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Baktar Shikan with Syrian Rebels??

Im not the one who usually shares the blogs but the pictures in blog shows clearly them using it.

Pakistan should have no role in giving any support to these terrorists.

I dont think its us involved here, but the Question is at the moment from where they brought them?
I suspect these r Bosnian Baktar Shikans supplied to BH men in 90s.
Where were you my friend, before the creation of Free syrian Army, when Al Assad and Shahbiya militia were killing women children and innocents in dozens on daily basis?

Oh! very much where I m now. Why do need to be an advocate of terrorists, supported by foreign powers for their agenda?
Assad started the butchery. FSA was a mere solution to Assad's massacre formed by locals and later supported by Turkey and Saudi Arabia, atleast. There isn't any Western country associated with FSA, they're enjoy the war and having their bets placed upon Assad, and increasing their sales by supplying weapons to Assad.

It has been over two years. If anyone cares, they'd bomb government like in Libya. It is all about personal gains, showing sympathy on media, but since they have no interest in who wins, they're just asking for sales of weapons.

FSA are freedom-fighters, asking for rights. You cannot call them rebels, or terrorists. I wouldn't be upset to see Pak supporting them.
Assad started the butchery. FSA was a mere solution to Assad's massacre formed by locals and later supported by Turkey and Saudi Arabia, atleast. There isn't any Western country associated with FSA, they're enjoy the war and having their bets placed upon Assad, and increasing their sales by supplying weapons to Assad.

It has been over two years. If anyone cares, they'd bomb government like in Libya. It is all about personal gains, showing sympathy on media, but since they have no interest in who wins, they're just asking for sales of weapons.

FSA are freedom-fighters, asking for rights. You cannot call them rebels, or terrorists. I wouldn't be upset to see Pak supporting them.

FSA is not all freedom fighters. Thats the biggest misnomer you can think of.

I m no Assad fan and I have no reason to oppose or favor him. But I do oppose this open foreign interference in a country.

There are many despots in Middle East who have got the support of the moral brigade of the West. Just because Assad is not in the good books of West doesnot mean he is no good. He might be just as bad, but the consequence of this openly supported civil war will create another headless state in the Israeli neighborhood.

Syria is paying this price because Syria is the only country which has an anti-Israeli stance. The rest either have illegitimate relations with the jewish state or dying to have some relationship with it.

If FSA wins, Syria will plunge into this brutal sectarian strife which has weakened the states in the region considerably.

Syria is a socialist country with free medical facilities for its population. Assad's kids go to local schools too. If nothing else, try emulating these two qualities in Pakistan and then call him by whatever name.
In the end, you are entitled to your opinion and I am to mine.
On topic:

The pictures surely are of HJ-8/B-Shikan. However, Chinese are supporting Assad and wouldn't supply HJ-8 to FSA. PPP government showed support for Assad. Pakistan cannot be officially supplying these to FSA, but it is possible via a different route, these ATs were issued.
The Question still remains r these HJ-8s or Bks n who gave them n how?

I agree with airmarshal that we should mind our business.
The Question still remains r these HJ-8s or Bks n who gave them n how?

I agree with airmarshal that we should mind our business.

No we shouldnt, the iranians support the indians when it comes to their benefit. So why shouldnt we support the FSA and gain good will in with their supporters as well.
No we shouldnt, the iranians support the indians when it comes to their benefit. So why shouldnt we support the FSA and gain good will in with their supporters as well.

Being neutral in this will serve us well.

Anyways now back to topic n the actual Question again is how they got it n from whom?

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