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India's IT Exports to US Wildly Exaggerated

Blowing billions on symbolism doesn't help Indians who make up the world's largest population of poor, hungry, illiterate and sick people most of whom are still forced to defecate in the open. In fact, the situation of an average Indian is far worse than that of an average Sub-Saharan African.

Haq's Musings: 63 Years After Independence, India Remains Home to World's Largest Population of Poor, Hungry and Illiterates
63 years after independence, pakistan iis home to worlds largest population of saints and doves with ied's ak's and rpgs?? great achievement?
Blowing billions on symbolism doesn't help Indians who make up the world's largest population of poor, hungry, illiterate and sick people most of whom are still forced to defecate in the open. In fact, the situation of an average Indian is far worse than that of an average Sub-Saharan African.

Haq's Musings: 63 Years After Independence, India Remains Home to World's Largest Population of Poor, Hungry and Illiterates

How does the MOM mission cost of 70M equal to blowing billions on symbolism?

In fact the situation of the average Pakistani is far worse than that of an average Sub-Saharan African.
Yeah Right. For Riaz Haq India's IT exports to US are exaggerated coz he knows Pakistan is nowhere near catching up with India, leave alone overtaking it ! :omghaha:
Despite the fudging of various statistical data to project a shining India, Indian growth has almost come back to its good old Hindu Growth Rate. The self indulgence in big India syndrome without reaching even close to acquiring the needed minimum benchmarks, is indeed paying them back.
Firstly BPM6 was adopted by India in 2011.So the BPM6 thing is your own little fairy tale and has got nothing to do with GAO Findings(We conducted our analysis in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards from March 2005 through September 2005).While the original findings are referencing to the BPM5. :rofl:

Secondly the data from 2002 and 2003 was in accordance to BPM5(1993)/MSITS(2002).
the export figures reported in this article pertain to the activity called ‘Computer Services’ as defined in those manuals [viz. BPM5(1993)/MSITS(2002)],

So you did a bit of rearranging of text.
Original Text
First, India counts the earnings of temporary Indian workers residing in the United States as exports to the United States. However, the United States only includes temporary foreign workers who have been in the United States less than 1 year and who are not on the payrolls of firms in the United States. Indian officials estimate that this factor may account for 40 to 50 percent of the difference between U.S. and Indian data.

Reminds me of how we did our reports in High School until we went to college and Turnitin whooped our a$$es.:lol:

If the State Bank switched to BPM 6 method, Pakistan's software and IT exports of $294 million for 2012-2013 could easily become at least $5 billion.

SBP implements balance of payments manual
KARACHI: The Statistics and Data Warehouse Department of the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has initiated transition towards disseminating the balance of payments of Pakistan on the basis of methodology set out in the 6th edition of the IMF’s Balance of Payment and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6) beginning July 2013, a statement said on Friday.

Behold the Pakistani Exports in triple figures under BPM 6.



Blowing billions on symbolism doesn't help Indians who make up the world's largest population of poor, hungry, illiterate and sick people most of whom are still forced to defecate in the open. In fact, the situation of an average Indian is far worse than that of an average Sub-Saharan African.

Haq's Musings: 63 Years After Independence, India Remains Home to World's Largest Population of Poor, Hungry and Illiterates

That's why Sub-Saharan Africans and Indians are treated as similar people.
63 years after independence, pakistan iis home to worlds largest population of saints and doves with ied's ak's and rpgs?? great achievement?

Not just AK-47s and RPGs; they also have nukes.

Haq's Musings: Silicon Valley Launch of "Eating Grass- The Making of the Pakistani Bomb"

And the fact is that India has starved its people-over 7000 Indians die of hunger every day-not Pakistan to build nukes.

Haq's Musings: "Starving" North Korea's Space Pursuit Different From Hungry India's?
s of inflated claims of Indian "accomplishments" in America have been debunked by Times of India Washington correspondent Chidanand Rajghatta.
Lots of inflated claims of Indian "accomplishments" in America have been debunked by Times of India Washington correspondent Chidanand Rajghatta.

It seems exaggerating achievements is a common Indian trait. Even the Indian government does it shamelessly as evident from highly inflated IT exports figure.

Here's a Times of India story on Indian exaggeration of Indian professionals in US:

It's an Internet myth that has taken on a life of its own. No matter how often you slay this phony legend, it keeps popping up again like some hydra-headed beast.

But on Monday, the Indian government itself consecrated the oft-circulated fiction as fact in Parliament, possibly laying itself open to a breach of privilege. By relaying to Rajya Sabha members (as reported in The Times of India) a host of unsubstantiated and inflated figures about Indian professionals in US, the government also made a laughing stock of itself.

The figures provided by the Minister of State for Human Resource Development Purandeshwari included claims that 38 per cent of doctors in US are Indians, as are 36 per cent of NASA scientists and 34 per cent of Microsoft employees.

There is no survey that establishes these numbers, and absent a government clarification, it appears that the figures come from a shop-worn Internet chain mail that has been in circulation for many years. Spam has finally found its way into the Indian parliament dressed up as fact.

Attempts by this correspondent over the years to authenticate the figures have shown that it is exaggerated, and even false. Both Microsoft and NASA say they don't keep an ethnic headcount. While they acknowledge that a large number of their employees are of Indian origin, it is hardly in the 30-35 per cent range.

In a 2003 interview with this correspondent, Microsoft chief Bill Gates guessed that the number of Indians in the engineering sections of the company was perhaps in the region of 20 per cent, but he thought the overall figure was not true. NASA workers say the number of Indians in the organization is in the region of 4-5 per cent, but the 36 per cent figure is pure fiction.

