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@Zarvan is caviar from sturgent fish hallal or haram
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yes- most of them were wearing white jaba and women had same kind of burqa.....kinda look cool. and they were organized and seemed educated enough
Not much followers the only thing is they are well organised and mostly live in one place that is why they look a lot and mostly have same get up
@Zarvan is caviar from sturgent fish hallal or haram

I would have to check that out

yes- most of themb were wearing white jaba and women had same kind of burqa.....kinda look cool. and they were organized and seemed educated enough
Yes that is correct this is often the case with minority sects Sunnis and in Sunnis I include Wahabi deobandi and Barelwis take everything for granted so they are least bothered about reading what Islam is
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Well its basically, weed grinned , mixed with Lassi [Shaken yogurt and water] + almonds, sultanas and other dry fruit. It becomes part of your digestive system, therefore absorbs in your bloodstream and affects your neuron function.

If you drink Bhang you'll get 30% more stoned 35% faster - as compared to smoking the SAME amount of weed.

I doubt it ------------

OR you get your hands on some super scream instead of regular weed, super cream hash. And blast off. Or you can make @Secur's day by procuring Salvia and getting it to Pakistan.:rofl:

Bhang can really get to you, Holi time you can get it here for like just 20 bucks- and good stuff too given that we're used to shelling out 3K for good manala cream.:cheesy:

@Hyperion Weed, Hash, OR clean?
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Hash....... :D

OR you get your hands on some super scream instead of regular weed, super cream hash. And blast off. Or you can make @Secur's day by procuring Salvia and getting it to Pakistan.:rofl:

Bhang can really get to you, Holi time you can get it here for like just 20 bucks- and good stuff too given that we're used to shelling out 3K for good manala cream.:cheesy:

@Hyperion Weed, Hash, OR clean?
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Hash....... :D

Well well well, super cream it is then. Ab aa bhi jao India, go upto the hills where the cream will cost like 1000INR or well many of the nice folk there will let you have copious amounts of it for free too. Food from all around the world, and I mean all around, for nothing more than 100INR a day- quality stuff given that these joints cater to a massive college/firang/tourist rush year after year despite being cheaper than Punjabi dhabas.:P
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Lala, results of the experiment....

Ingredients: bhang + baddam + naswar as floating garnish
Target: Rottweiler

The target is incapable of controlling three legs at the same time.... every time third one is about to straighten out, first one collapses... and you should see the DUMB look the stupid ***** face...... it doesn't get what's happening to it.... I sat there and observed...... it moved a total of 2 feet in 2 hours....... :cheesy:

You pervert!!!!! :lol:
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