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Russia would not tolerate second Israeli attack, says Putin

Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom
[Mehr News Agency]

TEHRAN, May 8 (MNA) – President Vladimir Putin has warned Russia would not tolerate further Israeli attacks on Damascus and would respond, ‘DEBKAfile’ reported.

During a phone call to Benyamin Netanyahu, Vladimir Putin condemned the Zionist regime's airstrike on Syria. In a harsh rhetoric Putin told Netanyahu that he would not tolerate any Israeli attacks on Damascus, ‘DEBKAfile’ reported.

Russian President also warned Netanyahu and the US against any military attack to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad. He advised the prime minister to make sure to keep that in mind. According to the Zionist sources, Benjamin Netanyahu is visiting China.

Vladimir Putin said that Russia would not tolerate another attack on Syria, and we will respond to any attack. Russian President without reference to how Russia's response to possible Israeli attacks continued: “he has ordered the acceleration of sending advanced military equipment to Syria.”

The Zionist media claimed that Russia might have been planning to send the advanced S300 anti-aircraft systems, and 9K720 Iskander missile system, capable of carrying nuclear warheads, to Syria. During this phone call to Netanyahu, the Russian leader made no bones about his determination not to permit the US, Israel or any other regional force (e.g. Turkey and Qatar) overthrow President Bashar al-Assad.
Russia's hardly doing anything to stop the war that's going on in Syria atm.
I was waiting for this to happen....and here it is :yay: Only Russia and China can leash Izzraeel. Russia and China have strongly been supporting Asad regime....they wont allow izzrael to put a wedge into their plans.
Russia's hardly doing anything to stop the war that's going on in Syria atm.

russia not gonna do anything... Its just a another mouth war

@Syrian Lion

Syria is only close ally of Russia in the middle-east , hence I won't underestimate Russian warning as mere lip service.

US to arm Syrian rebels: Putin

Negative diplomatic ricochets are pursuing Israel in the aftermath of its air force attacks on Syria. In the first place, they are seen to have had no effect on Hizballah’s successful military intervention on the side of the Assad regime or the Syrian war at large. In the second, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, while in Shanghai, was given a sharp dressing-down by President Vladimir Putin Monday, May 6, a warning that Russia would not tolerate further Israeli attacks on Damascus and would respond.

Putin did not say how, but he did announce he had ordered the acceleration of highly advanced Russian weapons supplies to Syria.
debkafile’s military sources disclose that the Russian leader was referring to S-300 anti-air systems and the nuclear-capable 9K720 Iskander (NATO named SS-26 Stone) surface missiles, which are precise enough to hit a target within a 5-7 meter radius at a distance of 280 kilometers.
In his phone call to Netanyahu, the Russian leader made no bones about his determination not to permit the US, Israel or any other regional force (e.g. Turkey and Qatar) overthrow President Bashar Assad. He advised the prime minister to make sure to keep this in mind.Since Syrian air defense teams have already trained in Russia on the handling of the S-300 interceptor batteries, they can go into service as soon as they are landed by one of Russia’s daily airlifts to Syria. Russian air defense officials will supervise their deployment and prepare them for operation.

Moscow is retaliating not just for Israel’s air operations against Syria but in anticipation of the Obama administration’s impending decision to send the first US arms shipments to the Syrian rebels.

That the measure was in the works was signified by the introduction Monday by Bob Menendez, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, of legislation allowing the US to provide arms and military training to the Syrian rebels,

US military instructors have been working with Syrian rebels at training camps in Jordan and Turkey for some months. So putting the arms in their hands only awaited a decision in Washington.

Putin’s message to Netanyahu was intended to reach a wider audience than Jerusalem, such as Barack Obama in Washington and President Xi Jinping in Beijing ahead of Netanyahu’s talks there Tuesday.
Therefore, when US Secretary of State John Kerry landed in Moscow that day, in an attempt “bridge the divide” between their governments on the Syria conflict, he was preceded by a barrage of Russian condemnation of the Israeli air strikes in Damascus “as a threat to regional stability,” a stiff warning from the Russian foreign ministry to the “West” to stop “politicizing the issue of chemical weapons in Syria,” and Moscow’s “concern that world public opinion was being prepared for possible foreign military intervention.”

