thing being shut off wasn't true. At least I checked in Lahore myself. They even claimed that they have been restricted to declare verdict of Supreme Court but will only tell that the hearing has been postponed till 21 March. That was it! There was no verdict! They had heard from the prosecution and were now going to hear from the defence.

The bomb threat thing was also fake I think. They claimed our Karachi office has received a bomb threat. They then showed people evacuating but in some far corners of the screens you can see people still on their computers, some people are waving at the camera, some are smiling and laughing... Lol, I'd be **** scared and want to get the hell out if I was them!

About the police's claim that they are hurting the government so stop the broadcasts, Hamid said I asked them for a confirmation order from the Minister of Information and he refused to produce one. Later when the hooliganism was going on Hamid said Durrani himself arrived on the scene and was trying to stop the police but they weren't even listening to the Minister.
Hmm.. U.S. State Dept. has come out with a strong statement supporting Musharraf. Reported by Reuters Wire. There must be a link appearing soon, if not already.
I think it does, especially if the US is thinking about an invasion.

Bhutto was taken out by Zia, in preparations for the Afghan situation. Once used Zia was taken out too. History suggests the level of penetration of US agents into Pakistan is quite high. So many things make it look like the green signal has been given to remove Musharraf. Now no one in Pakistan can really do this.

If Musharraf survives all of this, the direction he heads to would be suggestive itself of what really conspired in these days. The thing the main thing they are doing is creating a 'situation'.
Why do they need bases in Balochistan when they alreayd have a strong presence in Iraq, Afghanistan and Gulf States? This is of course assuming U.S. wants to wage war on Iran immediately, no signs of that from Washington.

I seriously think the reason could be Cheney pressuring Musharraf to deliver in Afghanistan; Iran is still bit far away. Sounds like a cock & bull story. Sorry but just does.
Blood and batons spur Pakistan row

While a contingent of police in riot gear was smashing glass doors and equipment and firing tear gas shells inside the offices of a private TV channel, Geo News, in Islamabad on Friday afternoon, the country's media minister was watching helplessly a few yards away.

Eye-witnesses said the minister, Mohammed Ali Durrani, arrived just after the police and tried to intervene - but they wouldn't listen to him.

Later in the evening Mr Durrani faced the cameras, accepting his impotence and said that all he could do was to offer an apology.

This was followed by more apologies and stronger condemnations from sitting and former parliamentarians.

Then President Pervez Musharraf himself spoke live to a Geo presenter and publicly regretted the police attack.

He promised to identify and punish the culprits "tonight".

In the event, 14 low ranking police officials have been suspended, pending a judicial inquiry into the case.

Programme banned

If the police raid on Geo News had been an isolated incident, it could have been dismissed as a bizarre and half-witted measure gone wrong. In fact it looks more like a clear expression of state belligerence towards the media.

The same channel had its high-profile discussion programme banned a day earlier. And three TV channels were briefly taken off air earlier in the week for running footage of bloody clashes between police and lawyers.

Which brings us back to how all the trouble started, the presidential move of 9 March, suspending the chief justice of the Supreme Court on charges of misconduct, the details of which are still unspecified.

The fraternity of lawyers has been protesting in all the big cities of Pakistan on a daily basis ever since against what they see as an attempt to humiliate and tame the judiciary.

Making of a hero

Until then, Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry had enjoyed a mutually satisfying relationship with the media. He liked taking centre stage and often delivered his verbal judgments and comments in the form of sound bites that fitted nicely in headlines.

The media liked his penchant for judicial activism on public interest and human rights issues.

Journalists were also hugely entertained by Mr Chaudhry's habit of passing harsh comments on senior government functionaries and frequently embarrassing them publicly in his court room.

But Justice Chaudhry was no public hero. Not, that is, until the government took action against him.

In the past he was seen very much as a supporter of Gen Musharraf.

Justice Chaudhry was among the half of the Supreme Court judges who validated Gen Musharraf's 1999 military coup against an elected government. The other judges resigned in protest.

Later, when the general held a referendum to install himself as the president of Pakistan, and the act was challenged in the Supreme Court, Justice Chaudhry was on the bench that decided in favour of the general.

These actions brought him closer to the military rather than the ordinary Pakistani, making him an unlikely champion of people's aspirations.

Recently as chief justice, he did grab a few headlines with some decisions that have been uncomfortable for the government. But he was never seen as a threat to the legitimacy of Gen Musharraf's rule.


A simple constitutional matter of referring the country's most senior judge to be investigated by the appropriate judicial body is getting bigger, nastier, and potentially more dangerous for the present government by the day. And it would appear that it is a problem of the government's own making. Essentially, a few hundred lawyers in half a dozen cities was all the opposition amounted to in the beginning.

