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Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines


If you do not KNOW WHAT RAMMING is, can you please OPEN your dictionary? thanks

THE fisherman was not shot when he allegedly tried the ramming, but when he was running away. Tell me, smart guy, what violence is involved in running away?



As long as you STAY in the INTERNATIONAL WATERS, then there will be no problems.

Taiwan might gotten our APOLOGY BUT not our SINCERITY.

If you go to FILIPINO webites, News, blogs and the likes.

You will find out that

99.9% of Filipinos

don't think

Taiwan deserved an apology


No matter what you say,

99.9% of Filipinos

don't think

Taiwan deserved an apology

Nuff Said
Taiwan is part of China. But ROC did not signed UNCLOS, therefore they are not bound by it. ROC is only bound by whatever agreement she has with any other country.
All countries has to respect the territory right of another countries. But claiming an area to be undisputed when clearly another do not agree do not work in international law. The world that we lived in today respect the sovereignty of all nations. All nations could chose to abide by or not abide by any international law.

Thank you sir, for your voice of reason in this morass of shits
Taiwan is part of China. But ROC did not signed UNCLOS, therefore they are not bound by it. ROC is only bound by whatever agreement she has with any other country.
All countries has to respect the territory right of another countries. But claiming an area to be undisputed when clearly another do not agree do not work in international law. The world that we lived in today respect the sovereignty of all nations. All nations could chose to abide by or not abide by any international law.

Disputed waters? Taiwan EVEN SIGNED and recognized that the AREA was UNDER the Philippines during the term of President Cory Aquino in the 1980s.

Taiwan is contradicting what they've signed then.:cuckoo:

As long as you STAY in the INTERNATIONAL WATERS, then there will be no problems.

you are soo wrong, this was not the first shooting of Taiwanese fishermen by PCG, this is a routine that has gone on for 20 years. It is standard procedure for PCG to shoot at any Taiwanese fishermen on sight, then capture the boat as a prize, and then extort the fishermen's family.

and don't gimme your bull crap about Pilipino waters, Taiwanese fishermen have been pushed around by the Japs and now Flips for long enough. Just get ready for retribution.
Taiwan is really very persistent in their agenda to get US support.

So no wonder if their reporter got palmed on her face :omghaha:


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THE fisherman was not shot when he allegedly tried the ramming, but when he was running away. Tell me, smart guy, what violence is involved in running away?

Running away my A**.

Still RAMMING is A VIOLENT action. If that incident happened in the US, I bet they would have done the same thing!


As long as you STAY in the INTERNATIONAL WATERS, then there will be no problems.

you are soo wrong, this was not the first shooting of Taiwanese fishermen by PCG, this is a routine that has gone on for 20 years. It is standard procedure for PCG to shoot at any Taiwanese fishermen on sight, then capture the boat as a prize, and then extort the fishermen's family.

and don't gimme your bull crap about Pilipino waters, Taiwanese fishermen have been pushed around by the Japs and now Flips for long enough. Just get ready for retribution.

Hahaha and you only complain now? How Ironic right?

Retribution? go ahead

if you want another dead TAIWANESE lol:sniper:

Thank you sir, for your voice of reason in this morass of shits

I bet you guys both failed GEOGRAPHY.

I've not talk too much in here because the time of discussion is over. Its time for action.
Yes and he is acting very irrational and lack of prudence. Instead of cooling down the tensions, he keeps ratcheting it up. President Ma is barking to restore confidence from his people, at the expense of the Philippines. It would have been proper if Mr. Ma lets the investigation take its course and do it in a civilized manner.

Anyway 74% of Taiwanese are dissatisfied with President, Ma. He's got to do everything and anything to gain favors from the public by sensationalizing this incident.

Poaching is one issue, ramming your boat with the intent to harm or evade apprehension is another. The bullet was not intended for the fisherman, it was intended for the motor of their boat. The fisherman was accidentally hit. If it was intentional then none of those fishermen will survive. The bullet holes are located at the front, side and at the back of the boat. Not on the deck where the passengers are located. Has anyone really seen how much a 30caliber machine gun can do? 52 shot holes.