In other words, the Russian leader rejected in advance and with both hands any attempt by the US to use the Israeli air strikes as leverage for a deal with Moscow for ending the Syrian war. US weapons supplies to the rebels would furthermore be matched by stepped-up arms supplies to the Assad regime, which Putin is totally committed to preserving.
Kerry planned back-to-back meetings Tuesday with Russian officials focusing mainly on Syria but also covering the Russian angle on the Boston bombings, and hoped-for cooperation on the Iranian and North Korean nuclear issues.
The Chinese government’s cold shoulder to Israel was exhibited less directly that Moscow’s but no less firmly. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas was invited to visit Beijing and meet President Xi two days before the prime arrived in the Chinese capital Tuesday to begin the official part of his visit. The Chinese president unveiled his peace plan before meeting the Israeli prime minister.

This plan emphasizes, as the key to a settlement, the Palestinian right to a state on the basis of 1967 borders with east Jerusalem as its capital. It also adopts Abbas’s preconditions for talks, including a stop to settlement activities, an end of the Gaza blockade and “proper handling” of the Palestinian prisoners issue.
Clearly, Prime Minister Netanyahu would have been wiser to postpone his Chinese visit instead of taking off while Israeli air force blasts will still reverberating in Damascus. By staying at home, he would have displayed a firmer and steadier hand at the helm.
And after taking off, he would have done well not to linger for two days in Shanghai first. This gave the Russian leader the chance to catch him wrong-footed and administer a strong, publicized rebuke, so bearing down on the agenda of Netanyahu’s forthcoming talks with Chinese leaders.
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i dnt think russia will involve itself in the wars of mliddle east..and it cannot go against a single country if it want to..thats going to get messy and once it entered it would be difficult for it to step back..not to mention another cold war like scenario
What bs news,i dont believe Putin would have said this.
Even if,theres nothing Russia can and will do.
Its like Iran saying;
Attack on Syria is an attack on Iran.
I was waiting for this to happen....and here it is :yay: Only Russia and China can leash Izzraeel. Russia and China have strongly been supporting Asad regime....they wont allow izzrael to put a wedge into their plans.


Russia and China have extremely good relation with Israel. Your wet dream would never come through.
Russia and China have extremely good relation with Israel. Your wet dream would never come through.
I wouldn't really call them extremely good ,but rather strong. Remember that Russia and China -as well as India- supports the Palestinians more than the Western countries combined :D
Yes, I agree. I don't think Russia and China are interested in escalating the situation any further. Same goes with India by the way. If you fallow the Indian Ambassdor to the UN, you will see that India never liked the idea of escalating the situation in Syria internally i.e. the presences of insurgencies and rebels ,let alone a regional tension.
Sending S-300 would not help Syria by too much. On the contrary, when the rebels finally down the Assad regime, it might be turned over to the USA which can then induct it in its 'Red Force'.
selvan33 said:
I think sending S 300 and ISKANDER systems would make israel and US to think before launching strikes over Syria in the future.

Sending S-300 would not help Syria by too much. On the contrary, when the rebels finally down the Assad regime, it might be turned over to the USA which can then induct it in its 'Red Force'.

Syria already has the S-300 and iirc Iskander too. The S-300 could have been studied from Greek stocks, no need for Syrian ones.

I wouldn't really call them extremely good ,but rather strong. Remember that Russia and China -as well as India- supports the Palestinians more than the Western countries combined :D

lol, so how many billions have those three sent to the Palestinians?

Since February 2008, €1.44 billion have been disbursed through the PEGASE Direct Financial Support programmes. In addition, the EU has provided assistance to the Palestinian people through UNRWA and a wide range of cooperation projects.



EU pays for Palestinian civil servants and welfare state and you babble here about how noone is helping them...please.....but then again, not surprising you wouldn't know what you are talking about.
I was waiting for this to happen....and here it is :yay: Only Russia and China can leash Izzraeel. Russia and China have strongly been supporting Asad regime....they wont allow izzrael to put a wedge into their plans.

I am afraid not. China, will only support Syria in international meetings at UN or elsewhere. No financial or material support.
On the other hand, Russia had been a firebrand supporter of Syria and i am quite disappointed with Russian stances in recent times. The west is taking Russia for a ride, knowing its no Soviet Union anymore.,
So if Russia bases a few fighter jets "really" on syrian soil, then it would send a strong message. But honestly, even after the 1st attack, nothing is happening,
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