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China is a modern ugly giant pirate worm. China's strategy is 'what is your is ours, and what is our is solely ours.' If you disagree, our navy will take your natural maritime resources by force'
US senators blast China's use of force in sea disputes

By Jojo Malig, ABS-CBNnews.com
Posted at 06/13/2013 12:22 AM | Updated as of 06/13/2013 12:35 AM

MANILA, Philippines - US senators have filed a resolution condemning China's use of threats and force in territorial disputes with other countries.

Senate Resolution 167, filed on Monday by Senators Robert Menendrez (Democrat, New Jersey), Marco Antonio Rubio (Republican, Florida), and Ben Cardin (Democrat, Maryland), also urges countries contesting ownership of parts of the West Philippine Sea and East China Sea to create and approve a code of conduct to avoid conflicts.

Menendez chairs the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, while Rubio is being touted as a possible Republican presidential candidate in the 2016 elections.

The resolution, which has been referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, cited many dangerous incidents involving Chinese actions in the West Philippine Sea and the East China Sea.

These include Chinese vessels cutting the seismic survey cables of a Vietnamese oil exploration ship in May 2011; Chinese vessels barricading the entrance to the Scarborough Reef lagoon in April 2012; China issuing an official map that defines its contested "9-dash line'' as China's national border; and, since May 8, 2013, Chinese naval and marine surveillance ships maintaining a regular presence in waters around the Second Thomas Shoal, located approximately 105 nautical miles northwest of Palawan.

It also cited a Department of State spokesperson expressing concern in 2012 over China's upgrading of the administrative level of Sansha City in the West Philippine Sea and the establishment of a new military garrison in the contested area.

The resolution added that in January 2013, a Chinese naval ship allegedly fixed its weapons-targeting radar on Japanese vessels near the Senkaku islands, and on April 23, 2013, 8 Chinese marine surveillance ships entered the 12-nautical-mile territorial zone off the Senkaku Islands, further escalating regional tensions.

The senators said Beijing recently took other unilateral steps, including declaring the Senkaku Islands a "core interest", "improperly drawing'' baselines around the Senkaku Islands, and maintaining a military presence around the islands that are under control by Japan.

The resolution is asking the US Senate to condemn "the use of coercion, threats, or force by naval, maritime security, or fishing vessels and military or civilian aircraft in the South China Sea and the East China Sea to assert disputed maritime or territorial claims or alter the status quo."

It urged all parties in the disputed areas to exercise self-restraint to prevent any acts in that would escalate tensions.

The resolution, which highlighted US interests in ensuring freedom of navigation and overflight in the Asia-Pacific, urged member-states of ASEAN and China to develop a code of conduct of parties in the West Philippine Sea.

It said claimants in the West Philippine Sea should resolve disputes through processes that adhere to international law, including via international arbitration.

The resolution also supports the alliances forged by the US Armed Forces with other countries in the region to ensure peace.

US senators blast China's use of force in sea disputes | ABS-CBN News
Those are our islands and we are patrolling them. We do what we want, when we want, how we want. Why? Because we are mighty China. That's why!!!
Wu Mao is that you?

You want Asia free from the yoke of Western imperialism?

Then destroy the ROOT. Destroy North Korea and the CCP.
The 50 Cent Party are Internet commentators (网络评论员, 網絡評論員, wǎngluò pínglùn yuán) hired by the government of the People's Republic of China (both local and central) or the Communist Party to post comments favorable towards party policies in an attempt to shape and sway public opinion on various Internet message boards.[1][2] The commentators are said to be paid fifty cent of Renminbi for every post that either steers a discussion away from anti-party or sensitive content on domestic websites, bulletin board systems, and chatrooms,[3] or that advances the Communist party line.


The English version of China-based Global Times reported that Changsha Publicity Department's Internet commentators were paid 0.5 yuan per post, which is considered as the origin of the term "50 Cent Party". However, according to the local party-building website, the basic salary of such commentators was 600 yuan in 2006.

In 2010, the Internet commentators from Hengyang Municipal Committee Party School were paid 0.1 yuan per post and less than 100 yuan's monthly bonus.

A county-level discipline inspection commission's Internet commentator from Hunan Province told Global Times that a 500 word article is worth 40 yuan on local websites and 200 yuan on national sites.

Paid Internet Chinese trolls
Three newly-launched vessels built at GJS,including CMS(CCG)1118, about to join the law enforcement force:



Bubr ploughing waves in the SCS soon:






These shots were taken at Longxue Shipbuilding Base in Guangzhou where more Zubrs will be built in the next couple of years。
Fake products made in China, it will be clashed like airplane MA60 in Myanmar.

Was the same accident at Kupang, Eastern Indonesia a several days ago.

Merpati MA60 crash lands in Indonesia
Jun. 10, 2013 Karen Walker

A Merpati Nusantara Airlines MA60 turboprop made a hard landing at El Tari airport in Kupang, Indonesia, Monday, seriously damaging the aircraft and injuring some passengers.

According to Channel NewsAsia, officials said there were 52 people onboard, including crew. Between two and eight people were said to have sustained minor injuries according to different local reports.

Merpati operates 14 Chinese-made Xian Aircraft Industrial Corp. MA60s.

A Merpati MA60 crashed in 2011 near Kaimana Airport in Indonesia, killing all 21 passengers and six crew aboard.


taken from atwonline.com

damn cant post the pic yet...
Bubr ploughing waves in the SCS soon:

These shots were taken at Longxue Shipbuilding Base in Guangzhou where more Zubrs will be built in the next couple of years。
LOL, at before LiaoNing's commission, Chinese keep spout out how mighty of China and how scary for Vietnam, Philippine ships in SCS, but then ... the Casino just for show off :omghaha:

Zubr's not enough capable endurance for long range in SCS, if you want to play with this toys, it'll better for ECS - Japan sea, but, of course, PRC has no balls to play rough with Japan-USA. :coffee:
Was the same accident at Kupang, Eastern Indonesia a several days ago.


taken from atwonline.com

damn cant post the pic yet...
Well, careful with Chinese products, it's good way to live. :coffee:
Those are our islands and we are patrolling them. We do what we want, when we want, how we want. Why? Because we are mighty China. That's why!!!

And yet you sign unclos and yet your still wrong and your the only one i mean all of you chinese believe that crap and no one else
Three newly-launched vessels built at GJS,including CMS(CCG)1118, about to join the law enforcement force:




Are water cannons necessary?
Just in case...
Illegal fishing, poaching, grabbing, robbing, stealing, polluting, bullying, gun-toting, spying, sabotaging, bribing, hacking, counterfeiting... name anything evil, China has it all.

This greedy giant crocodile is a rogue state run by gun-toting gangsters. Truly, EVIL China is a grave danger to world peace and stability.

We look forward to the hanging to death of these gangster idiotic Chinese leaders and generals. People who live by the gun will die by the gun.
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