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Army only for relatives?

Robot Syntex


New Recruit

Dec 12, 2013
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I am born a Pakistani. my two uncles were in army. One is Rtd. Colonial and other is Rtd. Late Major.
My friends told me that when they went for amc exam (physical and i.q) they were told by adjutant that you wont pass this exam without strong safarish, and indeed he was true. They failed to pass test however they clear both tests with strong margin.
So now question arises that Is the only noble institute Pakistan becoming part of traditional ......
I was quite amazed when they told me this.
Is this true?
my second question is what does GHQ generals check?
personality, mental level or strength.
I want to join army as amc cadet. advice me what to do?
When i was 15 i found security holes in servers of Major companies of world.
I have little cyber background but i want to be a doctor. So i want to ask that what sort of behavior i should have?
what GHQ generals will ask me during interview?
I am a PAF enthusiast and I don't wanna believe this but this happened to my bro, it was like 5-6 years ago, in his interview during ISSB, the interviewer just asked "Your father's name, which school did you go to" and and 2 or 3 more questions like this and said "you can go now", he said it felt like interviewer wasn't even serious since he knew that I didn't have any army background, one of his friend whose father belonged to army was selected, don't know if this still happens or it happened just with my brother.
There are no guarantees for anyone. Having a father in the Army means nothing at the end of the day. Similarly, one cannot entirely rule out the fact that connections do help. However in the annual intake of 300+ cadets joining the PMA and other services academies, sifaarish is not the norm.

There is a certain aptitude they are looking for, on top of that your personality has to match. Its like any other selection process. You will not find out where you fell short. Try your best and move on if it does not happen. At the end of the day, it all works out.
I am a PAF enthusiast and I don't wanna believe this but this happened to my bro, it was like 5-6 years ago, in his interview during ISSB, the interviewer just asked "Your father's name, which school did you go to" and and 2 or 3 more questions like this and said "you can go now", he said it felt like interviewer wasn't even serious since he knew that I didn't have any army background, one of his friend whose father belonged to army was selected, don't know if this still happens or it happened just with my brother.

what is the best way to hide your failure than blame it on not having a safarish
I went for ISSB in 82 and a large group from Karachi, I belong to an Army family most of my friend who went with me were sharper and smarter than me (i guess) and no one in their family even seen the inside of an army recruitment center. All of asked those same questions, well I am in US and Canada for last 25 years so needless to say I was rejected, 4 of my friends got selected (with zero army relationship)

lets accept that there was something missing in my personality that Army needed then blame it on safarish...ln later years I was selected in CAA, United bank, and Navy (all without using any Safarish, those were god old days) but by that time I had my mind set on US for education so i refused them all....just to tell you guys i wasnt a Dud
Gen. Mushraf reached Gen. Rank on safirash we all know that now its part of history. So i believe that safarish and connections do matter if there are 50 to 60 seats for tcc or amc cadet. I bet that they all would be on safarish.
I am amazed how this works out even in prestige organization of Pakistan.
If youre incompetent and don't make it blame it on the lack of safarish. :D
incompetent!! Well i am 18 and my family even didnt know what i am. How can your generals judge me in 15min at amc?;)
incompetent!! Well i am 18 and my family even didnt know what i am. How can your generals judge me in 15min at amc?;)
you look frustrated; thats why taking a shot at the armed forces which is normal for students when when they fail to get into the Armed forces;
you will get over it
guys i am applying this year. And i posted just because of experience of my friends.
you look frustrated; thats why taking a shot at the armed forces which is normal for students when when they fail to get into the Armed forces;
you will get over it
alpha1 Thanks to Allah i never gets frustrated. I have several personalities i changes myself with environment.
I am born a Pakistani. my two uncles were in army. One is Rtd. Colonial and other is Rtd. Late Major.
My friends told me that when they went for amc exam (physical and i.q) they were told by adjutant that you wont pass this exam without strong safarish, and indeed he was true. They failed to pass test however they clear both tests with strong margin.
So now question arises that Is the only noble institute Pakistan becoming part of traditional ......
I was quite amazed when they told me this.
Is this true?
my second question is what does GHQ generals check?
personality, mental level or strength.
I want to join army as amc cadet. advice me what to do?
When i was 15 i found security holes in servers of Major companies of world.
I have little cyber background but i want to be a doctor. So i want to ask that what sort of behavior i should have?
what GHQ generals will ask me during interview?
but i think in deference,during interview one psychologist also sat in panel,
i can share with you only my Indian experience ,
when i was young ,i also appear in interview for army ,
my interview was absolutely fine , immediate after interview one person from panel told me that i am good for industries ,and surprisingly he didn't ask even single question during interview

i guess in defense interview ,they don't ask too many question ,psychological they try to ready weather you are fit or not ,because for other quality they are pretty sure ,that they can develop during training
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