IF the coast guards wanted to kill the fisher man intentionally I would say that at least 60% of those bullets would have hit that fisherman and yet it's located at the front of the boat indicating that the fisherman's boat was FACING THE COASTGUARDS boat in RAMMING position.

President Ma has demanded an apology, compensation, fishing rights, etc within the deadline it imposed regardless of the result of investigation. His reaction to the situation is strange and irrational because such demands are normally raised after the result of investigations. The Philippines already have done enough in taking steps to apologize (disregarding the fact that National Territory was crossed). Taiwan should re-calibrate their way of thinking and approach on the issue as their temper-driven actions might lead to far greater and long-term consequences.

If Taiwan continues this hot-headed attitude towards the issue instead of settling it with diplomacy, then it should better prepare itself to how the international community will respond to the actions it is taking - a response that might affect the 'Taiwan dream' of state recognition.

Well, Ma is not a hot head. He is a poor diplomat for gambling away all his chips so fast. However, I believe the Taiwan investigation team has been rebuffed by the PH Dept. of Justice, which is obviously disingenuous.

Ma's rating has nothing to do with anything, but distraction created by Aguino and the PH State Dept. However, that is not to say he doesn't want to please his people. If anyone is a hothead, it is probably the Taiwanese public at large, who usually are pretty hot-headed not understanding the bigger picture.

This is nonsense. How can you say spraying of bullets (strafing) is unintentional? it was bordering an intentional act if not wantonly depraved. that's like throwing a bomb but misses the target and instead killing the guy standing next to the target. Can you claim unintentional then?

Taiwan is at a point of no return. I think it's time for the PH government to stop apologizing and start producing the video tape and other evidence to prove "Self-Defense" Also, allow a joint investigation with Taiwan to demonstrate to the world its innocence. That is what everyone wants. If the PCG did act in self-defense, then Taiwanese people surely would look like morons then.
MECO chief blames Taiwan media for worsening tensions
(philstar.com) | Updated May 18, 2013


MANILA, Philippines - There seems to be a hate campaign against Filipinos by Taiwanese media, the Philippines' top representative to Taipei said Saturday.

"Emotions run high in Taiwan. Parang may hate campaign ang media against Filipinos," Manila Economic and Cultural Office Chairman Amadeo Perez said in an interview over radio dzMM.

Perez said that the Taiwanese government's earlier order to freeze the hiring of Filipinos could have been a result of media releases accusing their leaders of being too lenient towards the Philippines despite the killing of a Taiwanese fisherman off Batanes province last week.

He added that the Taiwanese media has also been reporting that the Philippine government’s apology to the people of Taiwan was insincere because presidential deputy spokesperson Abigail Valte smiled when she made the public announcement three days ago.

"Lahat, tini-twist nila lahat. Ang report nga sa Taiwanese (media), sinabi nila, hindi ako tinanggap sa Ministry of Foreign Affairs e andun sila mismo paglabas ko mula sa meeting sa ambassador," he said.

Perez said that he was able to hand over President Benigno Aquino III's apology letter to Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on May 15, contrary to reports by Taiwanese media.

He said that he sent another letter of apology to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday.

Perez had confirmed reports that some Filipinos were harassed in Taiwan over the fisherman's killing. He said that at least two Filipinos were reportedly attacked with baseball bats.

Despite the attacks, the official said that the Philippines "should be patient" and wait for the incident to cool down.

PCG personnel violated rules

A report by The Philippine Star quoting an official privy to the Philippine government's investigation on the May 9 shooting of the Taiwanese fisherman, said that the Philippine Coast Guard personnel appeared to be on the defensive but may have violated rules.

“That is what the investigation has shown so far,” said the official, who declined to be named pending completion of the probe.

“While it could have been self-defense, the next questions would be: was it proper to immediately fire the shots? What are the rules of engagement?" the official said.

“Given that they acted in self-defense, is it justifiable to fire right away? What do the rules of engagement of the PCG say?” the official added.

