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Afghanistan Presidential Elections: Aftermath

@nangyale, we once discoused why i thought Ghani would be a top candidate, you didn't believe my argument, but today the people of Afghanistan showed it to you.

My argument with you was not so much about who will get how much vote. It was more about who is supporting who. If you remember I told you at that time that Ashraf Ghani is the US's candidate.
Now if your preliminary results are correct then I would say well done USA.
That would mean that the run-off will be between two US supported candidates and the Karzai supported candidate lost out.
But then again its early days wait till we get more results. This is the time frame going forward.
- Vote counting: April 6 to 20
- Preliminary results: April 24
- Presidential election complaints period: April 7 to 27
- Final results announcement: May 14
- Run-off, if necessary: May 28
My argument with you was not so much about who will get how much vote. It was more about who is supporting who. If you remember I told you at that time that Ashraf Ghani is the US's candidate.
Now if your preliminary results are correct then I would say well done USA.
That would mean that the run-off will be between two US supported candidates and the Karzai supported candidate lost out.
But then again its early days wait till we get more results. This is the time frame going forward.
- Vote counting: April 6 to 20
- Preliminary results: April 24
- Presidential election complaints period: April 7 to 27
- Final results announcement: May 14
- Run-off, if necessary: May 28

Lol are you blind? are those Afghans or Americans in the line?
My congratulations to the Afghan people for standing up to the Taliban and voting for a new leader. Honestly I am a bit surprised that there wasn't more violence. Can some Afghan posters here explain that? I read about attempted suicide bombings and a little violence here and there but nothing major. How was this possible? Have the Taliban given up?

Also I am noting in some preliminary results posted in this thread that Zalmai Rassoul hasn't gotten that many votes even though he was supported by Karzai, that is if I am not mistaken. So can it be said that people have voted against Karzai?

I hope Afghanistan continues towards becoming a stable and peaceful state where the Taliban is defeated. I hope now the delusional Pakistani establishment and some Pakistani people also stop playing the good Taliban and bad Taliban game so that these forces of evil are crushed in both Afghanistan and Pakistan.

When I continuously said countless times that, (Taliban are no longer powerful as they were in 2009, Taliban lost a lot of ground after security transition, Taliban can't even face the police let alone the army, Taliban ain't ANSF's assets so they have no mercy on Taliban killed them like rats in these 3 years, Taliban have lost Afghan fighters and more of their fighters are foreigners who lack geographical knowledge, the causes through which they gathered people's support are no longer working....) No one believed me for the ground realities I told them but they were rather fooled by mass media which had obligation to put mental pressure on Afghans and political pressure on Afghan government to sign the security agreement (BSA).

Taliban had 149 terror activities to disrupt the election and in return ANSF responded aggressively and killed 89 Taliban on election day and arrested over 300 terror suspects. US/NATO had no stack on security of this election everything was planned and executed by Afghan forces.

Afghans have realized and Pakistanis are yet to realize that Taliban of any type are evil and should not be supported in any way.
Lol are you blind? are those Afghans or Americans in the line?

Their is a thing called manipulation. If you are interested check out the thread where me and @Afghan-India discussed Ashraf Ghani's candidacy and some opinion polls he was quoting.

But anyways

Let me ask you something. How long do you think this 'Afghan democracy' will last without American guns and dollars?
An honest reply will be appreciated.
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When I continuously said countless times that, (Taliban are no longer powerful as they were in 2009, Taliban lost a lot of ground after security transition, Taliban can't even face the police let alone the army, Taliban ain't ANSF's assets so they have no mercy on Taliban killed them like rats in these 3 years, Taliban have lost Afghan fighters and more of their fighters are foreigners who lack geographical knowledge, the causes through which they gathered people's support are no longer working....) No one believed me for the ground realities I told them but they were rather fooled by mass media which had obligation to put mental pressure on Afghans and political pressure on Afghan government to sign the security agreement (BSA).

Taliban had 149 terror activities to disrupt the election and in return ANSF responded aggressively and killed 89 Taliban on election day and arrested over 300 terror suspects. US/NATO had no stack on security of this election everything was planned and executed by Afghan forces.

