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Israel shots down another Hezbollah drone


Ships are searching for a wreckage.


Aren't those UAVs made of non-metal components that can't be detected by radars? And doesn't it have a small RCS that make it's detection from long distances harder?
The engine must be metal anyway. Overall the RCS of such UAV is small (about 0.1 m2) but nothing exceptional for modern radars.
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Your welcome to Pakistan (if u have a british passport and u dont work for mossad.:lol:) and be my guest..

Thanks bro. I have a British passport, but my name is Israeli. A dead give-away. I do not feel safe travelling in some countries because of it. Although in appearance I can blend in with my dark hair and middle eastern appearance - my name is a give away.

I may as well be called Moshe Israel. :lol:

Anyway, sorry for hijacking your thread 500. :)
Assad is not going to lose any time soon, even if rebels take Damascus Assad can move to Latakie and the cost region(which is the alavi stronghold) also Hezbollah is pretty strong in Lebanon and for now no one can challenge it.

I am saddened to see that my shia brothers are slaughtered daily in Syria,Iraq and Pakistan,I am also saddened to see that ordinary Sunnis are to killed in this senseless war after all we are all muslim and muslim are supposed to be brothers most Iranians doesn't care if anyone is Sunni or Shia it doesn't matter for us even if someone is not a muslim it is not that important.

Imam Ali in his letter to malek ashtar said that be kind to every one and love them because there are two groups of people, some of them are your religious brothers and others are from the same creation as you are.

But Saudis with their support of dogmatic and unbending Salafis with their stiff and uncompromising interpretation if Islam who even consider Shias to be heretics are fueling this idiotic sectarian hatred and helping the true enemy of muslims and indigenous people of middle east.

That's Exactly we want Just Keep killing each other, Finally Assad would go down along with Hezbollah and Iran will be a begget Looser and it would take Decades for Syria to get up on its knees.... Who's the Winner here? I graduated today and having Beer Right now Care to Join?
sorry to ruin your party, Hezbollah denied sending a drone.
Lebanon’s Hezbollah denies sending drone over Israel

Ya i just read it too... Isn't Hezbollah man Enough to Accept...?

Deputy Defense Min.: We'll Retaliate for UAV
"There will be an Israeli reaction," said Danny Danon. "We've seen Israel's ability to deter Hizbullah."
AAFont Size
By Gil Ronen
First Publish: 4/25/2013, 6:31 PM

MK Danny Danon
MK Danny Danon
Flash 90

Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon promised Thursday that Israel would retaliate for the UAV flight into Israeli airspace Thursday, assumed to be a Hizbullah operation.

"There will be an Israeli reaction," said Danon on IDF Radio. "We have seen our ability to deter Hizbullah," he added.

"We still see Hizbullah's leaders hiding in the shelters and not daring to travel around Lebanon," he noted.

Danon said that while Israel would continue to deter Hizbullah, there will probably be similar attempts to enter Israeli airspace on both the northern and southern borders.
sorry to ruin your party, Hezbollah denied sending a drone.
Lebanon’s Hezbollah denies sending drone over Israel

Doesn't matter, just like when in August 2011 Egyptians who just got out of jail attacked Israel and Israel right away without providing evidence it originated from Gaza bombed Gaza and killed 7 Palestinians while they claimed they were responsible. But a couple days later after the media flooded its news with that lie the Israeli army said they never claimed it came from Gaza. But yet they took action against Gaza because they are deceivers and liars who wanted an excuse to kill Palestinians. But the European and American media are quick to take what Israeli officials say as fact.

Btw, if people think I'm lying here it is:


The Real News Network’s Lia Tarachansky asked IDF Spokesperson Lt. Colonel Avital Leibovitz for evidence that the PRC was, indeed, responsible for the Eilat terror attack. Liebovitz responded that the Israel “did not say that this group was responsible for the terror attack.” This quote distanced the IDF spokesperson from the public statements Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made on the evening of the attack placing clear responsibility on the PRC. Backtracking in the interview, Liebovitz said,

We did not say that this group was responsible for the terror attack. We based this on intelligence information as well as some facts that [we] actually presented an hour ago to some wires and journalists. Some of the findings that were from the bodies of the terrorists, and they are using, for example, Kalashnikov bullets and Kalashnikov rifles [which] are very common in Gaza.


In response to this quote, Paul Woodward at War in Context responded “So, the IDF says it “knows” the gunmen came from Gaza because they were using Kalashnikovs. That’s about as logical as saying they know they came from Gaza because they appeared to be Arabs.”

Why are you guys so eager to see Hezbollah eliminated? Their existence is the only thing preventing the Zionist land-grabbers from expanding into Lebanon.

Because they are tools for Iranian expansion. Arabs want their land free from everyone Iranians and Jews. However Jews have lived among Arabs for years and are fellow Semites. Iranians are a completely different central Asian race.

Thats my conjecture.
Ya i just read it too... Isn't Hezbollah man Enough to Accept...?

Deputy Defense Min.: We'll Retaliate for UAV
"There will be an Israeli reaction," said Danny Danon. "We've seen Israel's ability to deter Hizbullah."
AAFont Size
By Gil Ronen
First Publish: 4/25/2013, 6:31 PM

MK Danny Danon
MK Danny Danon
Flash 90

Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon promised Thursday that Israel would retaliate for the UAV flight into Israeli airspace Thursday, assumed to be a Hizbullah operation.