Information gathered so far by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) showed the crew of MCS-3001, a 35-meter vessel jointly manned by the PCG and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), were preventing the Taiwanese fishermen from further entering Philippine territory. One of the foreign vessels, Guang Ta Hsin-28, threatened to ram the PCG vessel several times.

The NBI based its initial findings on the incident report submitted by the PCG and on interviews with coast guard and BFAR personnel involved, as well as ballistics testing of firearms used.

The NBI, meanwhile, presented to the media on Friday the firearms involved in the incident. The guns include eight M-16 rifles, six M-14 rifles and a machine gun.

The bureau will issue an official report next week.

MECO chief blames Taiwan media for worsening tensions | Headlines, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com
Filipino assaulted by 4 Taiwanese in Tainan
The China Post/Asia News Network
Saturday, May 18, 2013


TAIPEI, Taiwan - Police confirmed that a Philippine worker was attacked by four Taiwanese and beaten with iron sticks and baseball bats in Tainan City on May 16 following the recent heated dispute between Taiwan and the Philippines.

There have been unconfirmed reports regarding random attacks on Philippine workers in Taiwan triggered by the Philippines' responses to Taiwan's demands over the shooting of a Taiwanese fishing boat.

According to the police, a 30-year-old Philippine worker was surrounded and beaten by four Taiwanese men on May 16 when he was on his way to work.

The police said no one that the worker knows has any resentment against him, so the police suspected that it may have been a random attack.

President Ma Ying-jeou posted on his Facebook page, stating that it is the Philippine government which should be responsible for the Hung Shih-cheng shooting incident, so the public should not vent anger against Filipinos in Taiwan.

Hong Hocheng, vice chairman of the National Science Council, said that there are currently over 7,000 Philippine workers employed in the three major science parks in Taiwan, and based on basic human rights, employers should not discriminate against Philippine workers.

"If Taiwanese people do not wish our fishermen to be insulted," Hocheng said, "then Taiwanese should not mistreat innocent Philippine workers in Taiwan."

Hsia Hsiao-chuan, the head of Shih-Hsin University's Graduate Institute for social Transformation Studies, said that Philippine nationals are also victims under the incompetent leadership of the Philippine government.

"The Philippine government does not equal Philippine nationals," Hsia said, "and the Taiwanese government should step out and stop the public from venting their anger on innocent Philippine workers."

Amid intense public anger over the fatal shooting of the Taiwanese fisherman, the government has introduced a second wave of retaliatory measures, including a halting of all technology, trade, fishery and agriculture exchanges, as well as discouraging travel to the Philippines as the Philippine government appears unlikely to respond immediately to Taiwan's demands.

Filipino assaulted by 4 Taiwanese in Tainan
actually, U.S. had better be careful, b/c a wrong move can push Taiwan away as an ally, since this incident is very important to the Taiwan people.
Taiwan is part of China. But ROC did not signed UNCLOS, therefore they are not bound by it. ROC is only bound by whatever agreement she has with any other country.
All countries has to respect the territory right of another countries. But claiming an area to be undisputed when clearly another do not agree do not work in international law. The world that we lived in today respect the sovereignty of all nations. All nations could chose to abide by or not abide by any international law.
I think the ROC government has claimed sovereignty over all of "China", in a definition that includes mainland China and Outer Mongolia, as well as Taiwan and has vowed to retake the power back from the Communist soon. So China better get ready :lol:
Filipino assaulted by 4 Taiwanese in Tainan
The China Post/Asia News Network
Saturday, May 18, 2013


TAIPEI, Taiwan - Police confirmed that a Philippine worker was attacked by four Taiwanese and beaten with iron sticks and baseball bats in Tainan City on May 16 following the recent heated dispute between Taiwan and the Philippines.

There have been unconfirmed reports regarding random attacks on Philippine workers in Taiwan triggered by the Philippines' responses to Taiwan's demands over the shooting of a Taiwanese fishing boat.

According to the police, a 30-year-old Philippine worker was surrounded and beaten by four Taiwanese men on May 16 when he was on his way to work.

The police said no one that the worker knows has any resentment against him, so the police suspected that it may have been a random attack.

