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Pakistan surpasses India's GDP growth rate

wow if u call our economy collapsing just because of the fluctuations we saw a few months back then what do u call ur best frnd pakistan's economy ??? "long collapsed and buried" ???

as 1 usd = 93 pkr

A few months back?

What is India's current growth rate?
Congress will suck this country dry in order to win the election....You guys will die in hell coming 2014..
A few months back?

What is India's current growth rate?

i do agree that for now our growth rate is 3.2% due to bad policy making and billion dollar scams but no economy collapse is not possible for another 1000 years as we have a huge market over here......in just a month dollar has fallen from 68 to 60-61 Rs and market is stable ryt now.........economy collapse is exaggeration
i do agree that for now our growth rate is 3.2% due to bad policy making and billion dollar scams but no economy collapse is not possible for another 1000 years as we have a huge market over here......in just a month dollar has fallen from 68 to 60-61 Rs and market is stable ryt now.........economy collapse is exaggeration

Not an economic collapse, but rather a collapse in the growth rate.

Which has undoubtedly happened in India.
Here vanishes the "India superpower" story. :rofl:

What happened to India's white slaves by 2030?

What happened to India's President Kalam saying India would be a superpower in 2012?

Looks like India is not only poorer than the entire continent of Africa, but now they are growing slower too. Sub-Saharan Africa has an average growth rate above 5%.
what can u expect luxury in donation. china , given soft loan these cheep chines products so that their idle factory will work

Our "idle factories" are growing fast. In fact, the manufacturing output of all the BRIC nations are going up... except India.

India is the only BRIC country who's manufacturing has been shrinking over the past few months. :rofl:

And our "idle" factories produce more economic output every year than the entire Indian GDP. :lol:
Greater attention to the gap between rich and poor and living standards should be the main focus......GDP is only one indicator of a nations health.
Greater attention to the gap between rich and poor and living standards should be the main focus......GDP is only one indicator of a nations health.

Social indicators are very important yes, but in this respect India performs even worse than their GDP performance.

India has nearly the worst social indicators in South Asia, far below Bangladesh for example.

Whether it is life expectancy or maternal mortality ratios, India performs near the bottom of the world.

Even North Korea has a life expectancy above the world average, whereas India's life expectancy is far below the world average.
Social indicators are very important yes, but in this respect India performs even worse than their GDP performance.

India has nearly the worst social indicators in South Asia, far below Bangladesh for example.

Whether it is life expectancy or maternal mortality ratios, India performs near the bottom of the world.

Even North Korea has a life expectancy above the world average, whereas India's life expectancy is far below the world average.

The Indians here really don't care about life expectancy. That is because most loss of life are from schedule tribe or caste groups. Most Indians that can read and have spare time to troll in PDF are not part of this group. As matter in fact, they only care about India being the superpower while ignoring people not of their caste in this British created country called India
The Indians here really don't care about life expectancy. That is because most loss of life are from schedule tribe or caste groups. Most Indians that can read and have spare time to troll in PDF are not part of this group. As matter in fact, they only care about India being the superpower while ignoring people not of their caste in this British created country called India

And much of their "superpower" boasting (like Indian President Kalam's claim that India would be a superpower by 2012) was based on some delusion of high growth.

The only period in which India grew fast was from 2004-2007, because those were global boom years and everyone was growing fast.

But take the average Indian GDP growth from 1992 to 2012 (use the World Bank link in the first post), and their level of growth is very unimpressive.
And now India is cutting their defence budget. :rofl:

How can a developing country that is "growing" (even if only at 3.2%) have to cut their defence budget?

The Rupee has fallen far more than that in the past year. In terms of nominal GDP India is actually falling, which means a lot, since they import everything down to the bullets.
Nothing to be proud of 4.2% is pathetic given the debt, given the fact that we are living off aid and loans, also given the fact that previous years have been so miserable that a leap in growth is what would be considered a good sign, this is too sluggish in that sense.
just because our growth rate has fallen for a while doesn't mean we can't bounce back.....as for being superpower we are in no hurry; we have all the time and besides we have nuclear detternt to guarantee our safety .......more 5 billion years till sun becomes a red giant 8-) .But 1 thing is clear we will become the most powerful country in earth someday and I seriously don't care even if we have to reach till 20012 to get this status , the fact is we are growing we are developing and where there is development there is hope,with each passing day we grow stronger,we learn from our mistakes.
World Bank is Zionist Jewish NWO Free Masonic Imperialist NAzi Institute, Donot Trust it for a Second
Pakistan lost over almost 100 Billion Dollars on So Called War on Error (Sorry Terror) and also lost over 200,000 Pakistani Citizens, soldiers, Police, Academias, Politicians etc.

so I say Hell with so Called Super Liars Corporations, Institutes, Banks, Zionist etc. to the Depts of Hell:moil:


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