"There will be an Israeli reaction," said Danon on IDF Radio. "We have seen our ability to deter Hizbullah," he added.

"We still see Hizbullah's leaders hiding in the shelters and not daring to travel around Lebanon," he noted.

Danon said that while Israel would continue to deter Hizbullah, there will probably be similar attempts to enter Israeli airspace on both the northern and southern borders.
Hezbollah is the only man in the Lebanon. even Israelis trust seyyed hasan nasrollah more than their government, cause no one has heard a lie from him.
If they do some thing, they announce it proudly.

this is Israel who is violating Lebanon air space rapidly, so even if Hezbollah do the same thing, Israel has no right to complain about it. for now they are just barking and wont dare to do anything.
Why are you guys so eager to see Hezbollah eliminated? Their existence is the only thing preventing the Zionist land-grabbers from expanding into Lebanon.

Hezbollah Is a Terrorist Organization and should be finished....Why are you fighting in Afghanistan against Talibans, if talibans are done you can steal more oil or occupy their land? ya you Occupied the land But can you stand free?

And Israel never stole Lebanon's land... Lebanon war happened only to Drive away the Hezbollah and Keep the Lebanese forces under Govrn....Which was Successful, and Israel came back after Finishing its Goals.
Because they are tools for Iranian expansion. Arabs want their land free from everyone Iranians and Jews. However Jews have lived among Arabs for years and are fellow Semites. Iranians are a completely different central Asian race.

Thats my conjecture.

I believe you may be right, and there may also be the pervasive sectarian undertones I.E. Shia-Sunni.

However, I always thought that the Muslim world would disregard those difference and unite when it came to dealing with Israel.
Why are you guys so eager to see Hezbollah eliminated? Their existence is the only thing preventing the Zionist land-grabbers from expanding into Lebanon.
he is either an Internet warrior working for Mossad, or an agent from GCC dictators. spreading sectarian BS is his only job. just ignore him.
Hezbollah is the only man in the Lebanon. even Israelis trust seyyed hasan nasrollah more than their government, cause no one has heard a lie from him.
If they do some thing, they announce it proudly.

this is Israel who is violating Lebanon air space rapidly, so even if Hezbollah do the same thing, Israel has no right to complain about it. for now they are just barking and wont dare to do anything.

Not anymore man, Common Lebanese are Sick of those Hezbollah Members now...and now Hezbollah is standing with Assad which makes Lebanese to hate them most...

Lebanese Youth Sign Up for 'Jihad' Against Hizbullah
Lebanese youth have begun to sign up for “armed Jihad in Syria” against Hizbullah terrorists helping Assad.
AAFont Size
By Elad Benari
First Publish: 4/25/2013, 6:12 AM

Hizbullah flag
Hizbullah flag
AFP photo

Lebanese youth from the city of Saida, south of Beirut, began on Wednesday to sign up for “armed Jihad in Syria”, Al Arabiya reported.

The youth were responding to a call a day earlier by Sunni cleric Ahmad Assir, who called on Lebanese youth to fight the Hizbullah terrorist group.

Individuals in charge of enlisting the youth told Al Arabiya that “hundreds” have signed up so far and that the number is expected to reach thousands.

On Tuesday, Sheikh Assir lashed out at Hizbullah for helping Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces fight the predominately Sunni opposition in the country.

Sheikh Assir had announced the formation of “Free Resistance Brigades” to go fight Hizbullah in Syria.

In an interview with Al Arabiya, Assir said his call came in response to “Hizbullah’s continued role in the persecution of Sunni Muslims in Syria.”

He said it was a “a religious duty” for his Sunni followers to join the fight against Hizbullah and the Syrian regime.

Assir slammed the Lebanese government for not being able to prevent Hizbullah from interfering in Syria.

Reports in a Saudi daily last week indicated that over 1,000 Hizbullah members had entered Syria over a period of a few days via waterways in the Mediterranean Sea.

The daily quoted sources as having said that the regime in Damascus "is resorting to the aid of fighters from Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan, which implies that the Syrian recruits' desire to fight alongside the regime is decreasing."

Several months ago, Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah publicly offered to place his terrorists at Assad’s disposal.

Syria's opposition warned this week that Hizbullah’s role in fighting in Homs province amounts to a "declaration of war," while the terrorist group said it is merely protecting Lebanese people.

Analysts told AFP on Wednesday that Hizbullah’s decision to fight openly alongside the Syrian regime will increase Lebanon's involvement in Syria's conflict, despite a policy of neutrality.

Despite the inflaming tensions, however, the country is unlikely to face serious instability as a result, because none of its political forces have an interest in such a scenario for now, the analysts added.

"Hizbullah’s public involvement is no longer the world's worst-kept secret, and now we are in a crisis where the Lebanese are not only politically divided... but also militarily divided," Ghassan al-Azzi, a professor of political science at the Lebanese University, told AFP.

"Hizbullah’s involvement in the Syrian crisis now involves all of Lebanon because we've heard from the other side calls to fight jihad alongside the opposition to the Syrian regime," he added, referring to Lebanon's Sunni community.

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