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ISRO Rendezvous & Docking experiment Update


Aug 14, 2013
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Antariksh: ISRO Rendezvous & Docking experiment Update

ISRO Rendezvous & Docking experiment Update

As mentioned previously on this blog, ISRO has been working on a rendezvous and docking (RVD) experiment mission involving two IMS (Indian Micro Satellite) series spacecrafts. ISAC, a ISRO centre, has been involved in developing navigation and guidance algorithm for RVD. In this experiment, two IMS Spacecrafts, one designated as target and the other designated as chaser, will be launched by a PSLV launcher into two slightly different orbits. There will be no communication link between the target and chaser during the far range rendezvous phase in which relative separation between the spacecrafts will be around 50km to 5km range and this phase will be a ground guided phase. In the docking phase of the mission, docking sensors such as Laser Range Finder during the relative separation of 5 km to 0.25km, Docking Camera during the relative separation of 300m to 1m ,Visual Camera for real time imaging during the relative separation of 1m to docking will be used respectively.

For the purpose of testing and verification of vision based docking algorithms before a real world implementation is carried out, ISRO has developed a 3D simulation environment that is being used to simulate docking phase of the mission. A snap of the simulation is presented in the Figure below.

3D Simulation of Chaser and Target to test vision based RVD. (credit ISRO, [1])

Targeted Applications of RVD: RVD technology is one of many enabling technologies for ISRO's human space flight program. Another promising application of this technology will be increasing age of ISRO's satellites like that from IRS, INSAT and IRNSS systems. RVD technology will allow a resupply (fuel, power pack etc) spacecraft to dock with a satellite in orbit and allow for replenishment of fuel and power pack, thereby increasing satellites age. To facilitate this, as per my research, ISRO has been designing its newest satellite bus called I-6K, which is a unified bus with modular design ,multi EV panels and scalable structure (Bus module & payload module). A modular design will allow easy and fast replacement of bus module in the orbit by the resupply space craft. The resupply spacecraft might itself be a new bus module (with fuel, power pack etc.) that will dock with the payload module in the orbit after the old bus module undocks.

I-6K Concept Art.

[1] Gladwin J, et al., Performance Evaluation of a Vision Sensor in 3D Virtual Environment for Rendezvous and Docking Application.
No country would resort to live docking without a simulated trial.. Those advocating for it hail from a nation of senseless generation.

Hold on, this time, peaceful has a point. Why would India carry out a docking experiment if there is no manned space flight. Isn't this putting carriage before the horse. First, you need to send man to space. And also put a space module into space. Once that is done, you can try docking. Otherwise, what is the point of docking two modules together? if its just to prove that you can do it, its a waste of resources.
It's another propaganda stunt by ISRO to fool the jingoistic Indian public into believe that they too have done what we have done in 'rendezvous and docking'.

They just want to get those words 'rendezvous and docking' out to the gullible Indian public to think they have done space lab rendezvous and docking. It's manipulation of the worst kind.

This is why our Indian members are so uninformed because of the constant bombardment of propaganda coming out of ISRO given to their media at the orders of the political regime in power.
No country would resort to live docking without a simulated trial.. Those advocating for it hail from a nation of senseless generation.

honest nations don't keep their citizens updated on such simulation results, it is called simulated results for a reason. india is doing this because it is using nationalism to shift the domestic anger on why it is behind China on every single sector.

dude, in China, no one ever told us that we have 5th generation J-20 in development, instead, our generals repeatedly denied the existance of such project. the entire world saw the results - we are flying J-20 and we have a J-31 project as backup. We don't fool our citizens until the deal is done.

dude, in China, the CCP didn't sell me their plan to build 10000km high speed rail, they build it, then they talk. why your big mouth indian losers can't show me some self respect and start delivering results rather than endless propaganda?

you dream this, you plan that, one proposal after another, one agenda after another schema, tell me, who many LCA are serving your air force? how many GSLV have been launched successfully?

tell me, where is your manned mission? how many indians have travelled to space and then returned to earth safely using indian build rocket?