Afghans have realized and Pakistanis are yet to realize that Taliban of any type are evil and should not be supported in any way.

LOL. Just one sentence describes this perfectly. If wishes were horses beggars would ride.
Here's an answer to the first highlighted part.
As many Afghan Security Personel killed in Helmand in one winter as for the whole British deployment

As far BSA is concerned, Ashraf Ghani and Dr Abdullah has already said they will sign it. So nothing to discuss on that point. Apart from some conspiracy theory that you hatched.
Preliminary vote counts:

Vote counts in Kunar province(by district):

Asad Abad:Dr. Ashraf Ghani = 13691
Dr. Abdullah = 1578
Dr. Zalmai Rasul = 1376

Dr. Ashraf Ghani = 3909
Dr. Abdullah = 547
Dr. Zalmai Rasul = 220

Khas Kunar:
Dr. Ashraf Ghani = 8926
Dr. Abdullah = 441
Dr. Zalmai Rasul = 573

Dr. Ashraf Ghani = 4504
Dr. Abdullah = 760
Dr. Zalmai Rasul = 606

Dr. Ashraf Ghani = 3375
Dr. Abdullah = 404
Dr. Zalmai Rasul = 244

Dr. Ashraf Ghani = 104
Dr. Abdullah = 17
Dr. Zalmai Rasul = 11

Dr. Ashraf Ghani = 5244
Dr. Abdullah = 480
Dr. Zalmai Rasul = 2396

Dr. Ashraf Ghani = 4567
Dr. Abdullah = 279
Dr. Zalmai Rasul = 463

Dr. Ashraf Ghani = 6677
Dr. Abdullah = 2146
Dr. Zalmai Rasul = 2866

Dr. Ashraf Ghani = 1057
Dr. Abdullah = 94
Dr. Zalmai Rasul = 108

Dr. Ashraf Ghani = 2393
Dr. Abdullah = 288
Dr. Zalmai Rasul = 679

Dr. Ashraf Ghani = 7458
Dr. Abdullah = 455
Dr. Zalmai Rasul = 209

Dr. Ashraf Ghani = 6019
Dr. Abdullah = 1043
Dr. Zalmai Rasul = 584

Dr. Ashraf Ghani = 1692
Dr. Abdullah = 343
Dr. Zalmai Rasul = 455

LOL. Just one sentence describes this perfectly. If wishes were horses beggars would ride.
Here's an answer to the first highlighted part.
As many Afghan Security Personel killed in Helmand in one winter as for the whole British deployment

As far BSA is concerned, Ashraf Ghani and Dr Abdullah has already said they will sign it. So nothing to discuss on that point. Apart from some conspiracy theory that you hatched.

You're like a girl who picks certain lines from a whole text msg and fight over it :lol:
I said they have put no mercy on them let me give you yesterday's death toll of your brothers

94 Taliban militants killed in Afghan counter-terrorism operations - English-language media - Afghanistan - South Asian Free Media Association

It's their daily fate now multiply it since the day you posted british propaganda report on Afghan police :lol:
The Britishers have to publish such reports to save their face since they can't digest Helmand and Kandahar is way more peaceful then they were there.

I don't know why Pakistanis like you always try to show that you know more about Afghanistan than Afghans who are living in Afghanistan :confused:

Neither Karzai said he will not, I think you aren't aware of things he want in Afghanistan before signing anything.
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Their is a thing called manipulation. If you are interested check out the thread where me and @Afghan-India discussed Ashraf Ghani's candidacy and some opinion polls he was quoting.

But anyways

Let me ask you something. How long do you think this 'Afghan democracy' will last without American guns and dollars?
An honest reply will be appreciated.

You have already put in your great knowledge in this thread no need to check it any further on other threads :enjoy:

There are no American guns but yes American money, for at least 2 more elections we money to run elections but the need for money will certainly be decreased if the economy flourish by the coming president which will definitely will if Ashraf Ghani is elected.
Afghans have realized and Pakistanis are yet to realize that Taliban of any type are evil and should not be supported in any way.

