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turkish global hawk



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Sep 29, 2013
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MİT, havadan istihbarat toplamak için TÜBİTAK’la anlaştı

Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı (MİT), havadan görüntü ve ses istihbaratı toplamak için düğmeye bastı. Amerika'nın silahsız uçan ve keşif-gözetleme cihazlarıyla donatılan ‘global hawk' isimli projesinden esinlenen kurum, benzer bir hava aracının (İHA) üretimi için TÜBİTAK'la anlaştı.
MİT, TÜBİTAK'tan uzun süre havada kalabilecek ve yaklaşık 500 kilogram faydalı yük taşıyabilecek bir İHA istedi. Bu araç hem dinleme yapacak hem de görüntü çekecek. Anlaşmanın ardından uçak mühendisi aramaya başlayan TÜBİTAK Amerika'daki bazı savunma şirketleriyle de temasa geçti.
MİT daha önce Heron ve uydulardan gelen görüntülerin kendi bünyesinde toplanması için de bir çalışma başlatmıştı. MİT ile TÜBİTAK arasında geçtiğimiz şubat ayında da kritik bir anlaşma imzalanmıştı. TÜBİTAK, Bilişim ve Bilgi Güvenliği İleri Teknolojiler Araştırma Merkezi’nde kurulacak istihbarat laboratuvarlarında yüksek teknolojili istihbarat ekipmanlarının üretimine yoğunlaşacak. Dinleme kestirme cihazları, böcekler, sinyal kesiciler artık bu laboratuvarlarda üretilecek. 220 milyon dolarlık projenin finansmanını ise Savunma Sanayii Müsteşarlığı üstlenmişti.
İki kurum arasındaki işbirliği geçtiğimiz günlerde bir adım daha öteye taşındı. MİT, tarihinde ilk kez kendi gelişmiş İHA’sını kullanmaya karar verdi. MİT’e ilham kaynağı olan İHA ise Global Hawk isimli İHA. Amerikan yapımı yüksek irtifa (HALE) insansız hava aracı olan Global Hawk, keşif ve gözetleme maksatlı algılayıcılar ile donatılıyor. Bir kıtadan kalkıp uydular vasıtası ile diğer bir kıtadan yönetilerek bir başka kıta üzerinde keşif yaptıktan sonra elde ettiği hava görüntülerini yine bir başka kıtaya aktarabiliyor. Bu casus uçağı, yüksek irtifada sürekli keşif ve denetleme yapabiliyor. Kalkış alanından 3 bin deniz mili uzaktaki menzillerde görev yapabiliyor, ayrıca hedef sahasının üzerinde 24 saat boyunca ve 60 bin feet’ten daha yükseklerde kalabiliyor. MİT’in TÜBİTAK’tan talep ettiği İHA’nın iç istihbaratta mı yoksa dış istihbaratta mı kullanılacağı henüz net değil.

MIT, the air has agreed to gather intelligence TUBITAK National Intelligence Organization (MIT), the aerial image and sound to gather intelligence, pressed the button. America flying unarmed surveillance and reconnaissance-equipped devices 'Global Hawk' is inspired by the project organization, similar to an aircraft (UAV) reached an agreement for the production of TUBITAK. , MIT, Scientific Research Council, and about 500 kilograms payload can stay in the air for a long time to carry asked for a UAV. This tool will listen to both capture images as well. Following the deal, some defense companies in the United States at TUBITAK began looking for aircraft engineer contacted. MYTH earlier Heron and images from satellites launched a study to collect your own site. TÜBİTAK critical of MIT signed an agreement last February. TUBITAK, IT and Advanced Technology Research Center for Information Security intelligence laboratories established focus on the production of high-tech intelligence equipment. Listening shorthand devices, insects, signal breakers is now produced in laboratories. The Undersecretariat for Defense Industries undertook the financing of 220 million dollar project. cooperation between the two institutions recently moved one step further. MIT, for the first time decided to use their advanced İHA'sını. View of the Global Hawk UAV, which inspired the MIT UAV. American-made high-altitude (HALE) Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicles, reconnaissance and surveillance sensors are equipped with purpose. Up and managed from one continent to the other by means of satellites from one continent to another continent after the discovery of yet another continent able to transfer images obtained from the air. This spy plane, the high-altitude reconnaissance and monitoring can continuously. Flights able to serve the area of 3 thousand nautical miles distant ranges, as well as on the target area can remain for 24 hours, and 60 thousand feet and higher. MIT Scientific Research Council is requested to use the UAV domestic intelligence or a foreign intelligence is not yet clear. M
MİT, TÜBİTAK agree to develop intelligence drone

The National Intelligence Organization (MİT) has entered into a contract with the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) to develop an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that can gather visual and audio information.
MİT, inspired by the US-manufactured Global Hawk spy planes, has asked TÜBİTAK to develop a similar drone. The vehicle will be designed to remain in the air for long periods of time with a cargo of up to 500 kilograms while carrying out audio and video surveillance.