Let me give you the answer: ZERO

It's another propaganda stunt by ISRO to fool the jingoistic Indian public into believe that they too have done what we have done in 'rendezvous and docking'.

They just want to get those words 'rendezvous and docking' out to the gullible Indian public to think they have done space lab rendezvous and docking. It's manipulation of the worst kind.

This is why our Indian members are so uninformed because of the constant bombardment of propaganda coming out of ISRO given to their media at the orders of the political regime in power.

they'd better keep doing this simulation on the ground. the last thing you want is an indian human body satellite in orbit.

look at their GSLV's success rate, look at the progress of their LCA and Arjun, look at their power grid quality, look at their infrastructure, oh, let's don't forget the commonwealth game!

what a great nation of honesty!
honest nations don't keep their citizens updated on such simulation results, it is called simulated results for a reason. india is doing this because it is using nationalism to shift the domestic anger on why it is behind China on every single sector.

dude, in China, no one ever told us that we have 5th generation J-20 in development, instead, our generals repeatedly denied the existance of such project. the entire world saw the results - we are flying J-20 and we have a J-31 project as backup. We don't fool our citizens until the deal is done.

dude, in China, the CCP didn't sell me their plan to build 10000km high speed rail, they build it, then they talk. why your big mouth indian losers can't show me some self respect and start delivering results rather than endless propaganda?

you dream this, you plan that, one proposal after another, one agenda after another schema, tell me, who many LCA are serving your air force? how many GSLV have been launched successfully?

tell me, where is your manned mission? how many indians have travelled to space and then returned to earth safely using indian build rocket?

Let me give you the answer: ZERO

they'd better keep doing this simulation on the ground. the last thing you want is an indian human body satellite in orbit.

look at their GSLV's success rate, look at the progress of their LCA and Arjun, look at their power grid quality, look at their infrastructure, oh, let's don't forget the commonwealth game!

what a great nation of honesty!

Every nation should be allowed to progress at their own pace. Its when the government is dishonest about its ability or intentions that is when the people are pissed off. I'm in American and I know this first hand. And the government can be voted out. I wonder when will people of mainland China can vote off their leader.
Hold on, this time, peaceful has a point. Why would India carry out a docking experiment if there is no manned space flight. Isn't this putting carriage before the horse. First, you need to send man to space. And also put a space module into space. Once that is done, you can try docking. Otherwise, what is the point of docking two modules together? if its just to prove that you can do it, its a waste of resources.

It seems the free environment in US did not help much to remove your native ignorance. You dont need a space lab and manned program to perform a RVD experiment. When you develop RVD tech on your own, the logical way is to first use two satellites to perform and master RVD and once the technology is perfected, it can be used for satellite refueling services, manned missions etc. Chinese did not require to perform such experiment because they bought/copied/stole the already proven russian docking technology. That negated the need to first develop and perfect RVD technology on a small scale demonstration.
It seems the free environment in US did not help much to remove your native ignorance. You dont need a space lab and manned program to perform a RVD experiment. When you develop RVD tech on your own, the logical way is to first use two satellites to perform and master RVD and once the technology is perfected, it can be used for satellite refueling services, manned missions etc. Chinese did not require to perform such experiment because they bought/copied/stole the already proven russian docking technology. That negated the need to first develop and perfect RVD technology on a small scale demonstration.

To tell you the truth, most countries do not even announce this kind of progress. When a scientist publish a paper, do they announce it when they are writing their rough draft. What is wrong with this Indian gov or media in this regard?
Every nation should be allowed to progress at their own pace. Its when the government is dishonest about its ability or intentions that is when the people are pissed off. I'm in American and I know this first hand. And the government can be voted out. I wonder when will people of mainland China can vote off their leader.