Pakistanis have realized that, at least those who matter. Pakistan will support economic development and trade with Afghanistan. I doubt this time even Pakistani pashtuns establishment will support Afghan Taliban goverment just because they happen to be pashtun. Ofcourse this will change quickly if Afghanistan goes to his old ways of hating Pakistan. Plotting against Pakistan with help from India.
You have already put in your great knowledge in this thread no need to check it any further on other threads :enjoy:

There are no American guns but yes American money, for at least 2 more elections we money to run elections but the need for money will certainly be decreased if the economy flourish by the coming president which will definitely will if Ashraf Ghani is elected.

Ooh my goodness.
This guy is completely out of his mind. No American guns in Afghanistan. :cuckoo:
This statement is a jewel, shows that you have stuck your head so deeply in the sand that you haven't realized your arse is sticking out and is flashing like a Christmas tree. :omghaha:
94 Taliban militants killed in Afghan counter-terrorism operations - English-language media - Afghanistan - South Asian Free Media Association

It's their daily fate now multiply it since the day you posted british propaganda report on Afghan police :lol:

Another Jewel 94 Taliban killed daily. Right So
94 * 365 = 34310
So that's 34,310 Taliban killed per year. How many Taliban are there? Are they coming off assembly line?

You are Afghanistan's national treasure.:cheesy:
Pakistanis have realized that, at least those who matter. Pakistan will support economic development and trade with Afghanistan. I doubt this time even Pakistani pashtuns establishment will support Afghan Taliban goverment just because they happen to be pashtun. Ofcourse this will change quickly if Afghanistan goes to his old ways of hating Pakistan. Plotting against Pakistan with help from India.

Man that's all propaganda the real party is some else, Afghanistan had great chances to destroy Pakistan in 65, 71 wars by supporting India but the same Afghans stayed neutral and today the same Taliban has become 'aastin ka sanp' for Pakistan, both countries have to be first serious and loyal to their words to destroy terrorism in both countries jointly. I too hope for a bright future for Pakistani people.
I don't know why Pakistanis like you always try to show that you know more about Afghanistan than Afghans who are living in Afghanistan :confused:

Ofcourse kiddo you know better than anybody. You are the best. LMFAO
Ooh my goodness.
This guy is completely out of his mind. No American guns in Afghanistan. :cuckoo:
This statement is a jewel, shows that you have stuck your head so deeply in the sand that you haven't realized your arse is sticking out and is flashing like a Christmas tree. :omghaha:

As I said earlier, You're like a girl who picks certain lines from a whole text msg and fight over it :lol:

There were no American gun in this 'election' all that brilliant security of election were maintained by Afghan forces which your security forces couldn't done in your elections, sticking up feather up on your butt doesn't make you a chicken though :D read and then show reaction accordingly.
Another Jewel 94 Taliban killed daily. Right So
94 * 365 = 34310
So that's 34,310 Taliban killed per year. How many Taliban are there? Are they coming off assembly line?

You are Afghanistan's national treasure.:cheesy:

You don't look serious, more than 18,000 of your beloved brothers were killed last year, thousands wounded, hundreds captured and over 5000 surrendered to high peace council. Search these figures by yourself, I have bookmarked them but I don't need it necessary to copy paste each link for you here, so see this 'jewel' peace of screen shot:


See the scroll bar? I have 2 more lists if this doesn't please you.

Ofcourse kiddo you know better than anybody. You are the best. LMFAO

Your last resort genius.
Man that's all propaganda the real party is some else, Afghanistan had great chances to destroy Pakistan in 65, 71 wars by supporting India but the same Afghans stayed neutral and today the same Taliban has become 'aastin ka sanp' for Pakistan, both countries have to be first serious and loyal to their words to destroy terrorism in both countries jointly. I too hope for a bright future for Pakistani people.

Good if Afghanistan stayed neutral but Pakistan is not a lullu nation which can be destroyed. Even India didn't bother with Pakistan after 65 beating, it showed we can hold on our own against enemy 7 times bigger. And as Indian general said in 71 war for Pakistan colony, India had 15-1 advantage. There was no way out because of geography.

And yes terrorists are threat to both countries, there are no good or bad terrorists. All of them should be dead.

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