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Japan, US, ASEAN must team up to counter China’s maritime advance

Filipinos, Japaneses, Americans he's a class A racist troll

See, if he acts racist, he is being a damn fool.

There are enough people in the world that look down on him because of his own race, language, mannerism etc. including on stormfront that the primitive fool was quoting here trying to act smart but being a bloody buffoon in reality...

I am not one of them. I don't believe in racial inequality.

But I do have contempt for pathetic idiotic jerks who try to act racist while themselves being victims of racism...
See, if he acts racist, he is being a fool.

There are enough people in the world that look down on him because of his own race, language, mannerism etc.

I am not one of them. I don't believe in racial inequality.

But I do have contempt for pathetic idiotic jerks who try to act racist while themselves being victims of racism...

Am Just saying anyway that's one way to picture that guy
Asian enemy is not Japan, China's enemy is not Japan, Russia and India is China's enemy.

China's enemy is NOT Japan!....you come to this forum with such a stupid views and spoil almost all threads.....better you fack off!
Amen building military base next to your neighbors without our consent and claiming whole sea is aggression nothing more!

Why do they need consent? If it's within their territory, then they don't need consent.

Also, bring back the Yanks to Clark and Subic is a sign of aggression.
Why do they need consent? If it's within their territory, then they don't need consent.

Also, bring back the Yanks to Clark and Subic is a sign of aggression.

Wow that's just a stupid statement to make!
So insightful! Thats neither here nor there. Natural allies implies countries have common interests.

What are you TRYING to say, sir?
China ruined the peaceful Asia.

Total BS. It's the imperialist US and those crazy Japs that want to portray China as the 'bad' guy for their own interest. We are a peace loving nation that never seeks hegemony.
Total BS. It's the imperialist US and those crazy Japs that want to portray China as the 'bad' guy for their own interest. We are a peace loving nation that never seeks hegemony.

Ha speak for yourself peace loving huh? building military only 100 miles to Philippine Province is hardly peaceful and trying to take more islands from Archipelago (state made of Islands if you don't know) hahahaha peaceful he says that's so funny hey guys the wolf said he's sheep too! that's rich hahahahahahahaha.
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