Vote off their leader for what? to get morons like Singh voted in to destroy the nation? india is a best example for this: democracy is never about voting, it is about a system that can actually work and delivery benefits to everyone in a fair manner!

please be honest and tell me:

which nation provides better opportunties for their young citizens? CHINA. our economy is 4x as big as india's crashed one.

which nation provides better infrastructure to support its future? CHINA. we have 10000km high speed rail, 100000km expressway, we don't shut down our national power grid and then promote our power minister.

which nation has more honest leaders? CHINA. we don't have liar like Singh who claimed that mumbai could catch up with Shanghai in 5 years.

which nation has better education? CHINA. check your favourite university ranking, check the OECD ranking. we don't sell you a plan, we give your results that can be independently verified.

which nation has better high tech? CHINA. what is the biggest indian internet company? how many indian internet companies are comparable to Tencent, Baidu, Taobao? ZERO. india lost the competition!

which nation has better R&D in general? CHINA. check the Nature publishing index, check the Science publishing index, check the number of Chinese papers published on Cell. we beat india in every single sector, in fact, we beat Japan in almost every single field in terms of the recent published papers on those top ranking journals.

which country has a more stable investment environment? CHINA. 3.3 TRILLION USD can change your tiny Taiwan island into a booming market or a dead end dump site.

VOTE off our leaders? FFS, I want them to lead my nation to win the competition, they have the proven skills to do so! Please enjoy your Obama BS, please enjoy your Singh joke, however please keep it to yourself.


let me tell you something: democracy should never be defined by a couple ruling nations. your definition is nothing but a propaganda and india is the proof of that. what indians get from such "democracy"? high life expectancy? No, their lifespan is shorter. less corruption? No, they never fight corruption, how many high level corrupted officials get charged?
Vote off their leader for what? to get morons like Singh voted in to destroy the nation? india is a best example for this: democracy is never about voting, it is about a system that can actually work and delivery benefits to everyone in a fair manner!

please be honest and tell me:

which nation provides better opportunties for their young citizens? CHINA. our economy is 4x as big as india's crashed one.

which nation provides better infrastructure to support its future? CHINA. we have 10000km high speed rail, 100000km expressway, we don't shut down our national power grid and then promote our power minister.

which nation has more honest leaders? CHINA. we don't have liar like Singh who claimed that mumbai could catch up with Shanghai in 5 years.

which nation has better education? CHINA. check your favourite university ranking, check the OECD ranking. we don't sell you a plan, we give your results that can be independently verified.

which nation has better high tech? CHINA. what is the biggest indian internet company? how many indian internet companies are comparable to Tencent, Baidu, Taobao? ZERO. india lost the competition!

which nation has better R&D in general? CHINA. check the Nature publishing index, check the Science publishing index, check the number of Chinese papers published on Cell. we beat india in every single sector, in fact, we beat Japan in almost every single field in terms of the recent published papers on those top ranking journals.

which country has a more stable investment environment? CHINA. 3.3 TRILLION USD can change your tiny Taiwan island into a booming market or a dead end dump site.

I thought Chinese do not compare with India any more? But its hard not to given that Indians like to compare with China as you can see in this forum. So I don't blame you.
To tell you the truth, most countries do not even announce this kind of progress. When a scientist publish a paper, do they announce it when they are writing their rough draft. What is wrong with this Indian gov or media in this regard?

Neither Indian gov nor Indian media published this news. At least do some due diligence before start barking or may be thats your native nature which is clear from the behavior of many of your compatriots here.
Neither Indian gov nor Indian media published this news. At least do some due diligence before start barking or may be thats your native nature which is clear from the behavior of many of your compatriots here.

So its just an average Indian that like to brag. I get it. Is this person you?
I don't understand why other country men are so agitated about it. They are gonna dock to satellite to see if the docking system works properly. The simulation test would make sure that the all the programs/software are working properly before they try it in real time otherwise they will have two crashed satellites.
So its just an average Indian that like to brag. I get it. Is this person you?

That called height of stupidity!!!

I don't understand why other country men are so agitated about it. They are gonna dock to satellite to see if the docking system works properly. The simulation test would make sure that the all the programs/software are working properly before they try it in real time otherwise they will have two crashed satellites.

They don't understand the logic behind performing a small scale demonstration. Their gov stole/bought the proven technology from Russia like they do it in all other sectors and used it for building their space module. They did not have to first develop it and demonstrate it on a small scale.
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