If they had been allowed to shout slogans and wave their fists in front of courts, that would probably have been the end of the matter.

But local administrations chose to pit their police forces against the protesting lawyers. Bloody scenes in Lahore last Monday unified the lawyers like never before and hardened their stance.

They have taken to the streets again on Saturday. And the police have got their batons out. Result? More blood being spilt, more publicity.

The "black-coats" as the lawyers are being affectionately called these days, have never shown this kind of unity, nor this temerity, before.

Even lawyers politically affiliated with the ruling party have refused to toe the party line.

The president's office has had to bear the embarrassment as one prominent lawyer after another refused to represent its case against Mr Chaudhry.

Juicy material

The media has become the second thorn in the side of the government.

Ministers joined the courts in ordering the media to tone down its coverage of the Chaudhry affair. Editors were consistently threatened over this and that, but the media has so far shown remarkable resilience and foresight.

Coverage of the court proceedings against Mr Chaudhry are very limited - as directed by the Supreme Judicial Council hearing the case. The hearings are being held behind closed doors, which does not help the media.

But the continued clashes between lawyers and law-enforcement agencies, and the various government pronouncements on the issue, are supplying enough juicy material to fill reams of newsprint and are just what 24 hours news channels want.

The police attack on Geo TV in particular, has been luring the ordinary citizen in to take a close interest in the story.

Playing politics

So what then of the opposition political parties? The alliance of Islamic parties, the MMA was the first to seize the opportunity. Joined later by Muslim League (Nawaz), and a number of other smaller parties, the MMA has spearheaded the participation of ordinary citizens in what the government is at pains to describe as a purely constitutional matter.

The Pakistan Peoples Party has been the slowest to react, giving credence to rumours that its leader, Benazir Bhutto, is in the process of cutting some kind of deal with Gen Musharraf that would allow her to return to the country. So, the argument goes, the PPP doesn't want to jeopardise that deal by openly supporting the lawyers.

The PPP finally joined in the protests on 16th March when it seemed clear that the lawyers' movement was gaining strength and the government was unable to contain it.

So now the situation has all the marks of turning into a big political challenge for Gen Musharraf and his government. But no one in Pakistan underestimates the brute power and guile of the military.

So quite how this confrontation will turn out is anybody's guess.

BBC News.
Geo TV works for the ISI but they are shift their loyalties very quickly.

The reason why i said this was a diversion tactic is the news papers and tv shows after the attack. If you people read the news paper on saturday it had only one story .... Media Under Siege. While CJ had a small story in one corner. So the attention was shifted. Apart from that now there are no more talk shows or new reports on private channels so you all can guess what is wrong.

Lemme quote some facts from past and you decide for yourself. You may be aware of a few but lemme remind u again.

Nawaz Sharifs problem with Jang started after a column by kamran khan in the daily News. It is said that information was provided to KK by ISI. Then the whole thing went on till his government ended.

You may remember Javaid Iqbal story (the man who killed 100 childern). That story was first reported by Jang after Hamid Mir received a video of the killer and the boys. Can you imagine someone killing 100 childern in a densely populated area in lahore and no one even noticed until the killer sent his own tap and confessed. This is important to quote here because that story appeared at the time when Hijacking case on NS was at the climax.

Then it was Hamid Mir again who interviewed Osama Bin Laden and told the world he had nuclear weapons. Which was nothing but lie.

And the recent attack on Geo TV is also fake and amazingly it is Hamid Mir again at the centre of it all. If you see the vide care fully we can see a police officer getting injured while he tried to kick the glass and must have bled afterwards. But in his report Hamid mir claims that blood was of a security guard who tried to stop the attacker. But we have yet to see any pic of that injured security guard. Secondly the attacking officers broke doors, windows and glass but none of the computers, camera's or other equipment was damaged during the whole episode.
Geo TV works for the ISI but they are shift their loyalties very quickly
didn't you claim in the other article that Geo was owned by shias.
I dont think its owned by shiites but they have generally supported the shiites.

Would you like to debate this issue in the Social section and give examples where they have supported Shiites, and even if they did. Whats wrong with it? People shouldn't have problem with other peoples beliefs, thats their personal thing.

While you guys are talking about news, media and cable, I have a question to ask!

I visited pakistan last month after about 20 plus years. I stayed for a night at the Holliday Inn at Lahore. After mid-night, I was flipping through the channels in my hotel room and I was surprised to see a single X rated soft **** movie being played on the tv. Was that just the hotel channel or was it a general channel!
Its called 'Pay TV'. ;)
The service is available throughout the country in five start hotels.
Not that I use those five star hotels... :angel1:

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