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Open Debate | How to conduct a 'reasonable debate' between Pakistanis and Indians on PDF?


May 3, 2009
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Hello. I just wanted to collect ideas on how defence.pk can better conduct a reasonable debate between Pakistanis and Indians?

From our experience there are a few problems that hinder our efforts to engineer debates towards a fruitful ending.

  • Members have issues with the other nationality commenting on their nation's issues.
  • Members presume it to be an infringement of their 'internal matters'.
  • Members look at threads as a means of 'triumph' or 'defeat' to the other nationality, which is absurd.
  • Members have personal grudges against other members from another nationality
  • Trolling
  • Mine is bigger than yours

Now we want to solve this issue, so i thought that its better to put it out there for an honest session of debate on how we can improve the situation.

Please give your opinion.

1. Discussion only on topic . No Counter topics . Like if there is a thread on Poverty in India it should focus on poverty in India and not poverty in Pakistan .

2. Absurd and Gross generalizations bring out point one . Curb this tendency .

3. It is an Open forum . If there is something called "internal topic affairs" and mods want one they can simply ban other nationalities from Participating .

4. Curbing the menace of Trolls .

5. Till the members age reach mid/late tweens they cannot handle serious discussions . Teens and early tweens fall to flame baiting faster than Usain Bolt . So whatever we discuss top 4 points will be invalidated by that .
1. Discussion only on topic . No Counter topics . Like if there is a thread on Poverty in India it should focus on poverty in India and not poverty in Pakistan .

2. Absurd and Gross generalizations bring out point one . Curb this tendency .

3. It is an Open forum . If there is something called "internal topic affairs" and mods want one they can simply ban other nationalities from Participating .

4. Curbing the menace of Trolls .

5. Till the members age reach mid/late tweens they cannot handle serious discussions . Teens and early tweens fall to flame baiting faster than Usain Bolt . So whatever we discuss top 4 points will be invalidated by that .
Sorry I don't agree to your point number 5 because I know a pathological indian troll who is in 40s. So I believe that there may be similar trolls from other nationalities too.
Hello. I just wanted to collect ideas on how defence.pk can better conduct a reasonable debate between Pakistanis and Indians?

From our experience there are a few problems that hinder our efforts to engineer debates towards a fruitful ending.

  • Members have issues with the other nationality commenting on their nation's issues.
  • Members presume it to be an infringement of their 'internal matters'.
  • Members look at threads as a means of 'triumph' or 'defeat' to the other nationality, which is absurd.
  • Members have personal grudges against other members from another nationality
  • Trolling
  • Mine is bigger than yours
Now we want to solve this issue, so i thought that its better to put it out there for an honest session of debate on how we can improve the situation.

Please give your opinion.


I have come across instances where I see serious thread getting instantly derailed by just 1 troll post. Trolling is I think the biggest threat to the quality of this forum. ( Im not saying im a saint.)

I personally dont have any problem with anyone commenting on any issues of my country. But discussions should be constructive.

When 1 is in an international forum, a topic cannot be exclusive to members of a single country.

I have a request to mods- rape threads should be banned or moved to Seniors Cafe.

Hello. I just wanted to collect ideas on how defence.pk can better conduct a reasonable debate between Pakistanis and Indians?

From our experience there are a few problems that hinder our efforts to engineer debates towards a fruitful ending.

  • Members have issues with the other nationality commenting on their nation's issues.
  • Members presume it to be an infringement of their 'internal matters'.
  • Members look at threads as a means of 'triumph' or 'defeat' to the other nationality, which is absurd.
  • Members have personal grudges against other members from another nationality
  • Trolling
  • Mine is bigger than yours
Now we want to solve this issue, so i thought that its better to put it out there for an honest session of debate on how we can improve the situation.

Please give your opinion.


most important points...
  • Members have issues with the other nationality commenting on their nation's issues.
  • Members presume it to be an infringement of their 'internal matters'.
  • Members look at threads as a means of 'triumph' or 'defeat' to the other nationality, which is absurd.
  • Members have personal grudges against other members from another nationality
  • Trolling
  • Mine is bigger than yours
No member be it a Pakistani or an Indian should have a problem when an issue of their country is being discussed since its a public forum and everything news worthy must be posted as long as the members stay in the limits of the forum rules and to ensure that we need active moderation which sadly is lacking. Realistically speaking, i won't ever expect Indians and Pakistanis to have only constructive discussions since its too far fetched but active moderation ensures that trolls and those who intend to derail threads don't succeed in their attempts and we have a better chance of having a fruitful discussion. But thats just my personal opinion as i have seen how things function here.
most important points...
  • Members have issues with the other nationality commenting on their nation's issues.
  • Members presume it to be an infringement of their 'internal matters'.
  • Members look at threads as a means of 'triumph' or 'defeat' to the other nationality, which is absurd.
  • Members have personal grudges against other members from another nationality
  • Trolling
  • Mine is bigger than yours

That 'Mine is bigger than yours' point reminded me of something that Pakistanis tell Indians. :D
That 'Mine is bigger than yours' point reminded me of something that Pakistanis tell Indians. :D
ya I remember it too...
but any thread should not be turned into d!@k measuring contest.....this is where the problem lies and trolling starts...:tup:
Talk about actresses and modals and try to prove that whose politicians are more corrupt and incompetent.

PS: You should increase number of mods
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1. Discussion only on topic . No Counter topics . Like if there is a thread on Poverty in India it should focus on poverty in India and not poverty in Pakistan .

2. Absurd and Gross generalizations bring out point one . Curb this tendency .

3. It is an Open forum . If there is something called "internal topic affairs" and mods want one they can simply ban other nationalities from Participating .

4. Curbing the menace of Trolls .

5. Till the members age reach mid/late tweens they cannot handle serious discussions . Teens and early tweens fall to flame baiting faster than Usain Bolt . So whatever we discuss top 4 points will be invalidated by that .

'How' :D

That 'Mine is bigger than yours' point reminded me of something that Pakistanis tell Indians. :D

Thts true.. :lol:
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