The successful completion of the project would mean that MİT is for the first time able to use a drone of its own.

TÜBİTAK has reportedly begun searching for an aircraft engineer who will be able to lead the project. Council members have also contacted some US defense companies with regards to the project.

MİT is also pursuing the provision of video surveillance through the satellites and Heron UAVs of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) for its own databases.

MİT and TÜBİTAK signed a major agreement in February for a 10-year research and development project that will involve the manufacture of high-tech intelligence devices at new TÜBİTAK laboratories. It has been reported that bugging devices, wiretaps and jamming devices will be produced within the scope of the project. The Undersecretariat for the Defense Industry (SSM) will fund this $220 million project.

ihave it from sundays zaman, but i cant post the link
Nothing new here Anka-TP already planned and first fly expected at 2016.
Thank You Brother for the link


I think anka -tp is Maybe a Hale too,but anka cant Fly 60 000 feet
Thank You Brother for the link


I think anka -tp is Maybe a Hale too,but anka cant Fly 60 000 feet

Yeap you are true ANKA-TP will be a HALE class UAV.

Quating from Cabatli

ANKA-TP is a different story which will be almost 2x bigger than original ANKA's. ANKA-TP has a take off weight around 5 tonnes (Anka 1,5 tonnes) and 1 tonnes payload (ANKA 250 kg) capacity. It is planned to climb an altitude around 45000ft(ANKA-A 27000ft, Anka-B 30000ft). It is planned first flight as early as 2016.
ANKA-TP will be direct competitor of Heron-TP and Reaper UAV in 2016. With ANKA-TP to be revealed into market, I think USA will has to soften their export restriction policies because If not, Turkey would be sole Armed-HALE exporter country of the World (I don't know China).

ANKA-B will be lighter and fully operational version of ANKA-A with Aselsan SAR radar and AselFlir-235 QWIP E/O payload which will climb an altitude around 30000ft. If It is needed, Roketsan made munitions can easily be integrated on it While sacrificing altitude performance. ANKA-B will be on table in 2014.

EADS Global Website - Talarion

2013 and not 2012 ,Germany has always CASH !

Thats just a picture,no text nothing.
Where does it say work in progress or ready?
EADS’ Talarion. The Talarion Advanced UAV project was rolled out in 2009 as the European MALE (Medium Altitude, Long Endurance) UAV collaboration between France, Spain, and Germany, and was one of the 2 bids submitted to the French in 2010. After that impressive entrance, however, it faded. The reasons boil down to time, cost, and risk.

Unlike the other options here, Talarion is an entirely new design. That increases risk, and ensures that all integration must be done de novo. It’s also the only jet-powered UAV in this set, and seems positioned as a heavy, high-end option somewhere between the MQ-9 Reaper and the USAF’s high altitude, very long endurance RQ-4 Global Hawk. EADS reportedly offered a pre-financed EUR 1.4 billion development deal for Talarion, in return for a purchase commitment beginning around 2017. French parliamentary estimates placed Talarion’s total program costs at around EUR 2.9 billion, including around 12-15 systems of 3 UAVs each.

France didn’t bite. Turkey said yes in principle, but needed others to step forward. Meanwhile, Spain’s ongoing financial crisis, and Germany’s sharp defense budget cuts, stripped Talarion of its original European support. EADS was investing its own funds to continue development, but they officially suspended that work in February 2012.

Apres Harfang: France’s Next High-End UAVs
Look at the date.
Omg i read enough news about EADS that the Project is aren´t Stopped after Eurohawk´s fails.

Enough news from Actually new Defence Exhibitions are presented from EADS.

Are you living in Germany or Me ?

EADS is working actually for Germany !


Did you think that Germany will buy his Vehicles or Planes from USA in the Future if they have the possbility to develope their own Drones ?

We are talking here about Germany !

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