President Ma Ying-jeou posted on his Facebook page, stating that it is the Philippine government which should be responsible for the Hung Shih-cheng shooting incident, so the public should not vent anger against Filipinos in Taiwan.

Hong Hocheng, vice chairman of the National Science Council, said that there are currently over 7,000 Philippine workers employed in the three major science parks in Taiwan, and based on basic human rights, employers should not discriminate against Philippine workers.

"If Taiwanese people do not wish our fishermen to be insulted," Hocheng said, "then Taiwanese should not mistreat innocent Philippine workers in Taiwan."

Hsia Hsiao-chuan, the head of Shih-Hsin University's Graduate Institute for social Transformation Studies, said that Philippine nationals are also victims under the incompetent leadership of the Philippine government.

"The Philippine government does not equal Philippine nationals," Hsia said, "and the Taiwanese government should step out and stop the public from venting their anger on innocent Philippine workers."

Amid intense public anger over the fatal shooting of the Taiwanese fisherman, the government has introduced a second wave of retaliatory measures, including a halting of all technology, trade, fishery and agriculture exchanges, as well as discouraging travel to the Philippines as the Philippine government appears unlikely to respond immediately to Taiwan's demands.

Filipino assaulted by 4 Taiwanese in Tainan


MECO chief blames Taiwan media for worsening tensions
(philstar.com) | Updated May 18, 2013


MANILA, Philippines - There seems to be a hate campaign against Filipinos by Taiwanese media, the Philippines' top representative to Taipei said Saturday.

"Emotions run high in Taiwan. Parang may hate campaign ang media against Filipinos," Manila Economic and Cultural Office Chairman Amadeo Perez said in an interview over radio dzMM.

Perez said that the Taiwanese government's earlier order to freeze the hiring of Filipinos could have been a result of media releases accusing their leaders of being too lenient towards the Philippines despite the killing of a Taiwanese fisherman off Batanes province last week.

He added that the Taiwanese media has also been reporting that the Philippine government’s apology to the people of Taiwan was insincere because presidential deputy spokesperson Abigail Valte smiled when she made the public announcement three days ago.

"Lahat, tini-twist nila lahat. Ang report nga sa Taiwanese (media), sinabi nila, hindi ako tinanggap sa Ministry of Foreign Affairs e andun sila mismo paglabas ko mula sa meeting sa ambassador," he said.

Perez said that he was able to hand over President Benigno Aquino III's apology letter to Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on May 15, contrary to reports by Taiwanese media.

He said that he sent another letter of apology to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday.

Perez had confirmed reports that some Filipinos were harassed in Taiwan over the fisherman's killing. He said that at least two Filipinos were reportedly attacked with baseball bats.

Despite the attacks, the official said that the Philippines "should be patient" and wait for the incident to cool down.

PCG personnel violated rules

A report by The Philippine Star quoting an official privy to the Philippine government's investigation on the May 9 shooting of the Taiwanese fisherman, said that the Philippine Coast Guard personnel appeared to be on the defensive but may have violated rules.

“That is what the investigation has shown so far,” said the official, who declined to be named pending completion of the probe.

“While it could have been self-defense, the next questions would be: was it proper to immediately fire the shots? What are the rules of engagement?" the official said.

“Given that they acted in self-defense, is it justifiable to fire right away? What do the rules of engagement of the PCG say?” the official added.

Information gathered so far by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) showed the crew of MCS-3001, a 35-meter vessel jointly manned by the PCG and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), were preventing the Taiwanese fishermen from further entering Philippine territory. One of the foreign vessels, Guang Ta Hsin-28, threatened to ram the PCG vessel several times.

The NBI based its initial findings on the incident report submitted by the PCG and on interviews with coast guard and BFAR personnel involved, as well as ballistics testing of firearms used.

The NBI, meanwhile, presented to the media on Friday the firearms involved in the incident. The guns include eight M-16 rifles, six M-14 rifles and a machine gun.

The bureau will issue an official report next week.

MECO chief blames Taiwan media for worsening tensions | Headlines, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com

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