The number of physicians of Indian-origin in the US is a little easier to estimate. The Association of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) has 42,000 members, in addition to around 15,000 medical students and residents. There were an estimated 850,000 doctors in the US in 2004. So, conflating the figures, no more than ten per cent of the physicians in US maybe of Indian-origin – and that includes Indian-Americans – assuming not everyone is registered with AAPI.

These numbers in themselves are remarkable considering Indians constitute less than one per cent of the US population. But in its enthusiasm to spin the image of the successful global Indian to its advantage, the government appears to have milked a long-discredited spam - an effort seen by some readers as the work of a lazy bureaucrat and an inept minister.

The story has attracted withering scrutiny and criticism on the Times of India's website, with most readers across the world trashing it. "The minister should be hauled up by the house for breach of privilege of parliament (by presenting false information based on hearsay). We Indians are undoubtedly one of the most successful ethnic groups in USA, be it in Medicine, Engineering, Entrepreneurship. BUT, that does not translate to those ridiculous numbers that have been presented....this is a circulating e-mail hoax," wrote in Soumya from USA, who said he worked at the NASA facility in Ames, California, and the number was nowhere near what was mentioned in the figures given to Parliament.

India rising in US: Govt falls victim to net hoax - Times Of India

Its a good thing hoax like this was debunked, imagine the misery if Indians continued to believe in hoaxes like the above or conspiracies like 9/11 hoax or holocaust being lie or Mumbai attack being false-flag.


And the fact is that India has starved its people-over 7000 Indians die of hunger every day-not Pakistan to build nukes.

Haq's Musings: "Starving" North Korea's Space Pursuit Different From Hungry India's?

A fact according so delusion Indo-phobe's musings?
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And the fact is that India has starved its people

43% of Pakistani kids are malnourished and stunted, 25% of deaths of kids in Pakistan below the age of 5 is because of malnourishment, 50% or so Pakistani's don't have access to toilets, 60% of Pakistani's suffer from food insecurity because of poverty, almost 50% of urban Pakistani's live in slums, Pakistani's over years have lost 4" of their average height due to malnourishment, Pakistan has a fiscal deficit and loan repayment that far exceeds it's foreign reserves this year itself and is in danger of defaulting and going bankrupt and dependent on external aid and loans. Polio is endemic in Pakistan, Terrorists are running rampant in most cities and areas in Pakistan and are uncontrollable by both security and judiciary in Pakistan, bomb blasts and killings are routine and not of any concern......but of course these statistics and more negative statistics that emanate out of Pakistan everyday will not concern you because you are more keen on deriding India (we have gargantuan problems - no denying that, and we don't need a Pakistani expert to tell us because we know that already).

So let's keep it to what you started the thread for - 2003 based data which has already been ridiculed. I think that TCS or Infosys alone employs more personnel than all of Pakistan's IT industry in toto does.
Blowing billions on symbolism doesn't help Indians who make up the world's largest population of poor, hungry, illiterate and sick people most of whom are still forced to defecate in the open. In fact, the situation of an average Indian is far worse than that of an average Sub-Saharan African.

Haq's Musings: 63 Years After Independence, India Remains Home to World's Largest Population of Poor, Hungry and Illiterates

Careful where you go with that argument.By your logic a student should burn his text book in order to stay warm at night.Are there many more like you in Pakistan?

You should try harder, time is not in your side, and your half cooked analysis are getting challenged by almost anybody and everybody.Instead of countering their questions, you try to avoid it and start talking about something else.Is that attention deficit or old habit?What will you do, if you ever come across a senior journalist?Where will you hide?

BTW.. @ topic I dont really give a damn about what was the method of calculation 10 years back.In IT industry, even one month old data is considered obsolete old man, get yourself updated.India is one of the biggest IT exporters in the World and still growing at a rate of 12-14%. Better luck next time.
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If India really exported so much IT to the US, then their current account deficit wouldn't be so atrociously high.
If India really exported so much IT to the US, then their current account deficit wouldn't be so atrociously high.

you calculated all that by yourself genius?care to share the sheet and the stats?
IT services are not counted among exports, its quite logical, but then again i am quoting the post of a.......... :D


10.7 billion worth of imports from Switzerland????? wtf do we import from there? swiss watches and swiss knives and pilatus trainers???????

The cr@p imports from China needs to be curtailed though - but our marwari's are fond of cr@p imports to make a fast buck.
10.7 billion worth of imports from Switzerland????? wtf do we import from there? swiss watches and swiss knives and pilatus trainers???????

The cr@p imports from China needs to be curtailed though - but our marwari's are fond of cr@p imports to make a fast buck.

Major items of India’s Imports from Switzerland
Swiss exports to India consist of machinery and equipment (electrical and mechanical),
precision instruments, pharmaceutical products dyes and chemicals, fertilizers, watches etc.
Indian stands at 14th position worldwide in terms of countries importing from Switzerland with
a contribution of 1.2% in Switzerland’s exports. After China and UAE, Switzerland stands at 3rd
position in terms of countries exporting to India.
Almost 90% of Indian imports from Switzerland comprise of Gold, precious stones and other
jewellery items. Excluding Gold, Switzerland has provided parts for nuclear reactors for the
purpose of power generation. Given that nuclear power is poised for accelerated growth in
India, Swiss suppliers of equipments and parts have a good opportunity to do business with

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